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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leaders Building Nuclear-proof bunkers only for them, but what about safety,& survival of you family...?Source:IANS

Leaders Building Nuclear-proof bunkers only for them, but what about safety,& survival of you family...?Source:IANS


NEW DELHI: The Indian government is secretly started building  several hi-tech Bunkers to enable top Leaders survive any nuclear attack The move to build the

bunkers, including one near the South Block, an imposing red sandstone building

that houses the prime minister's office and the defence and external affairs ministries,

is already cleared and work started already on September 1. Have your Zandu Balm Media told you about this ?  Is there any even a word from the Government sources on

How they wish to protect remaining over 20 millions defense-less citizens survive the Nuclear Attack.  Do you all not need to survive with your families, children in wake of when all public money they are spending on their safety, their survival, their comforts, their hidden fortunes looted from public money.  But what about  you. If you do not ask they are happy. UPA is happy, Media channels are happy if you do not demand your safety. Government is happy if you do not question them anything for it will be more happy if rest most of people get killed in nuclear attacks,  by purposely triggered inflations and high cost of living !   If this report hasn't convinced you of your Government's clear intentions, there are many more clear signals if one would care to. Work on another third Safety Bunker in the vicinity of PM Residence has also started.Budget, tendering process, design components not revealed on this mammoth project for obvious reasons ! and See that the   Government is also scouting sites secretly to decide on an another Safety Bunkers just for VVIPs where they wish to fly with their select groups to keep running the show

From their fortified fortes reinforced with solid concrete walls and all amenities and luxuries to feel more happy and swelled with Egos as they would imagine several several millions like you and me dying with family like the reeds, cockroaches  and mosquitoes!


What do you say?   Do you wish to ask them something ? Or ask SCI why not similar bunkers for ordinary people or something else ?. Fine, just try and see the outcome ?



Reach out and touch someone with your Love & Gratitude.

Palash Biswas
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