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Monday, January 10, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 09, Jan - Forbes’ Rich List Of Nonsense

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:21 PM
Subject: CC Issue 09, Jan - Forbes' Rich List Of Nonsense

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If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Extreme weather Events Help Drive Food Prices To
Record Highs
By Joseph Romm

We're already seeing rising hunger in the least developed countries. Lester Brown warns, "The biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries to cause government collapse." The time to act was long, long ago, but failure to act now is beyond immoral

Twitter Deserves Credit For
Defending Its Users' Rights
By Shane Richmond

The US department of justice has ordered Twitter to hand over the messages and account details of several users who are, or have been, associated with Wikileaks. Initially the order was sealed, that is it was to be kept secret from the targets. It's to Twitter's credit that it asked for the order to be unsealed and then informed the users concerned

Israel's Violence Against Separation Wall Protests:
Along The Road Of State Terrorism
By Richard Falk

We have reached a stage where the oppressiveness of the Israeli occupation, extending now for more than 43 years and maintained in multiple daily violations of international humanitarian law. In its essence and by design the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip should be understood and condemned as STATE TERRORISM as exhibited both in structure and practice

Declaring Palestine: Revisiting Hope And Failure
By Ramzy Baroud

What Palestinians do have today is a much gratitude to the Latin American countries that have recently joined the host of nations that recognize independent Palestine. Many Palestinians now understand that to capitalize on the growing international solidarity, the Palestinian leadership needs to free itself from the iron grip and political monopoly of the United States and embrace its partners of old, from the time before Oslo, the "peace process", the Roadmap and all the other broken promises

What Would Einstein Say?
By Fidel Castro

Today the leaders of the State of Israel practice genocide and are associating themselves with the most reactionary forces on the planet

Forbes' Rich List Of Nonsense
By Michael Tobis and Scott Mandia with input from Gavin Schmidt, Michael Mann, and Kevin Trenberth

While it is no longer surprising, it remains disheartening to see a blistering attack on climate science in the business press where thoughtful reviews of climate policy ought to be appearing. Of course, the underlying strategy is to pretend that no evidence that the climate is changing exists, so any effort to address climate change is a waste of resources

Billions Of Humans Will Die Horribly
By Jason G. Brent

If humanity does not reduce population and/or reduce per capita usage of resources, the earth will be unable to supply the resources civilization needs to function and the population will be reduced by nature--by war, starvation, disease, ethnic cleansing and other horrors

Subsistence Farming
By Peter Goodchild

Agriculture will have to become more localized, and it will be necessary to reconsider less-advanced forms of technology that might be called "subsistence farming." The following notes are based on a North American perspective, in particular my own experience in farming, but they can be applied more generally to conditions in other parts of the world

Small Steps Offer No Respite From Climate Effects
By Prof. Kevin Anderson

Professor Kevin Anderson, the director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, evaluates the outcome of the UN climate summit in Cancun and argues that success at next year's negotiations will not compensate for "failure" at previous talks

Why You Should Be Worried Of Enviropig
By Devinder Sharma

There is more trouble brewing on the farm front. This time it is going to hit you too. Scientists at the University of Guelph in Canada claim to have developed a genetically modified pig, very cleverly named as "Enviropig", which actually has been designed to reduce the cost of production for the industrial pig farms

India And World Threatened By
US-led Shale Gas Fracking
By Dr Gideon Polya

India has huge shale gas deposits and for the sake of India and the Planet Indians must ensure that this gas is not exploited – it represents a huge threat to India and to Humanity

Urgent Need For Zapatista Supporters
To Spread Truth

The EZLN and the Other Campaign deny involvement to all forms of kidnapping

Illnesses Linked To BP Oil Disaster
By Dahr Jamail

Doctor attributes widespread sickness to toxic chemicals from the Gulf of Mexico catastrophe

2011: The Year Lebanon Allows Palestinians
Some Elementary Civil Rights?
By Franklin Lamb

Hopefully, all of Lebanon's politicians and parties, along with the international community, will assure that 2011, is not just the year of the Rabbit, but the year that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon secured the internationally mandated elementary rights to work and to own a home

Help! Racism!
By Michal Schwartz

Israel is caught in internal contradictions without a strategy to solve them – except burying its head in the sand. As a result, it is slowly losing its Jewish majority and being pushed to racism against a growing number of groups. Day by day, Israel is losing its legitimacy in the international community

Permanent Debt Bondage From
America's Student Loan Racket
By Stephen Lendman

Today's higher education means crushing debt burdens at a time systemic high unemployment and fewer good jobs make repaying them onerous to impossible. America's ownership society is heartless, favoring capital, not popular interests, a policy with strong bipartisan support

Israel's Knesset Targets Leftist Organizations
By Stephen Lendman

On January 5, Israel's Knesset, by a 47 - 16 vote, approved forming a parliamentary committee to investigate leftist Israeli organizations

Lanny Davis: Lobbyist For Despots
By Stephen Lendman

His entire Capitol Hill history is as "consistent as it is sleazy," the more sleaze, in fact, the more compensation. The hard-right Israel Project hired him to defend Israel's Cast Lead onslaught against Gaza, calling it Israel's "right to self-defense against terrorism," when clearly it was preemptive illegal aggression

Waging War On American Workers
By Stephen Lendman

Target one is America's middle class, endangered after decades of wealth shifts to super-rich elites besides most high-pay, good benefit jobs, offshored to cheap labor markets - a policy Washington's duopoly endorses. It's the most serious threat to middle America since attacks began in the 1970s

Shield Act Targets First Amendment Freedoms
By Stephen Lendman

The Shield Act targets whistleblowers, amends the 1917 Espionage Act, criminalizes free speech, and compromises the public's right to know how their elected officials govern. Suppressing truth is the first step toward tyranny. America is hurtling toward it as well as third world status and ruin

Stressed Out Punjabi Migrants Adopt
Disturbing Behavioural Tendencies - Part I
By Rajiv Kunwar

The following write-up is based on Rajiv Kunwar's research paper titled "Undocumented migrants' access to health care in Germany: Limitations and strategies" South Asia Institute, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

VIBGYOR Film Festival To Kick Off On January 12
By Mustafa Desamangalam

The 6th edition of VIBGYOR International Documentary and Short Film Festival will kick off in Thrissur, Kerala state, India on 12th January

My Father Died For Pakistan
By Shehrbano Taseer

My father believed that the strict blasphemy laws instituted by General Zia have been frequently misused and ought to be changed. His views were widely misrepresented to give the false impression that he had spoken against Prophet Mohammad. This was untrue, and a criminal abdication of responsibility by his critics, who must now think about what they have caused to happen. According to the authorities, my father's stand on the blasphemy law was what drove Mr. Qadri to kill him

Remembering Safdar Hashmi And Salman Taseer
By Raja Jaikrishan

The assassination of Safdar Hashmi And Salman Taseer took place in different circumstances but both reveal similar intolerance to truth

Debating Azadi In Kashmir
By Meha Dixit

After interacting with a number of Kashmiri people in Srinagar, which included locals from Anantnag, Baramulla, Kupwara and Shopian, I feel Kashmiris define Azadi differently from one another, some want independence from India, for some demilitarisation is Azadi, while for some Azadi is synonymous with Aman and Chain (peace and peace of mind), some are confused about the concept of Azadi and some are reluctant to discuss anything concerning Azadi due to the fear and insecurity which plagues the state. But most are unanimous in their views when it comes to demilitarisation of Kashmir, which is imperative to bring about normalcy in the state

Breakthrough Development In
Hindutva Terror Network Investigation
By Tehelka

Tehelka scoops Hindutva zealot Swami Aseemanand's 42-page chilling confession before the magistrate

Swami Aseemanand's Confessions:
Its Time For An Apology
By Jamia Teachers' Solidarity Association

All those who colluded and covered up these sham investigations need to be brought to justice: those in the intelligence agencies, officers of the police and security agencies, political bosses et al . The Hyderabad Joint Commissioner of Police (Administration) Harish Gupta—who presided over the Mecca Masjid custodial confessions, torture and narco-analysis tests—must be held accountable. As must be each and every police officer who participated in this charade of investigation

HIV Stigma Index Project Rolled Out
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

Much of what we know about the stigma attached to HIV, and resulting discrimination, is anecdotal or fragmented, and does not include the perspectives of people living with HIV. In order to address this issue a research initiative for people living with HIV Stigma Index is rolled in the Tamil Nadu State of India

Public Discourse In The Media:
Corporate Citizen's Ideological Avatars
By Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Like porn, public discourse in the media is seductive, addictive, repetitive, and banal. But I suspect that its ideological function -in our society at least- is far more baneful than that of porn. The compulsions of 24X7 reporting and the collateral lust to be breaking some news all the time leave the media no moments of leisure to examine its life and the way it makes a living

The Leftist Hypocrisy Behind "Church Act"
By Johny Plathottam

Kerala holds the unique history of electing the first ever communist government in the world. It is also history that the Church and other reactionary elements in Kerala society ganged up against the government to bring it down through the infamous "Liberation Struggle." Now the same communist government is pandering to these same reactionary elements by withholding the potentially path breaking "Church Act"

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