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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fwd: Fw: And the car was damaged, but oh so slightly!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: William Gladys <>
Date: Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 1:48 AM
Subject: Fw: And the car was damaged, but oh so slightly!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 8:00 PM
Subject: And the car was damaged, but oh so slightly!




World press declares British media: Dotty – Non Compos – Loco – Dippy – Scatty – Loopy – Barmy & positively Gaga.


A recent media response to an incident which was blown out of all proportions to its importance and specified below was the cause of this damning verdict.

And extraordinarily, virtually ALL the British newspapers featured it on their FRONT PAGE!


I have included apposite and non sensational wording that positions the inconsequential incident in its correct perspective and positioned it where it belongs, within a two inch column on page five.


"A Car driven by a chauffer and occupied by an elderly couple on their way to a theatre in London was slightly damaged yesterday evening, when an irate individual threw a hard object at it. There was absolutely no risk to the occupants as the luxurious limousine was fitted with exorbitantly expensive bullet proof windows".


A group of foreign holiday makers who witnessed the incident made the following enlightening comments:


"I saw a huge limousine and the flashing lights of a following police car and two police outriders coming towards me, and thought they might be escorting someone important, like a praiseworthy author, a highly trained opera singer or a distinguished and commendable Professor with a string of qualifications after his name, or an elected President", said Mario.


"I thought along the same lines" Eleanor said, "but perhaps a worthy and gifted actor, a talented rock star, or a well qualified and respected architect, or a designer of some sort", she added.


 "But when the rumpus had   quietened down", she continued, "I was stunned to discover that it was only one of Britain's inept and hereditary royal free-loaders. Is it any wonder", she said with emphasis, "that your country is no longer regarded abroad as Great, when you continue to glorify mediocrity and lavish unwarrantable sums of money on a group of dysfunctional goons who are comprehensively   undeserving. You should appreciate by now (it's the 21st.Century!), that it is an appalling concept to set before your children and the rest of your nation" she said. "Yes and when we get back to our own country, we will all have a great time laughing at the illogical idiocy of an easily duped British people, who   foolishly and  undemocratically  deny  their progeny the irrefutable right to become Head-of-State should they so wish". "Praise be to that", the rest of the group chorused in unison.

End of message.


Roy Terrs - AKA William Gladys – London December2010. or visit for further information about the ludicrous British Mistletoe Monarchy.














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