From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:59 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Items: Reagan brought down the Soviet Union. Ahmadinejad just made a crack that will bring the Global Money Power Conspiracy crashing down.
Ex-BBIC Alan Hart on Current Issues TV: Israel may have been involved in 9/11
New Scientific Evidence Undermines Afghanistan War
September 9, 2010, Reuters
On the eve of the 9th anniversary of 9/11, support for the war in Afghanistan took a serious blow today. Simultaneous press conferences were held in New York and Los Angeles to present startling new information refuting the official 9/11 narrative, used to justify the war. Also announced were three major professional groups which have joined the worldwide, and ever-growing, "9/11 Truth Movement." Representatives of "Scientists for 9/11 Truth," "U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth" and "Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth" presented their findings and unveiled their eye-opening websites. Each non-profit group has launched a petition calling for a new, transparent investigation. In NY, representing "Scientists," Professor Niels Harrit said, "The official account put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry." In LA, physics teacher David Chandler discussed the swift destruction of the WTC towers, including Building 7, the little-known third tower. Having demonstrated its free fall, he confronted the US government agency NIST with his analyses and forced NIST to revise its November 2008 Final Report on WTC 7. NIST's Draft Report had claimed free fall was impossible but NIST ultimately acknowledged WTC 7 was in absolute free fall for over two seconds. Concluded Chandler, "Free fall is physically impossible without explosives." In LA, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development Lt. Col. Robert Bowman stated, "9/11 has been an excuse to use our brave young troops as cannon fodder in unjust wars of aggression."
Joint press conference:
Image painted by Western Media about Israel is completely false: example: UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis "Executed" Teenage US Citizen Furkan Dogan on Peace Flotilla
What do these American leaders have in common?
What about these?
Hint: This man failed to make the list by a matter of a few inches from his heart:
Hint 2: George Herbert Walker Bush was only a heartbeat away from his job.
All politicians stand for something.
Men of the people stand in the way of something - and often pay the price.
Blackwater's Black Ops: Blackwater Paid Me to Buy Steroids and Weapons on Black Market for its Shooters; Blackwater's cocaine business and random shooting at Iraqi civilians
28 September A.D. 2010
There likely already exists an exhaustive list of locations that have no
extradition treaty with "United States." It's interesting that one such
location is Abu Dhabi, and it's interesting that Erik Prince, the
owner/CEO of Blackwater, now Xe (watch for more name changes as they try
to distance themselves from the charges against them), now lives in Abu
Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas
Article by Jeremy Scahill:
Blackwater's Black Ops
Jeremy Scahill
September 15, 2010
Over the past several years, entities closely linked to the private
security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and
security services to US and foreign governments as well as several
multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney
Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank
and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation.
Blackwater's work for corporations and government agencies was
contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater's owner and founder,
Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research
Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in
internal company documents, which show how the web of companies
functions as a highly coordinated operation. Officials from Total
Intelligence, TRC and Blackwater (which now calls itself Xe Services)
did not respond to numerous requests for comment for this article.
US Businessman: Blackwater Paid Me to Buy Steroids and Weapons on Black
Market for its Shooters (Blackwater, Iraqi Reconstruction and
Occupation, War Profiteering)
The businessman also alleges he witnessed Blackwater's cocaine- and
hashish-laced "frat parties gone wild" and random shooting at Iraqi
Jeremy Scahill
One of the most incendiary details in the documents is that Blackwater,
through Total Intelligence, sought to become the "intel arm" of
Monsanto, offering to provide operatives to infiltrate activist groups
organizing against the multinational biotech firm.
Governmental recipients of intelligence services and counterterrorism
training from Prince's companies include the Kingdom of Jordan, the
Canadian military and the Netherlands police, as well as several US
military bases, including Fort Bragg, home of the elite Joint Special
Operations Command (JSOC), and Fort Huachuca, where military
interrogators are trained, according to the documents. In addition,
Blackwater worked through the companies for the Defense Intelligence
Agency, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the US European Command.
On September 3 the New York Times reported that Blackwater had "created
a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain
millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security
company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq." The
documents obtained by The Nation reveal previously unreported details of
several such companies and open a rare window into the sensitive
intelligence and security operations Blackwater performs for a range of
powerful corporations and government agencies. The new evidence also
sheds light on the key roles of several former top CIA officials who
went on to work for Blackwater.
The coordinator of Blackwater's covert CIA business, former CIA
paramilitary officer Enrique "Ric" Prado, set up a global network of
foreign operatives, offering their "deniability" as a "big plus" for
potential Blackwater customers, according to company documents. The CIA
has long used proxy forces to carry out extralegal actions or to shield
US government involvement in unsavory operations from scrutiny. In some
cases, these "deniable" foreign forces don't even know who they are
working for. Prado and Prince built up a network of such foreigners
while Blackwater was at the center of the CIA's assassination program,
beginning in 2004. They trained special missions units at one of
Prince's properties in Virginia with the intent of hunting terrorism
suspects globally, often working with foreign operatives. A former
senior CIA official said the benefit of using Blackwater's foreign
operatives in CIA operations was that "you wouldn't want to have
American fingerprints on it."
While the network was originally established for use in CIA operations,
documents show that Prado viewed it as potentially valuable to other
government agencies. In an e-mail in October 2007 with the subject line
"Possible Opportunity in DEA—Read and Delete," Prado wrote to a Total
Intelligence executive with a pitch for the Drug Enforcement
Administration. That executive was an eighteen-year DEA veteran with
extensive government connections who had recently joined the firm. Prado
explained that Blackwater had developed "a rapidly growing, worldwide
network of folks that can do everything from surveillance to ground
truth to disruption operations." He added, "These are all foreign
nationals (except for a few cases where US persons are the conduit but
no longer 'play' on the street), so deniability is built in and should
be a big plus."
The executive wrote back and suggested there "may be an interest" in
those services. The executive suggested that "one of the best places to
start may be the Special Operations Division, (SOD) which is located in
Chantilly, VA," telling Prado the name of the special agent in charge.
The SOD is a secretive joint command within the Justice Department, run
by the DEA. It serves as the command-and-control center for some of the
most sensitive counternarcotics and law enforcement operations conducted
by federal forces. The executive also told Prado that US attachés in
Mexico; Bogotá, Colombia; and Bangkok, Thailand, would potentially be
interested in Prado's network. Whether this network was activated, and
for what customers, cannot be confirmed. A former Blackwater employee
who worked on the company's CIA program declined to comment on Prado's
work for the company, citing its classified status.
In November 2007 officials from Prince's companies developed a pricing
structure for security and intelligence services for private companies
and wealthy individuals. One official wrote that Prado had the capacity
to "develop infrastructures" and "conduct ground-truth and security
activities." According to the pricing chart, potential customers could
hire Prado and other Blackwater officials to operate in the United
States and globally: in Latin America, North Africa, francophone
countries, the Middle East, Europe, China, Russia, Japan, and Central
and Southeast Asia. A four-man team headed by Prado for
countersurveillance in the United States cost $33,600 weekly, while
"safehouses" could be established for $250,000, plus operational costs.
Identical services were offered globally. For $5,000 a day, clients
could hire Prado or former senior CIA officials Cofer Black and Robert
Richer for "representation" to national "decision-makers." Before
joining Blackwater, Black, a twenty-eight-year CIA veteran, ran the
agency's counterterrorism center, while Richer was the agency's deputy
director of operations. (Neither Black nor Richer currently works for
the company.)
As Blackwater became embroiled in controversy following the Nisour
Square massacre, Prado set up his own company, Constellation Consulting
Group (CCG), apparently taking some of Blackwater's covert CIA work with
him, though he maintained close ties to his former employer. In an
e-mail to a Total Intelligence executive in February 2008, Prado wrote
that he "recently had major success in developing capabilities in Mali
[Africa] that are of extreme interest to our major sponsor and which
will soon launch a substantial effort via my small shop." He requested
Total Intelligence's help in analyzing the "North Mali/Niger terrorist
In October 2009 Blackwater executives faced a crisis when they could not
account for their government-issued Secure Telephone Unit, which is used
by the CIA, the National Security Agency and other military and
intelligence services for secure communications. A flurry of e-mails
were sent around as personnel from various Blackwater entities tried to
locate the device. One former Blackwater official wrote that because he
had left the company it was "not really my problem," while another
declared, "I have no 'dog in this fight.'" Eventually, Prado stepped in,
e-mailing the Blackwater officials to "pass my number" to the "OGA POC,"
meaning the Other Government Agency (parlance for CIA) Point of Contact.
What relationship Prado's CCG has with the CIA is not known. An early
version of his company's website boasted that "CCG professionals have
already conducted operations on five continents, and have proven their
ability to meet the most demanding client needs" and that the company
has the "ability to manage highly-classified contracts." CCG, the site
said, "is uniquely positioned to deliver services that no other company
can, and can deliver results in the most remote areas with little or no
outside support." Among the services advertised were "Intelligence and
Counter-Intelligence (human and electronic), Unconventional Military
Operations, Counterdrug Operations, Aviation Services, Competitive
Intelligence, Denied Area Access...and Paramilitary Training."
The Nation has previously reported on Blackwater's work for the CIA and
JSOC in Pakistan. New documents reveal a history of activity relating to
Pakistan by Blackwater. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
worked with the company when she returned to Pakistan to campaign for
the 2008 elections, according to the documents. In October 2007, when
media reports emerged that Bhutto had hired "American security," senior
Blackwater official Robert Richer wrote to company executives, "We need
to watch this carefully from a number of angles. If our name surfaces,
the Pakistani press reaction will be very important. How that plays
through the Muslim world will also need tracking." Richer wrote that "we
should be prepared to [sic] a communique from an affiliate of Al-Qaida
if our name surfaces (BW). That will impact the security profile."
Clearly a word is missing in the e-mail or there is a typo that leaves
unclear what Richer meant when he mentioned the Al Qaeda communiqué.
Bhutto was assassinated two months later. Blackwater officials
subsequently scheduled a meeting with her family representatives in
Washington, in January 2008.
Through Total Intelligence and the Terrorism Research Center, Blackwater
also did business with a range of multinational corporations. According
to internal Total Intelligence communications, biotech giant
Monsanto—the world's largest supplier of genetically modified
seeds—hired the firm in 2008–09. The relationship between the two
companies appears to have been solidified in January 2008 when Total
Intelligence chair Cofer Black traveled to Zurich to meet with Kevin
Wilson, Monsanto's security manager for global issues.
After the meeting in Zurich, Black sent an e-mail to other Blackwater
executives, including to Prince and Prado at their Blackwater e-mail
addresses. Black wrote that Wilson "understands that we can span
collection from internet, to reach out, to boots on the ground on legit
basis protecting the Monsanto [brand] name.... Ahead of the curve info
and insight/heads up is what he is looking for." Black added that Total
Intelligence "would develop into acting as intel arm of Monsanto." Black
also noted that Monsanto was concerned about animal rights activists and
that they discussed how Blackwater "could have our person(s) actually
join [activist] group(s) legally." Black wrote that initial payments to
Total Intelligence would be paid out of Monsanto's "generous protection
budget" but would eventually become a line item in the company's annual
budget. He estimated the potential payments to Total Intelligence at
between $100,000 and $500,000. According to documents, Monsanto paid
Total Intelligence $127,000 in 2008 and $105,000 in 2009.
Reached by telephone and asked about the meeting with Black in Zurich,
Monsanto's Wilson initially said, "I'm not going to discuss it with
you." In a subsequent e-mail to The Nation, Wilson confirmed he met
Black in Zurich and that Monsanto hired Total Intelligence in 2008 and
worked with the company until early 2010. He denied that he and Black
discussed infiltrating animal rights groups, stating "there was no such
discussion." He claimed that Total Intelligence only provided Monsanto
"with reports about the activities of groups or individuals that could
pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which
were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly
available information. The subject matter ranged from information
regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America
to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites." Wilson asserted
that Black told him Total Intelligence was "a completely separate entity
from Blackwater."
Monsanto was hardly the only powerful corporation to enlist the services
of Blackwater's constellation of companies. The Walt Disney Company
hired Total Intelligence and TRC to do a "threat assessment" for
potential film shoot locations in Morocco, with former CIA officials
Black and Richer reaching out to their former Moroccan intel
counterparts for information. The job provided a "good chance to impress
Disney," one company executive wrote. How impressed Disney was is not
clear; in 2009 the company paid Total Intelligence just $24,000.
Total Intelligence and TRC also provided intelligence assessments on
China to Deutsche Bank. "The Chinese technical counterintelligence
threat is one of the highest in the world," a TRC analyst wrote, adding,
"Many four and five star hotel rooms and restaurants are live-monitored
with both audio and video" by Chinese intelligence. He also said that
computers, PDAs and other electronic devices left unattended in hotel
rooms could be cloned. Cellphones using the Chinese networks, the
analyst wrote, could have their microphones remotely activated, meaning
they could operate as permanent listening devices. He concluded that
Deutsche Bank reps should "bring no electronic equipment into China."
Warning of the use of female Chinese agents, the analyst wrote, "If you
don't have women coming onto you all the time at home, then you should
be suspicious if they start coming onto you when you arrive in China."
For these and other services, the bank paid Total Intelligence $70,000
in 2009.
TRC also did background checks on Libyan and Saudi businessmen for
British banking giant Barclays. In February 2008 a TRC executive
e-mailed Prado and Richer revealing that Barclays asked TRC and Total
Intelligence for background research on the top executives from the
Saudi Binladin Group (SBG) and their potential "associations/connections
with the Royal family and connections with Osama bin Ladin." In his
report, Richer wrote that SBG's chair, Bakr Mohammed bin Laden, "is well
and favorably known to both arab and western intelligence service[s]"
for cooperating in the hunt for Osama bin Laden. Another SBG executive,
Sheikh Saleh bin Laden, is described by Richer as "a very savvy
businessman" who is "committed to operating with full transparency to
Saudi's security services" and is considered "the most vehement within
the extended BL family in terms of criticizing UBL's actions and beliefs."
In August Blackwater and the State Department reached a $42 million
settlement for hundreds of violations of US export control regulations.
Among the violations cited was the unauthorized export of technical data
to the Canadian military. Meanwhile, Blackwater's dealings with
Jordanian officials are the subject of a federal criminal prosecution of
five former top Blackwater executives. The Jordanian government paid
Total Intelligence more than $1.6 million in 2009.
Some of the training Blackwater provided to Canadian military forces was
in Blackwater/TRC's "Mirror Image" course, where trainees live as a mock
Al Qaeda cell in an effort to understand the mindset and culture of
insurgents. Company literature describes it as "a classroom and field
training program designed to simulate terrorist recruitment, training,
techniques and operational tactics." Documents show that in March 2009
Blackwater/TRC spent $6,500 purchasing local tribal clothing in
Afghanistan as well as assorted "propaganda materials—posters, Pakistan
Urdu maps, etc." for Mirror Image, and another $9,500 on similar
materials this past January in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
According to internal documents, in 2009 alone the Canadian military
paid Blackwater more than $1.6 million through TRC. A Canadian military
official praised the program in a letter to the center, saying it
provided "unique and valid cultural awareness and mission specific
deployment training for our soldiers in Afghanistan," adding that it was
"a very effective and operationally current training program that is
beneficial to our mission."
This past summer Erik Prince put Blackwater up for sale and moved to Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. But he doesn't seem to be leaving the
shadowy world of security and intelligence. He says he moved to Abu
Dhabi because of its "great proximity to potential opportunities across
the entire Middle East, and great logistics," adding that it has "a
friendly business climate, low to no taxes, free trade and no out of
control trial lawyers or labor unions. It's pro-business and
opportunity." It also has no extradition treaty with the United States.
Social Credit is Mankind's Answer to Debt Slavery under inferior minds and small hearts, significant only because of inherited weath, hired brains, and a secret subculture that cheats on all the rules. We owe them NOTHING. They owe us everything they have stolen -- which is far more than all the trillions they own -- a hundred times more -- because with that wealth over the past nine decades we would have made a warless utopia beyond anything they could imagine -- that not even the scientists working for them could imagine as they too have been constrained by poverty of the criminal minds they work for.
No great political achievement is possible under debt slavery -- except one. Abolishing it and raising up a system that brings out the good that is in us. Individualism and community can only flourish together -- when each has the means of realizing all the good that is in us.
The United States is rapidly becoming the very first "post-industrial" nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial revolution. It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Tens of thousands of factories have left the United States in the past decade alone. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost in the same time period. The United States has become a nation that consumes everything in sight and yet produces increasingly little. Do you know what our biggest export is today? Waste paper. Yes, trash is the number one thing that we ship out to the rest of the world as we voraciously blow our money on whatever the rest of the world wants to sell to us. The United States has become bloated and spoiled and our economy is now just a shadow of what it once was. Once upon a time America could literally outproduce the rest of the world combined. Today that is no longer true, but Americans sure do consume more than anyone else in the world. If the deindustrialization of America continues at this current pace, what possible kind of a future are we going to be leaving to our children?
Any great nation throughout history has been great at making things. So if the United States continues to allow its manufacturing base to erode at a staggering pace how in the world can the U.S. continue to consider itself to be a great nation? We have created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world in an effort to maintain a very high standard of living, but the current state of affairs is not anywhere close to sustainable. Every single month America does into more debt and every single month America gets poorer.
So what happens when the debt bubble pops?
The deindustrialization of the United States should be a top concern for every man, woman and child in the country. But sadly, most Americans do not have any idea what is going on around them.
For people like that, take this article and print it out and hand it to them. Perhaps what they will read below will shock them badly enough to awaken them from their slumber.
The following are 19 facts about the deindustrialization of America that will blow your mind....
#1 The United States has lost approximately 42,400 factories since 2001. About 75 percent of those factories employed over 500 people when they were still in operation.
#2 Dell Inc., one of America's largest manufacturers of computers, has announced plans to dramatically expand its operations in China with an investment of over $100 billion over the next decade.
#3 Dell has announced that it will be closing its last large U.S. manufacturing facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in November. Approximately 900 jobs will be lost.
#4 In 2008, 1.2 billion cellphones were sold worldwide. So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States? Zero.
#5 According to a new study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute, if the U.S. trade deficit with China continues to increase at its current rate, the U.S. economy will lose over half a million jobs this year alone.
#6 As of the end of July, the U.S. trade deficit with China had risen 18 percent compared to the same time period a year ago.
#7 The United States has lost a total of about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs since October 2000.
#8 According to Tax Notes, between 1999 and 2008 employment at the foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies increased an astounding 30 percent to 10.1 million. During that exact same time period, U.S. employment at American multinational corporations declined 8 percent to 21.1 million.
#9 In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.
#10 Ford Motor Company recently announced the closure of a factory that produces the Ford Ranger in St. Paul, Minnesota. Approximately 750 good paying middle class jobs are going to be lost because making Ford Rangers in Minnesota does not fit in with Ford's new "global" manufacturing strategy.
#11 As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
#12 In the United States today, consumption accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Of this 70 percent, over half is spent on services.
#13 The United States has lost a whopping 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#14 In 2001, the United States ranked fourth in the world in per capita broadband Internet use. Today it ranks 15th.
#15 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.
#16 Printed circuit boards are used in tens of thousands of different products. Asia now produces 84 percent of them worldwide.
#17 The United States spends approximately $3.90 on Chinese goods for every $1 that the Chinese spend on goods from the United States.
#18 One prominent economist is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040.
#19 The U.S. Census Bureau says that 43.6 million Americans are now living in poverty and according to them that is the highest number of poor Americans in the 51 years that records have been kept.
So how many tens of thousands more factories do we need to lose before we do something about it?
How many millions more Americans are going to become unemployed before we all admit that we have a very, very serious problem on our hands?
How many more trillions of dollars are going to leave the country before we realize that we are losing wealth at a pace that is killing our economy?
How many once great manufacturing cities are going to become rotting war zones like Detroit before we understand that we are committing national economic suicide?
The deindustrialization of America is a national crisis. It needs to be treated like one.
Anti-Zionist Rabbi teaches some real history to Zionists
While the Midwest always gives us a few very good populist or "paleo-conservative" (pro-small business, non-interventionaist, anti-socialist, anti-debt) Republican congressmen, where was the GOP leadership from 2001 through 2008?
While I surely do not support the current administration and its globalist agenda, and, while I believe Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid represent a clear and present danger to the country at large, I find them no more repugnant than say, Karl Rove or Tom Delay; their personalities and intentions no less malignant than those of the neo-cons who set the overthrow of the sovereign United States into motion. I find them equally as frightening in their contempt for us, as I did Dick Cheney and his crew of fascist driven cohorts. And now you want to put the masterminds of this coup' back in control? What is it you think will change? What is it that you think these psychopaths and sociopaths are going to do to better the current crisis in our government?
How quickly and conveniently so many of you have forgotten that it was the Republicans, lead by the neo-con faction, who gave us the unconstitutional:
Patriot Acts;
John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007; a bill which gave the president the unlawful authority to:
declare anyone of us a domestic terrorist for resisting the growing tyranny of our own government;
to strip us of our citizenship without due process,
to jail us indefinitely without charges,
without notifying anyone of our whereabouts and
denying us access to legal council.
Who condoned and encouraged the illegal wiretapping and spying on American citizens for no apparent reason other than there was nothing we could do to stop it.
Who entered into unlawful civil assistance agreements with foreign nations to allow the use of their troops against us on US soil, just in case we get too upset over the loss of our freedom
Created the behemoth Homeland Security Department, a collecting of more than 21 intelligence agencies under one roof for no other purpose than protecting the Corporate Federal Government…FROM US!
The creation of Fusion centers in every state dedicated to intercepting emails, phones calls and collecting every piece of information they can on us
Creation of the FBI's Infragard ; community leaders empowered to use deadly force to protect the infrastructure in case of an emergency (strange: since we own virtually none of our infrastructure having seen large portions of it sold off to foreign investors)
The absolute deregulation and oversight of banking, housing and Wall Street largely giving these greed driven fools a license to steal…..and they did.
The militarization of our local law enforcement agencies, now all under the control HSD, and many departments now an active threat to the public.
The refusal to secure the southern border
The creation of the Security & Prosperity Partnership, the framework for the North American Union, ending our sovereignty and national identity once and for all.
WE are the focus of every bill that came down; not foreign terrorists. It was our rights that were taken away. It was the citizens of the United States who were punished for the attacks on 9/11. There isn't a foreign terrorist out there who gives a rats rear end what laws we pass regarding terrorist activities; not that we have actually passed any laws that would pertain to them. Every law passed, every right taken away, every right violated and every penalty assessed was levied against the citizens of the United States. So who is it you think the Republicans with their neo-con leaders were focused on? Foreign terrorists…..or you?
Who, by virtue of all these listed activities and many more, was deemed a threat to the government? Read the bills. The only thing missing in them is your specific name. All of this brought to you by the Republicans during the Bush Administrations.
The Democrats, doing their part to subvert our Constitution and our sovereignty, have expanded and enlarged an ever more tyrannical centralized corporate government. The Republicans if voted back into control will just continue the process.
We have no real options. The Democrats have been just as malevolent, just as malignant, just as destructive and contemptuous of us as the Republicans. Changing who gets to be in front of the camera first will not change the direction our country is headed.
We need a vote of "no confidence" on our ballots. If our elections truly do mean anything, if our votes really count, we need the option of saying "no" to any and all.
The situation has become one not of "You're either with us or you're with the terrorist's" (Bush 2001), it is instead:
"You are either with us or you work for the government".
The gov't has become the law breaker-the terrist with gestapo police, dirty judges, create a crime legislation that hold We the Ppl to a greater degree of accountability to the rule of law than GPS'es, BP, Bankers, AIPAC/mossad/Amdocs spies
Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that, in the administration of the criminal law, the end justifies the means -- to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal -- would bring terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this Court should resolutely set its face.
Read the dissent by Judge Brandies;
Olmstead v. United States
SYNOPSIS - Maidhc Ó Cathail argues that it is vital for the American public to
understand that unconditional support for Israel is doing incalculable damage
to the US national interest and that, to steer US policy back so that it serves
the American people, it is crucial to break the Israel lobby's stranglehold
over policy-making and the media.
Article here:
Ahmadinejad's UN 9-11 Speech
by Gideon Polya, Media With Conscience, 25 September 2010
Top scientists and intelligence experts dispute the "official US version" of what happened on 9-11 and variously assert that people within the US Government did 9-11 (possibly with Israeli assistance). President Ahmadinejad's 9-11speech at the UN merely advances 3 logical, testable, scientific hypotheses about 9-11 but has immediately elicited hysterical, egregiously dishonest, anti-science and anti-truth responses from Western leaders and Mainstream media.
The immediate responses involved a walk-out of US representatives and its lackeys from 30 countries, including Australia, Britain, Sweden and Spain, from the speech itself – they simply didn't want to hear anything differing from the "official US version" of 9-11.
Western media and politicians immediately started falsely and hysterically reporting Ahmadinejad's comments on 9-11. President Ahmadinejad's speech merely offered 3 scientific hypotheses about the cause of 9-11, namely (1) the "official US version" of a "terrorist group", (2) US responsibility and (3) US complicity in allowing a terrorist operation to proceed.
The UK BBC was an exception and its report was factual:
"23 September 2010. The US and other delegations at the 65th UN General Assembly have walked out in protest at the speech by the Iranian president. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said some saw the 11 September attacks on the US as part of a US conspiracy to protect Israel. He was speaking on the first day of the week-long UN diplomatic marathon."
Similarly the Australian ABC:
"Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told the United Nations that most people believe the US government was responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001."
Indeed the only arguable part of President Ahmadinejad's speech was "The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view [that the US did 9-11]" – he would probably have been correct in stating that a "substantial proportion" rather than "the majority" thought that the US was involved in the 9-11 atrocity. Thus prior Mainstream polls have indicated that about one third of Americans believe that 9-11 was an inside job involving the US Government.
Science is about critically testing potentially falsifiable hypotheses and that is all that President Ahmadinejad has advocated in relation to 9-11:
"It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of the II September so that in the future expressing views about it is not forbidden."
In contrast, the US and US lackey representatives who blocked their ears and walked out of the UN General Assembly and those who then lied about President Ahmadinejad's speech must be condemned for an anti-science stance that is antithetical to finding out what happened on 9-11 and getting justice for the victims and their relatives.
To read what President Ahmadinejad actually said here is the transcript of President Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN on 23 September 2010
Having read what President Ahmadinejad actually said, now consider the offensive, anti-science lying by Obama, US lackeys and Western media who – for what ever reasons – are opposed to a scientific approach to 9-11.
Obama's response on Ahmadinejad's call for scientific investigation of 9-11 (BBC):
""There were candlelight vigils and I think a natural sense of shared humanity and sympathy was expressed within Iran. It just shows once again the difference between how the Iranian leadership and this regime operates and how I think the vast majority of the Iranian people, who are respectful and thoughtful, think about these issues….It was offensive. It was hateful. And particularly for him to make the statement here in Manhattan, just a little north of Ground Zero, where families lost their loved ones. People of all faiths, all ethnicities who see this as the seminal tragedy of this generation. For him to make a statement like that was inexcusable."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon also condemned Ahmadinejad's call for scientific investigation of 9-11 (Ynet)
"I strongly condemn the comments made yesterday by a leader of a delegation that called into question the cause of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on US soil. It is unacceptable for the platform of the General Assembly of the United Nations to be misused in this way."
EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton has said the following:
"[Ahmadinejad's suggestion] that the United States was in any way responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks or that the majority of people in the US believe this to be the case, is outrageous and unacceptable. It is for this reason that all representatives of the 27 nations of the EU walked out."
The Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post reported President Ahmadinejad's speech under the following headline: "A'jad spew-&-shoo. US and world diplos walk out on Iranian's vile 9/11 rant at UN".
President Ahmadinejad, like all leaders, can be legitimately criticized for all sorts of things. However on 9-11 he is correct in demanding a proper scientific inquiry into who did 9-11. Those like war criminal Obama who condemn Ahmadinejad's call for a proper inquiry into 9-11 are in effect calling for an ongoing cover-up and can thus be seen to be witting or unwitting accessories after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity.
Further, the deaths associated with the 9-11 atrocity (3,000) are dwarfed by the 8 million violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths in the post-9-11, US-led War on Terror, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Iraq), 4.5 million (Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to over 90% today).
A sensible way to publicly get to the truth about 9-11 as advocated by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be war crimes trials before the International Criminal Court (ICC) of US Alliance leaders associated with the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and with charges including, as appropriate, complicity in 9-11 or being accessories after the fact of 9-11. George Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Angela Merkel, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, their "we were just obeying orders" subordinates and their Mainstream media collaborators should all be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.
related: Highest Treason Substantiated
Truth will set US free: breaking Israel's stranglehold over American foreign policy, and also over domestic policy that restricts freedoms......
Senior Democrat Pat Leahy introduces outrageous bill to censor Internet websites
DECAY IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM....THAT WOULD BE YOU ERIC HOLDER, More Americans Losing Their Liberties Every Day
Reaping Zionist terror's reward: get in there first – that's the secret and steal others' lives, land, wealth, future.....
Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories
Palestinian farmers from Yatta village south of Hebron in the West Bank have revealed that the Israeli military continues to bury nuclear waste in their farmlands at Al-Masafer near the armistice line in the West Bank. The farmers said that the military forces "IDF" brings trucks loaded with waste suspected to be radioactive waste and is burying it in their lands after they force them to evacuate the area.
The farmers said that they were able to hide themselves in some caves and watch the military operation. They stated that the Israeli soldiers who declared the area as a military zone were wearing white overalls over their military uniforms during the burial. The farmers said that they live in Al-Masafer with their animals. continued
28 September A.D. 2010
US judge declares mistrial in case of 2 ex-Blackwater contractors accused of killing Afghans
By The Associated Press (CP)
NORFOLK, Va. - A federal judge declared a mistrial Monday in the case of two former Blackwater workers accused of murdering two unarmed Afghan civilians and wounding a third man in Kabul.
The jury came out deadlocked just before 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) after several days of deliberations, WAVY-TV in Norfolk reported on its website. A new trial date was set for March 1.
They both face murder, assault and weapons charges that could send them to prison for life.
Prosecutors said Justin H. Cannon, 28, and Christopher Drotleff, 30, had been drinking alcohol all day and had taken two company vehicles and weapons off of the U.S. camp without permission when they shot into a fleeing vehicle on a street on May 5, 2009.
Cannon and Drotleff told investigators that they feared for their lives and suspected the car could be a suicide bomber. Neither testified during the weeklong trial.
U.S. District Judge Robert G. Doumar granted Cannon and Drotleff a bond hearing, set for Wednesday, according to The Virginian-Pilot, of Norfolk.
"My client and his family are extremely upset that the jury was not able to reach a verdict acquitting him," said Lawrence H. Woodward Jr., one of Drotleff's attorneys. "I always believed and continue to believe that they acted in self defence. Any person in those circumstances would have acted the way they did."
Cannon's attorneys were not immediately available for comment after court.
Drotleff's wife left the courthouse in tears. Cannon's father declined to comment.
The jury of nine women and three men told the judge they were about equally split between those who wanted to acquit the men and those who felt they should be convicted.
Cannon, of Corpus Christi, Texas, and Drotleff, of Virginia Beach, were in the country to provide weapons training for the Afghan National Army.
They were working for North Carolina-based Blackwater Worldwide, which is now known as Xe Services.
During the trial, jurors viewed the bullet-riddled Toyota Corolla at the centre of the deadly encounter and heard from two Afghan nationals who said they feared for their lives if they did not lie about the events of that night. One testified that he lied when he said the defendants had not been drinking.
Cannon and Drotleff fired about 30 rounds - Cannon with an AK47 and Drotleff with a 9mm pistol - hitting two men in the car and a bystander who was walking his dog with a friend. One man in the car and the man on the street died from gunshot wounds.
Copyright C 2010 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
NOW they are working to keep the information SECRET.
Now why would they do that? National Security?
We have been destroying Afghanistan for 8 years now. I would love to
hear one scenario there the disclosure of this information would put
anyone in danger EXCEPT the people who are working to protect themselves
from the opinion of the US Citizenry. It can not possibly put us in
danger from anyone else.
The classification 'National Security' is well past being abused. It
is now used to keep the misfits, liars, schemers, haters of the
Constitution and Law, manipulators and outright criminals from ever
being accountable. It is no more than a cloak of invisibility wrapped up
in the Red White and Blue.
If what we were told was accurate and truthful, there would be NO
REASON to keep the information from us.
And to admit to using US Treasury money...our tax buy up all
the books and then burn them? Where did the Pentagon get that kind of
authority to waste our taxes and protect themselves from scrutiny?
This is a very new development to keep We the People OUT of our own
Government. If someone tried this even to a minimal extent, say in the
early 1970's (and it DID) that President would be held responsible. But
now days, the Speaker of the House has exclusive say on that subject,
not We the People.
Palash Biswas
Pl Read:
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