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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2G scam is not a scam

2G scam is not a scam

There has been so much noise in media and witch hunting by NDA/BJP that the real issues of this episode is side tracked and overlooked.

1. Charges of low fees:I dont agree at all about low charges allegations.Why the government should recklessly tax people.Since UPA first came to power under Sonia -Man Mohan duo they have been arrogantly and brainlessly taxing the country for their own enjoyment,wastage of money and fraudulent schemes.The direct result is uncontrollable price rise in economy which this foolish government is trying to moderate by outdated and cosmetic acts like 1/2 % interest rate changes.It no more works in modern economies which are based on private sector and complex financial systems in place.
RBI has failed already in last 5 changes and will fail again.Raising liquidity and demand of goods withoiut supply side management is main cause of price rise.Second is loot and greed uncontrolled in nma eo liberalisation.

GOI has no right to charge exorbitant fees for issuing paper certificates called licenses to operators for which GOI has hardly any actual role to play.This is indirect taxation on country and will come back to consumers finally raising mobile charges in country.

Hence the allegation in media that low fees were charged is dismissed as a nonsense.Keep taxes low in country and control black money generation including bribes.

2. Resale of licence by operators at huge profits: Was Raja and so many jokers in administration and those who hang IAS and IES plates around their becks were sleeping when designing this scheme? Why non transfer clause was not put in the license? Why a share of fee to government for transfer not put in conditions after a moratorium period of 7 years? In many government schemes and permits such clauses are put? If party does not implement in a time frame license can lapse.This is the actual point of investigation.Did MM Singh and Raja deliberately skipped this clause? So as to alow grey market resale?

3.Out of turn issue and bribes: This is the only issue that is in this scam. It should be properly investigated if Raja and others were involved in taking bribes for issuing licence.If this is the case not only Raja should be sent to jail,publicly flogged in Delhi and his ill gotten money recovered, but all those involved should be severely punished
I think this is sufficient ground for MM Singh to resign as he is stubbornly glued to PM chair despite his continuous and devastating failures since last 7 years.
He is not only failure in this but everything including price rise control of which he himself is the architect.Neem Hakeem khatre jaan.
A paper expert and ex bureaucrat without any status,vision and political base was expected to fail.He is dummy PM and only self seeking.He is unethially covering filth of UPA crooks.

Just throw this corrupt and impotent failed UPA government(congress) out of power for all times to come.The damage they have caused to country cannnot be fully undone now.

Prof R K Gupta

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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