From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:22 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Sikh struggle for independence
To: Bangla-Vision <>
Washington: According to a press release from the Council of Khalistan, a major milestone was passed for the movement for Sikh independence from India when Khalistan was recognized as the newest full member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. The Nishan Sahib (Flag of Khalistan) was hoisted at the Hague in the Netherlands during the organization's annual General Assembly. The UNPO, a well-respected organization with strong connections to the international community, is dedicated to advancing the aspirations of its members through nonviolent means.
Attending the General assembly were Lord Ennals, Member of the British House of Lords and former Bush Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense; H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein; Ireland's Noble Peace Prize Laureate M. Corrigan Maguire, President of the Peace People, Belfast and many other renowned dignitaries. UNPO members include Kurdistan, Tibet and Taiwan among many others. Four founding members, Lativia, Estonia, Georgia and Armenia, have already gained their independence and now posses full membership in the United Nations.
Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan headed the Khalistan delegation to the UNPO. "I thank the UNPO for admiting Khalistan within its organization," he said. "This is a big boost to the movement for Sikh freedom and increases international pressure on the Indian government to honor the independence of Khalistan and cease its violation of human rights against the Sikh nation."
"We are all very pleased," said delegation member Dr. Paramjit Singh Ajrawat. "India has sought to keep us isolated from the international community for years, but now we are spreading the news of India's oppression of the Sikhs throughout the world community."
"We have long sought an audience with the International community," said Bhupinder Singh of Holland, also a member of the delegation. "Now India cannot hide. Its brutality will be exposed."
But India's oppression is not isolated to the Sikh nation. The Christians of Nagaland, who were also admitted as full members of the UNPO, have lived under constant oppression at the hands of the Indian government since 1947. Since then, over 100,000 Nagas have been killed by Indian government forces. Sikhs and Nagas hope that the exposure the UNPO can shed on such atrocities will help cause the long nightmare they have had to endure under Indian government rule.
"India is not one nation but a conglomerate of nations held together against the will of the people," said Dr. Aulakh. "Like the Soviet Union, India too will disintegrate into its natural parts.
"We now have behind us an organization recognized by the international community for its integrity. India can no longer malign the Sikhs in the eyes of the world with its disinformation. It is time for India to face the world and answer to its misdeeds.
It is time for India to realize that its tactics of government by oppression will no longer be accepted by the international community. It is time for India to respect the human rights of the Sikh nation. And it is time for the freedom of Khalistan. The Sikh nation will have its freedom. India has no other choice.
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