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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Dec 11: "A person in my family was involved in 9/11", shocked traumatized upon learning of smoking-gun evidence that former colleagues were involved in controlled demolition of World Trade Center.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: 2010/12/11




From: [] On Behalf Of Alex James
Sent: 11 ديسمبر, 2010 09:51 م
To: Alex James
Subject: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Dec 11: "A person in my family was involved in 9/11", shocked traumatized upon learning of smoking-gun evidence that former colleagues were involved in controlled demolition of World Trade Center.



"A person in my family was involved in 9/11", shocked traumatized upon learning of smoking-gun evidence that former colleagues were involved in controlled demolition of World Trade Center. 


What the Zionists have done and are continuing to do to the Palestinian people is evil and insane beyond comprehension 

Video: Expose a Senator Schumer and Israeli Terrorism! (video) 

VIDEOS: Terrorism, a Zionist invention, Zionists claim they invented terrorism to create Israhell over the graves of Palestine 

VIDEO: Conjuring the ingredients for the Cataclysmic -Creation of "ISRAEL": 1/3 of SS were Jews who created the perception of extermination of Jews 

THE DILEMMA OF THE ISRAELI LEFT while Zionist keep on killing what remains of Palestine 

The CIA is running a WikiLeaks mirror: Wikileaks, Ops, Scam, Dis-info, mossad or DoD/pentagon: 

Thousands of Georgia Prisoners go on Strike from being slave laborers for corporate profiteers 

Daryl Bradford Smith and others pick Kelso binary economics over social credit: [frameup] Binary Economics explains How the Banksters are looting the Economy, i.e. us 

Is Wikileaks A Big Dangerous US Government Con Job (Maybe ?) 

1,550+ WikiLeaks Mirror Websites 

FW: Madoff's son found dead in apparent "suicide?" Knew too much I guess....... 

Big Sis Set To Expand Spy Program To Sports Stadiums;9/11 Family Group: Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera Are Right to Question Building 7 Collapse and more 

Stéphane Hessel--French resistance hero supports US Campaign to End Zionist Occupation of Palestine 


DHS Trusted Traveler Program Lets Mexicans Skip Airport Security as violent drug cartels take over Mexico?????? 

Flashback: American Republic replaced by "Council of Governors"? "Is this a sort of Homeland Security Politburo? 

Alleged Tortured FBI Whistleblower Warns Wikileaks Fans 

Jesse Ventura: I love my country, not my government 

Video Clips from "Conspiracy Theory" Episode on Gulf Terracide-Did BP and Halliburton cause Deepwater Horizon intentionally? GOVERNMENT COMPLICITY IN FORCED DEPOPULATION 

Reprehensible: Tell Obama not to cave in to Rothschild millionaires on tax cuts for them saddling working folks with more debt/interest 

U.S. Babies and Children at Risk From BPA (banned in Canada); benefits of Vitamin D 

Representative Cohen Moves To Block Free Speech: Reruns of Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory exclude POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS 

Varying VIews on Wikileaks: Is Wikileaks startup funding from the CIA? Instrument of the Hegelian Dialectic? 

Careful The Truth Might Kill You Written by A Truth Soldier 

exposed: extent of Rothschild Zionism control of Big Government, Banking, Media, etc. and its fundamental role in atrocities of 9/11. 

Rothschild Slams Obama, wants him removed from White House 

FVIDEO: The Jewish Elite Role in the African Slave Trade pt 1 to 7 

IHR News & Comment: President Barrack Hussein Obam, proved to be a big fake, i.e. HE IS A ZIONIST STOOGE 

VIDEO: PALESTINANS DYING FOR LACK OF WATER, can't travel within their own country, GENOCIDE ALERT!

WikiLeaks: Stop the crackdown - incredible response! Incredible - nearly 400,000 signatures in one day for press freedom! Join the massive outcry and forward the email below - 

Eisenhower (Jewish): God I hate Germans, he holocausted 1.7 million Germans; Holocaust experts or experts of hate? 

Book and DVD: how 9/11 was done 

Osama Bin laden on 9/11: Jews or US secret services were behind the attacks, trace perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the U.S. system 

Jews Knew They Were Not Israel and are Edomites 

Do the Brits Elite Own US? or is it the Vatican? Who is THE CROWN? 

Biggest Scam: Federal Reserve lends $12.3 TRILLION in taxpayer money at almost 0% interest, and don't expect it back..... 


Obama's Huge Would-Be Gift To The Scions Of The Super-Rich 

We Are All Hostages of the Rich Banksters and their cronies 

You won't believe what you paid for GM bailout: Rewarding the Guilty Precedent may now result in 'thousand new failing businesses' 

Senator McConnel calls for law to be changed to stop Wikileaks: will use to Justify 'Patriot Act' Legislation for Internet: Finally the Shadows are Parting to reveal what Wikileaks is being used for. 

Dave Daubenmire -- How Great is That Darkness as Most Christians not receptive to true gospel thinking they already know it 

30 Facts Evidencing that The Gulf Oil Crisis Was Planned 

FOLLOWUP on A New Declaration of Independence from Israel 

Gilad Atzmon: The inherent "antisemitism" in Zionism: ZIONISTS ARE THE ACTUAL ANTI-SEMITES 


Crimes of the Corporate State, Banksters are the dons;"Organized Guilt and Universal Responsibility, beating down of workers making them happy as a hangman, 

Israel's racist rabbis justifying genocide of Palestinians | Christmas in Gaza 

International Center for 9/11 Studies Videos on WTC Collapse inside job 

loveforlive website being censored in Australia? NSW Supreme Court Case - Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited vs Fiona Cristian - Victims Of Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges 

Nuremberg laws of 1935 and Rabbi letters forbidding renting/selling to Palestinians 

Iceland did it right: told Banksters to suffer for their own sins, the banks got stuck with the result of their greed 

Peace Through Truth About 9/11: Graeme MacQueen and Laurie Manwell on state crimes against democracy 

FCC Head wants Government To Control All Types of Broadcast Media in America 


INCREDIBLE Raw Footages of Thousands Of Students Riot In UK, Royal Car Attacked! - Videos 

The absolute power of the Jews and Israel over us all Wake up America 

Israelis using Palestinian Prisoners as guinea pigs, more than 5,000 experimental drug tests on Palestinian prisoners per annum 

US is a Zionist Colony: A NEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FROM ZIONISTS & APOCALYPTIC CULTS IS REQUIRED;Does Jewish financial misbehavior have anything to do with being Jewish?

Racist Rabbis: Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade and Anti-Black-Racism;Who Taught America to Torture? 

Disgusting: IDF forcing Palestinian kids to drink urine, IDF urinating in wells and on Palestinian homes, etc. videoclips of Zionist violence 

Movie: LUTHER and the Reformation, Stand Up for Christ, Not Rome 

1545 Flashback history: Waldencians Burned At The Stake, Flung Over Castle Walls At the Massacre of Waldensians of Merindol 

Max Keiser & Tavakoli - Americas most dangerous banker being sued by trustees for aiding and abetting Madoff ponzi scheme 

GATE RAPE IN US: in response to backlash, DHS preparing to enforce TSA groping, gathering intelligence about those who don't agree 

Binary Economics explains How the Banksters are looting the Economy, i.e. us 

Wikileaks is NSA/CIA/Mossad: 

Child Abuse in Australian Homes Run by Salvation Army 

Victor Rothschild gave Israel/Russia his theift of all major UK/US weapons developments in WWII including atomic bomb 

WIKILEAKS TAKES PRO-ISRAEL STANCE? Lia Abramovitch says Asange paid by Israel to censor damaging info 

H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages (remember how they were pushing pregnant woment to take H1N1...... 

The "Great Hyperinflationary Collapse"; 'US government's inflation data is a sham' 

Twisting WikiLeaks to Advance the Narrative of War on Iran: Morally bankrupt U.S. media buries facts that counter the case for war. 

By their Acts they Are Known-The Enemy Within: Worldnet daily taken over by Zionist mindset 

Christopher Columbus and the Genocide of the Taino Nation: a gigantic war crime murdering 8million natives, now extinct 

WIKILEAKS: people should be outraged that government transformed a nation with reputation for freedom, justice, tolerance, respect for human rights into a blackwater that revels in its criminality, cover-ups, injustices and hypocrisies 

Fans remember John Lennon 30 years after his death: War dominated foreign policy is destroying the economy and national security 

FBI whistleblower: Had WikiLeaks existed, 9/11, Iraq war 'could have been prevented' 

WikiLeaks vs The Machine: Now the war spreads to cyberspace: US gov tells firms to pull plug on whistleblowing website as hackers cause chaos with revenge attacks on Assange's 'enemies' 

View from The Pentagon hole shows approach path of missile that hit it on 9/11 

Pelosi rejects Republican tax cut deal 

The People's Voice headlines: Honorable Veterans: America Needs You for One More Duty- Free America from Israel's Power 

Body-scan Alert - Not Suffering Indignities at Airports: screeners get more aggressive with pat-downs ; TSA agents gone wild: fondling little children, planting cocaine in passenger bags and more 

Shell rules Nigeria, WikiLeaks cables show, i.e. big corporations rule the Earth..... 

WIKI leaked cables make it impossible for Zionst Hillary Clinton to continue as secretary of state. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine 

Ben Bernanke says QE3 'certainly possible': Euro collapse 'possible' amid deepening divisions over bail-out 

A New Declaration of Independence, From Israel (actually, from Zionists) 

Food Safety modernization Act put in Veterans funding bill, HR 3082:Treason! as amendment in Federal Appropriations Act,puts the entire US food supply at mercy of FDA corporate barons 

The Underwear Bomber - Crushing Our Freedoms by staging Phony Arab Terrorism

MUST READ>>>>>WILL WIKILEAKS END THE IRAQI/AFGHANISTAN WARS? and other Zionist occupations around the world? 

WIKI LEAKS AND ISRAEL;Bombs, Body Scans and Israel; IRISH PEOPLE MUST REFUSE TO PAY PHONY DEBTS TO BANKSTERS;Courageous Helen Thomas;Death of Free Will in schools; 

Reminder: Wall Street Pentagon Papers: $12.3 Trillion Biggest Scam In World History Exposed - Are Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? 

Obama to Netanyahu: "You win": USA's Middle East policy "are Israel's lobby and not the President's 


From: alex james []
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 6:40 PM
Subject: TTS Dec 9: Rafiq Hariri's assassination: was Israel involved? Israeli drone videos released by Hezbollah expose Israel's involvement in the crime preparations

Wikileaks: UK Conservatives promised to run PRO-US regime and buy more US arms 

U.S. Citizens Block Korean-built Factory Megashipment to Alberta Tarsands 

The Enemies Within: Israeli Historian: Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe;All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company 

The Government Coercion Plan: Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA 2 

Video: 9/11 Truth is Still the Issue to end imperial wars for Zionist Supremacy 

9/11 Truth goes back to GHWBush: destroyed in WTC was info on $240Billion fraud to buy up Russian industry, etc. 

total single family mortgage debt owed in 2008: $14 trillion dollars -=- David Fura: Released Quotes Confirm False-flag 9/11 conspiracy -=- Thierry Meyssan: 

Global Food Prices about to break all time high: food hyper inflation;U.S. tax deal squeezes potential home buyers 

Critics Of Big Sis/Wal-Mart Spy on your neighbor Campaign Branded Insane 

Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers Want You! They have "No Where to Turn": Letter to Obama et al war crime enablers 

Helen Thomas says Zionists control U.S. foreign policy (and domestic as well...... 


Mounting Debts by States Stoke Fears of Crisis /College Debt Bubble Ready to Explode,The Fed has 110 Bln. dollars of new notes, 10% of all US cash, sitting in a warehouse in Texas 

Julian Assange: The Truth Will Always Win;Court Dismisses Targeted Killing Case, Does Not Comment on Merits 

what Wikileaks coverage was blocking - Record Level Crimes of the Fed Reserve Banks, Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan 

friend who worked at Pentagon tells US has been taken over by Israeli operatives at all levels, including lowest of positions, answering phones and working as Senate pages 

for Canadians: We know who can stop Internet metering…keep the momentum going 

Video: Foley Pedophile Sex Scandal May Go Back 20 Years in Nebraska 

Zionist Conspiracy against Pakistan 

Watch Jesse Ventura Police State Episode Tru TV; Ron Paul: Don't Blame Wikileaks! State secrecy is anathema to a free society 

Uh oh. Looked who's linked to attack on U.S. embassy: obviously the Khazarian Kashveli Jewish Georgian Leadership 

an aside to you who have already surrendered or never joined the fight 

Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for his MAN-MADE Global Warming fraud / John Coleman 

FBI Caught Promoting Violence Again: Talk of violent 'jihad' by FBI recruit so alarmed local Muslims that they took out a restraining order against him. 

False flags a fluttering: The history of deception and the London 7/7 bombings 

It's time to smash the lies that keep us slaves; Social credit, answer to debt/usury slavery 

UK's Israel stooges changing law so that Israeli war criminals can visit UK | Help Assange & WikiLeaks | WikiLeaks and disinformation 

First, we had Republicans investigate Bill Clinton's penis and cigar, now Julian Assange's two one-night stands sparked a worldwide hunt for Julian Assange 

Did Netanyahu conspire to blackmail Yemen? Did Netanyahu attend a sadomasochistic homosexual themed theater show in West Greewich Village? 

UK is a Masonic police state: take the Hollie Greig Case, masonic child abuse, pedophile rings

Baywatch babe says TSA agent picked her out of line to see her naked on full body scan; I got groped by TSA-- my report 

Israel launches air strikes and ground attack on the Gaza Strip 

WikiLeaks Being Used to Justify "Patriot Act" Legislation For Internet 

Wikileaks and the Worldwide Information War: Power, Propaganda, and the Global Political Awakening 

Video on The Murder of Innocents released by Private Bradley Manning who was charged with disclosing this video, also now release by Wikileaks 

Time for Another Civil Rights Movement? How Wall St. Screwed Blacks and Latinos 

Coming Collapse: Zionist bankers are running their nation buster on Irish first, looking for flaws so they can fine tune it for use here. 

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? Let's put the FBI on the no fly list 

Video exposes false claims of 6 million Holocaustianity Industry 

Zionists plans for 2 Zionist Forts: one in Palestine and one in Argentinian Patagonia (incalculable oil, gas, minerals, food, water, fish, grains, cattle wealth) 

Afghanistan is about monopolizing profits from heroin trade, from pipeline, from trillion$ of minerals 

1917 onwards: The Jewish rulers of Russia 

AIPAC ordered Bush to attack Iran, highly placed source within White House/CIA confirmed in interview that invasion of Iran scheduled for 2006 planned in 1999 


Bill Moyers Video: Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One: How Banksters stealthily took control of America, the quiet coup 

60 Minutes Exposes Financial Collapse while Wall Street lavishes itself in bonuses: Is Hyperinflation to deflate the debt next? 

Net Neutrality Betrayal, take action, sign the petition 

Look who went from Christian to satanist ...Karl Marx was from a line of Jewish Rabbis, not Christian 

Comic relief from Ben Bernanke: With respect to safety, derivatives traded among very sophisticated financial institutions who have considerable incentive to understand them and to use them properly." hahahah 

What WikiLeaks Really Reveals......its in the violent right-wing rethoric against Asange who revealed unclassified info very legally 

Banks to taxpayers: Get over the $3.3 Trillion emergency bailouts you gave us, $1.9 trillion for Morgan Stanley while foreclosing on millions! 

Marketwatch: Stocks a sucker bet in a rigged game, one for Wall Street's rich insiders, another for Main Street's suckers 


Increasing deficit by 7.5% annually by Throw Away of $116 Billion A Year to Benefit Richest 1.3% of Business Owners 

The Cleveland Show October 3 2010, character says 9/11 was an Inside Job 

9/11 Truth Billboard "Examine the Evidence" in San Luis, California 

150th Anniversary of War Between Americans, 1861-1865: God's Judgment upon both North and South for National Sin of Unbiblical American Slavery - Part 2 

China's gold end game: buying gold, developing free trade arrangements with Russia, Brazil, free from US Dollars hegemony 

MUST READ!!! - CONSENT - The most important word in law: Why The IRS, Domestic, And Homeland Security Have No Lawful Power 

Lebanese Newspaper Publishes U.S. Cables Not Found on WikiLeaks showing Lebanese Army complicity in Israeli Invasion

9/11 Truth: New round of fund-raising for next round of BUILDING WHAT ADs, so far reached 1 million viewers, then Geraldo/Napolitano,...... 

Digest Number 1695: Boycot Wallmart over Department of Homeland security Telescreen? good as long as they don't make deals with Zionists to insert fabrications a la Iraq Dossier and delete info damaging to Zionists.. 

SAFE: Spy On Each Other to please the ZIONIST MASTERS? 

Reader Comment on: Wake Up America dot net exposes Zionist Cabal; Chris Hedges: The ZIONIST Christian Right's War on America 

Kaminski: Identifying our enemy 

What Obama missed saying in Cairo: Talmudic Hate against Yashua/Jesus/Joshua/Issa 

Orwell's 1984: "Big Sister" 26 yearrs late comes in the form of Walmart: Homeland Security taps new partner in terror fight: Wal-Mart 

BUSTED: Wikileaks Assange made deal to redact info damaging to Israel, source claims, are we THE UNITED STATES OF THE TALMUD? 

Daryl Bradford Smith: exposing coming Zionist Banksters' "New World Order" of eternal slavery and servitude 

8 Skin Moisturizer Ingredients You'd Best Avoid; 15 Dangerous Drugs Big Pharma Shoves Down Your Throat 

Videos: UN a communist front, Rise of the Robber States, police power perverted into instrument of oppression, forces of organized terror and plunder prey upon rights of all people. 

Collection of Videos on 9/11 Inside Job 

Video: ex-CIA: Chip Tatum's StoryChip Tatum revealed CIA's massive crimes, found dead, tortured on a Panama beach in 2007 

The Dead 9/11 Witnesses, they saw explosions inside the WTC 

Petition: Although it seems that some of the Wikileaks stuff is a fabrication, we should still support their freedom 

Flashback 1941: Pearl Harbor/FDR issue: The Great Deception/Treason to give a pretext for US to enter War on Behalf of Zionists 

MUST ACT NOW! S.510 Hidden in House Amendment. Open, ACT and Viralize 

NEVER AGAIN - income tax is a zionist bankers' extortion racket 

Reprehensible: President Obama is right about one thing -- Republicans in Congress are holding the middle class hostage. 

Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group but Assange's attempts to portray himself as an online saint, exposing secrets of superpowers has been dealt a damaging blow. 

Helen Thomas and the Zio-Ogres from the Synagogue of Satan Dog Poet Transmitting....... 

Fox News Judge explains 1st amendment to Newt Gingrich regarding WikiLeaks Cables 

Rafiq Hariri's assassination: was Israel involved? Israeli drone videos released by Hezbollah expose Israel's involvement in the crime preparations 



From: alex james []
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:25 PM
Subject: TTS Dec 7: VIDEO: FRACTIONAL RESERVE LENDING EXPOSED AS A SCAM, a.k.a. sacred prostitution and the history of money


Colorado Public TV to broadcast new 'Loose Change' video on 9/11 TRUTH 


VIDEO: FRACTIONAL RESERVE LENDING EXPOSED AS A SCAM, a.k.a. sacred prostitution and the history of money 'Daily Kos' banned me and smeared Rachel Corrie, but we can't give up on the Democratic Party by Jim Harris 




Justifying the Unjustifiable - sterility of video reflects what USI is attempting to do by de-humanizing war 


VIDEO: FRACTIONAL RESERVE LENDING EXPOSED AS A SCAM, a.k.a. sacred prostitution and the history of money 

Cancer is a fungus? 


...For he is a liar, and the father of it, ...which say they are [Israelite] Judahites and are not, but are the [Babylonian] Synagogue of Satan.... 


Wikileaks founder arrested over spurious rape claims made by militant feminist who worked for group funded by US government 

WIKILEAKS A DISTRACTION, REAL RELEASE ARE The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed - Are Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend? 

Is Wikileaks An Internet Version of False Flag 9/11? 

careful about Wikileaks - from what we've seen it is nothing more than controlled opposition: Parliamentary Meeting re Afghan War/Wikileaks new info 

Problem is manipulation by key players in mainstream media of info provided by Wikileaks 

FCC chairman Julius Genachowski (sounds Zionist) not showing public his draft for agency undertaking regulation of the internet 

US will be next after France has Now Grabbed Their People's Pension Funds to Give to Banks and Their Debt... 

CODEPINK: Join Veterans for Peace in Protesting War! 


The Bankers Manifesto of 1892: History Repeated; THE HIDDEN TYRANNY OF THE PROTOCOLS: The Issue that Dwarfs All Other Issues 

From WE THE PEOPLE to Wee The Sheeple 

Cyndie Steele and her Attorney will be on the Free American Hour Tuesday: Mr. Steele is COMPLETELY INNOCENT 

Wicked WikiLeaks; By Paul Balles: None of the documents released by WikiLeaks were top secret. 


Video: Rothschild (Banksters's boss), world Zionism and world monopoly capitalism has been fleecing America to quietus level 

Less than 12 million Americans work in manufacturing; WHY WIKILEAKS DOESN"T ADD UP, i.e PLAUSIBLE LIES? 

While Jewish Colonists Burn Palestinian Orchards and Olive Groves.... 

Video: WikiLeaks is ZioPoison: Webster Tarpley exposes Julian Assange and Wikipedia as a CIA operation. 


Congressman Ron Paul: 'What we need is more WikiLeaks'"/A time comes when silence is betrayal." - Rev. Martin Luther King 

Video: Sex and Lies in Israel - By Dr. David Duke: Seducing gentiles is promoted;he Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery 

Brazil and Argentina recognize a 'free and independent' Palestinian state 

WikiLeaks Reveals Diplomatic Cables on US scientist Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who was framed and convicted CSIS framed teenage Khadr, How Harper betrayed teenage Khadr and others, exposed in a Quebec Documentary and Wikileaks and more.... 

"Presidents of Extra-Judicial Murder": The Stench of Hypocrisy 

9 Obama Pardons of criminals mock justice and equity 

Obtaining Due Process in a Non-Judicial ForeclosureState 

The Internet is Under Siege, Your Internet Provider has a secret plan for you. 

1985 Hilberg's Admission That There Is No Proof Of A Hitler Order of Holocaust; Check Red Cross Records; Ernst Zundel, Fred Leuchter And Prof. Robert Faurisson 

Top 1% owns 80% of the wealth in America/Global Wealth Is Being Funneled Into The Hands Of The Elite 

Using WikiLeaks to build a straw man ; By Dr James J Zogby, 

Helen Thomas: Zionists Own Congress, The WH, Hollywood & Wall St. 




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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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