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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Open CHALLENGE & Debate wd Admin of Everybody Draw....

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From: Kashmir Study Circle <>
Date: Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:51 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Open CHALLENGE & Debate wd Admin of Everybody Draw....


Open CHALLENGE & Debate wd Admin of Everybody Draw....

Debatable: Let the capable Islamic scholars Decide:  whether to join or boycott pages against TRUTH: As we only few Muslims wd limited knowledge, engaged in such webs, pages to commit against evil:

Either to High Light The Prophet Muhammad PB,PBUH, Who is like a spring of pure water in the heart of a desert, or like a source of light in the darkness enveloping the universe. Whoever appeals to this spring can take as much water as to quench his thirst and is purified of all his dirt or pollution, spiritual or intellectual, and illumined with the light of belief.

 Or To boycott: Though for atheist or an agnostic; or belongs to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. May, be a communist or a believer in democracy and freedom. No matter what ideological and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be - All must still know the blessing for universe ISLAM & Prophet Muhammad pbuH,the Mercy for whole creation.


Please read debate between the admin of this rubbish page & me, & judge the TRUTH, who is right or wrong, as have challenged him, if he proved true, I can be no more Muslim, if he proved wrong, he has to embrace the Truth.


Please read & guide me thanks.

Everybody draw Muhammad
best wishes on Human rights day :)

20 hours ago · UnlikeLike · Comment

20 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 3 people3 people like this. ·

Mushtaq Mehmood So let us all avoid to hurt emotions of others...Let us avoid to attack honor of such dignities, who are worth praise for huge population. Let us avoid to impose our will to unwilling people. These are basic to maintain human rights & peace. Let us all check ourselves, let admin of this page & those engaged in hurting emotions,abuses.. .whosoever they are take my advise seriously...thanks

20 hours ago · LikeUnlike


Everybody draw Muhammad

Mushtaq, what is dignity ? few days back In pakistan a Sharia court put a innocent girl on group rape, to restore 'dignity' of other family.

is that dignity ? similarly we are also aware of honor killings, again the word dignity plays a big role.. is that dignity ? or is dignity is restored by suicide bombing innocent civilians ? it just clears how a prevert mind thinks... he/she thinks for a reason to attack others, as requested in Islamic literature (all searched is very reason for declaring Jihad)...

Human rights is not sharia rights.. but Human rights is something that Islam is most afraid off... this is the reason why Muslim countries never joined Universal declaration of Human right declared till this very day...

so before claiming those stupid words, remember that Human rights are not based on some 'dignity', rather it is the very core of developing a individual, and giving him power to survive on his on in civilized manner... but to understand that basic concept, you need to move out of uncivilized ummah...See More

17 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·

Mushtaq Mehmood

Admin..Sorry it is neither correct News..Still if treated true..Do read it again. It is not crime done by Sharia court but done by tribe civil called JIRGA. Still I promise you, if it is true, I will plead case of this sister victim of decision. Let us be fair to differentiate the purity of religion & its followers. There are good & with evils within all faiths..As Hitler, Mosone, Sadam,N.Yahoo....problem is with them not their faith. Same was my status message before few days...Let me forward that. So wisdom & fairness is to verify the realty of any News..Also it is not fair to mingle religion with tribes. Also let me add, such tribes,whom you have point out are US supporters & its rulers complete supporter of US.See More

16 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Annie-Eve Collin Mushtaq, though a lot of muslim people are good people, even though a lot of the users of this page refuse to admitt it, ISLAM IS STILL A PUBLIC DANGER. Good people who claim to be muslims ignore many verses of the koran. And still, I have to say, though I met decent muslim people, I rarely met muslim men who really respected women as equals, or muslim women who sincerely thought they deserved to be treated and considered as well as a man.

16 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·

Mushtaq Mehmood

Dear Annie-Eve Collin..Salam with prays & Love...There are propaganda factories launched by nonbelievers by the help of USSR before cold war, whose target were all religions. Also black sheep within all faiths are promoting hatred via basel...ess media trial, speeches, acts.Dear it is not faith even thought of non believers, public danger but self desires making it so.Sorry if any Muslim will ignore any verse he can;t be good. But good is that, who do understand the back ground of any verses of Holy Quran. As those verses who are related with on going wars of that time, if anyone treat them necessary for present is sinner & black sheep in the name of Islam.Rest woman being our Mother,sister,wife,girlfriend...has equal rights. It is Islam which protects her right on heredity assets. It is Islam, which protects her honor & dignity. Even practically in few accusations Muslim Man do feel, his rights are less, as in present difficult life Islam puts responsibility of whole family on the shoulders of men. And women has no spiritual duty regarding such responsibilities. So sometimes Muslim man thinks why he is not she to enjoy Hollywood at home.Be blessed ThxSee More

15 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Everybody draw Muhammad


JIRGA and sharia are not far apart, both are driven by definition of koran and hidayat... correct me if i am wrong !! i myself is a south asian, and well aware of this game of words you are playing here to undermine the problem... ...

we are not speaking about some well considered secular law system here, rather of a system that is driven around interpretation of islam...

such events are not limited to Pakistan, but is also used in Iran as well as in saudi arabia, where group rape has been used by sharia court...

adding more to injury, In not legally ordered Rape cases... Islamic countries count a Rape victim as adulterous... rather then as a victim.

Remember, I praised here Human Rights.. and I do not see, why you have problem with Human Rights... it rather seems to me, that you want to be seen as equal a über-Human, because your thoughts are eclipsed my your Muslim identity, where you consider a Muslim as a much more forward in their inheritance... think of it.. what brought you in conflict, when i laid best wishes on Human rights day ? was that your Human identity, or your muslim identity conflicting with your Human identity.


We have no problem in accepting a lot Muslims as good people.. but a lot of them still are in minority of muslims from entire ummah... as Majority is usually involved in defending sharia, and their apartheid in Holy cities...See More

15 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·

Mushtaq Mehmood

Admin...Avoid to mingle JIRGA with SHREA...SHREA orders are as per Quran Sunnah, while as orders of JIRGA as per tribal tradition. Try to understand, it is my challenge in open forum that there is no relation between Shrea & JIRGA, if prove...d wrong, I will follow you, if you proved wrong, select your punishment. Believe me for any rape case there is punishment in Islam. If it proved true that Islam permits rape as mentioned by you via link...I will not remain Muslim. If your logic proved wrong then you have to accept the truth. Rest I believe & have faith all Prophets send by God to made ADAM as human being with human valves. So to protect Human rights is a spiritual act. Human rights violation is innocent killing, hurting people, abusing...So my previous comment was regarding that topic. And especially for you, who is involved in hurting huge Muslim population, even in few accusations by abusing comments for Prophet Jesus A.W.hurting Christians.Is not imposing will to unwilling people human rights violation?? If you have concerns about Islam, launch discuss forum & give your logic but without hurting cartoons, abuses, baseless media trial but on logic. I even after opposition by Muslim World joined here, will well come you there in discussion.
Regarding human rights let me add as here in past also exposed that I am human activist, have donated my life for human services. Even have saved many innocent humans including a US professor & his kid. I have understood Islam, which teaches to do the same for others what you do for yourself. So human service the best spiritual duty. I am not writing to impress but can upload all my services for humanity via email, or by phone,if anyone after introducing is eager to know it. Let me add all done without publicity & fund raising till now so among sellers. I love all followers, I love humanity, I respect all faiths, even to nonbeleivers. As God is RUBUL ALMEEN & our Great Prophet is REHMATAN LEL ALMEEN. Love for all hate for none policy can make world safe & with peace. So let us open our eyes & try to be with solution not part of problem like launching such pages, which have killed & created disturbance within human beings...See More

14 hours ago · LikeUnlike

Everybody draw Muhammad


dear Mushtaq.. Here, Iran ( a country that uses sharia as law), also uses Rape officially to keep in sync with Islamic Values...
anyways dear, I do not want to convert you in return, even though it was offered from you!! . neither I see, that your conversion to any other religion will solve the core problem with you !! Why ? because your definition religion has hardly anything to do with spirituality, rather it has all to do with ego... ego linked with big names, that you call prophet, and ego linked with the religious tags , ego linked with infused felling of 'dignity'...

and above all, your religion(irrespective of which) is working on you not as an enlightenment, rather it is blinding you... because it is stopping from questioning the moral and logic, and is forcing you, and people around you to just adopt the package as its been served by imam in mosque.

you really need to open up your query power, rather then adopt blindly what your local imam says...

anyways your words were more or less words of various 'religious' moderates, and all i can repeat before closing are great words of sam harris More

14 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·

Mushtaq Mehmood

Admin...If rape is allowed in prove it regarding teachings of Islam...I in this open forum will be the first Muslim to oppose such logic..If it is not allowed, let me know will you accept the truth. Regarding Iran, how rape can allowed, just can be media trial or crime done by black sheep, who unfortunately will be Muslims by name. As it is not faith alone but fair acts makes any follower great.
Before concluding one topic, let us avoid to launch one more topic. What I know about Islam is my personal research, no contribution of any Imam...See More


Kashmir study circle

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