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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 10, Jan - US Government Demands Twitter Account Information Of WikiLeaks And Followers

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:15 AM
Subject: CC Issue 10, Jan - US Government Demands Twitter Account Information Of WikiLeaks And Followers

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Arizona Assassination Spree Tied To Political Right
By Bill Van Auken

Mounting evidence has linked the 22-year-old gunman who severely wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, killed a federal judge and killed or wounded 18 others in Tucson, Arizona to the political right

Guns And Terrorism: Two Unasked Question
In Tucson Mass Murder
By Bill Quigley

Two important questions that should be asked in the light of the Arizona assassination spree are (1) how does a mentally unstable man who was kicked out of school and had run-ins with the law buy an assault weapon? (2) why is there so little talk of terrorism?

White Terrorism
By Juan Cole

Loughner was acting politically even if he is not all there. He is said to have called out the names of his victims, such as Roll and Gifford, as he fired. As usual, when white people do these things, the mass media doesn't call it terrorism

Palin Put A Gun Target On Giffords' District;
Now A Colleague Says:
'Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior'
By John Nichols

After Sarah Palin targeted her district with a gunsight on a map identifying Democrats Palin was urging her followers to "reload" and defeat, Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords said: "We are on Sarah Palin's targeted list. The way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of the gunsight over our district. When people do that, they have got to realize there are consequences to that action."

An Osmotic Education:
Dreams From My Presidents
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan

Will George W. Bush and Barack Obama own up to their contributions to the dilution of the law, open devotion to militarism, and indirectly, to Tucson? Don't count on it. Expect instead, more restrictions, more security, more inanity. Which elder has ever admitted he led the young astray?

No To Political Assassinations!
Let's Make A Democratic Revolution!
By Andrea Pason & Billy Wharton

A fitting tribute to the innocent victims from the Tucson shooting would be to end the US occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and to end the bombings in Pakistan

US Government Demands Twitter Account Information Of WikiLeaks And Followers
By Andre Damon

The US Department of Justice has issued a court order to Twitter, the social networking site, demanding that it hand over information on WikiLeaks and its collaborators. WikiLeaks said that the subpoena, if not blocked, will grant the government access to the names of the more than 600,000 people who "follow" WikiLeaks over the network

Supporting The Refugees' Right Of Return Is
Saying NO To Israeli Racism
By Ilan Pappe

Lecture by Ilan Pappé at the Stuttgart Conference

Peak Civilization
By Ugo Bardi

I'll try to say something about a subject that I am sure you are all interested in: the decline and the fall of the Roman Empire. It is something that has been discussed over and over; it is because we think that our civilization may follow the same destiny as the Roman one: decline and fall. So, the Roman Empire offers us some kind of a model. We can say it is the paradigm of collapsing societies. And, yet, we don't seem to be able to find an agreement on what caused the collapse of the Roman Empire

Who's Kidding Whom? Is Sustainable Development
Compatible With Western Civilization?
By Peter Russell

Published in 1994, this article is visionary and far in advance of its time

Relationships In The Long Emergency:
I'm On Board, But My Family Isn't
By Carolyn Baker

I incessantly receive emails and requests for coaching in which individuals report painful conflicts with a partner, a child, or another loved one who is not open to talking or hearing about what James Howard Kunstler names "The Long Emergency." These individuals are preparing for the collapse of industrial civilization, but their family member(s) refuses to discuss the issue, and as a result, tensions in these relationships become increasingly difficult to sustain or even tolerate

The Machines Change, The Work
Remains The Same
By Robert Jensen

These days almost all left/radical organizers will communicate online, but the social justice and ecological sustainability at the heart of left/radical politics isn't going to be achieved online

Empire Of Bases 2.0
By Nick Turse

Does the Pentagon Really Have 1,180 Foreign Bases?

Gitmo Is Staying Open, No Matter What The Cost
By Mary Shaw

January 11, 2011, marks the ninth anniversary of the arrival of the first prisoners at the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. That's the same Guantanamo prison that Barack Obama promised to close in his first year as president. But Gitmo won't be closing any time soon. Congress has seen to that. And so has Obama

Drugging Guantanamo Detainees
By Stephen Lendman

Guantanamo and other US torture prisons are blights on democratic values and fundamental international law that prohibits all forms of torture and abuse at all times with no allowed exceptions

Daily Israeli Crimes Against Humanity
By Stephen Lendman

Daily accounts can be followed on important sites such as Palestine, Palestine, and the Electronic as well as others like Israel's oldest daily newspaper, Haaretz, available online in English

Pakistan Will Implode If The US
Does Not Leave Afghanistan
By Imran Khan

The assassination of Salmaan Taseer has shown only too clearly the growing extremism in Pakistan, the radicalisation of its society and the polarisation that is taking hold. This is not just between the religious and the secular, but also the polarisation that the "war on terror" has caused between the various religious sects

Can Anyone Save This Tribal Girl?
By Himanshu Kumar

The persecution of Soni Sori

Political Killings In West Bengal
By Peoples Union for Democratic Rights

Hitherto the media and the authorities had confined themselves to condemning killings by the CPI (Maoists) in the Jangalmahal area, in which officially it was claimed that 79 persons lost their lives. But the killing by CPM cadres on January 7th, who fired around 300 rounds on a 250 strong crowd, primarily women, protesting the local CPM diktat that each family to send one person for arms training, thus killing 8 persons and injuring 20 with most bullets fired on the back, show how it is becoming a free-for-all between political parties

Before Policing The Education, Provide Quality
By Bilal Hussain

With the recent developments education sector in Kashmir is too hot to touch, chilling chilakalan instead of cooling it down is acting as fuel to further heat it up. A local college lecture has been booked, police have filed a case against the senior professor of Kashmir University and row over winter schooling; all this puts the sector in docks

Politics Over Flag In Indian Kashmir
By Fahad Shah

Expressing his resentment against a political party's decision of hoisting Indian flag in Kashmir on Republic day, the Jammu and Kashmir state chief minister, Omar Abdullah introduce us towards something which has been often avoided. Why hoisting Tri-colour at Lal Chowk creates such a polemical and indignant atmosphere while every year same flag is waved twice in different parts of the region?

Justice for Aasia Bibi; Speedy Trial of
Salman Taseer's Killers
By New Socialist Initiative (NSI), Delhi

There comes a time comes when silence is betrayal… History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people

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Palash Biswas
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