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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Alternative Cancer Treatments

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Date: Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 1:14 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Alternative Cancer Treatments
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Alternative Cancer

To properly understand alternative cancer, one must first have basic knowledge about cancer itself. Cancer is a term used for diseases which causes cell division to grow beyond normal limits. These cancerous cells invade and destroy nearby cells and if left untreated, they can spread to other parts of the body in a process called metastasis.

Medical experts currently recognize more than 100 types of cancer. They name them according to the organ this particular type of cancer attacks – for example cancer which attacks colon would be called colon cancer, cancer which attacks breast tissue would be called breast cancer, cancer which attacks lungs would be called lung cancer and so on.

Cancer types are divided into categories based on which area of the body they attack. The main categories of cancer are carcinoma, sarcoma, leukemia, central nervous system cancer, lymphoma and myeloma. Carcinoma cancer forms in the skin or in any internal organs. Sarcoma cancer forms in bones, fat, cartilage, bloodvessels, muscles, connective tissue and supportive tissue. Leukemia cancer forms in bone marrow and in blood forming tissue. Central nervous system cancer forms in the brain and spinal cord tissues. Lymphoma and myeloma cancer begins in the immune system tissues. Symptoms of cancer include persistent fatigue, unplanned weight loss, fever, skin irritation, itchiness and pain.

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative cancer treatment methods are not scarce, but few are familiar with them. People who have been fighting cancer off for a while would have either tried or at least heard of various alternative cancer treatment methods. In general, those who would like to battle cancer with methods other than chemotherapy have several options. Alternative Cancer website will focus on providing as much information about these alternative cancer treatment methods as possible to help you make informed decision and win your fight against this devastating disease.

Some of alternative cancer treatment methods include:

Acid and alkaline balance is a treatment which is a combination of acid neutralizing minerals and magnesium. Through proper application of acid neutralizing minerals such as calcium and magnesium the body of cancer patient is supplied with necessary additives to correct the acid and alkaline balance. In addition minerals like potassium, rubidium and cesium neutralize the acid nature of the cancer cells which can't survive in high PH ranges.

Adjunctive therapies are a conjunction therapy which is used with selenium, detoxification, specific vitamins and supplements, water therapy and nutrition balancing.

Amygdaline or Laetrile is a natural substance which is concentrated for cancer therapy. Amygdalin is an extraction from the apricot seeds and is available in both tablets and in injectable form. This therapy is used for seriously ill people with proteolytic enzymes, fresh fruit diet, vegetables, whole grains, etc. doctors first give injections and after some time tablets are given.

Antineoplastons are amino acid compounds, also known as peptides. These are found in the blood and urine of any healthy people, but they are deficient in cancer patients. There are many patients who believe and claim that this method has helped put cancer cells under control.

Cancel/cantron (entelle) has demonstrated 70 – 80 % success rate in elimination of cancer in mice. It helps in lowering the overall potency of cancer cells forcing it to "starve" and die off.

Ellagic acid is a new discovered extract which is derived from fruits like red berries and pomegranates. Tests conducted at the institute of South Carolina show that it can effectively prevent cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It acts by suppressing cancer causing chemicals and makes them inactive.

Electronic therapies were used by Rife, Beck, Clark and others to treat cancer. Electrotherapy is also known as electrochemical tumor therapy and electro cancer therapy. It was developed in Europe and it uses galvanic electrical stimulation to cure tumors and skin cancers. It is also used in conjunction with therapies of different kinds. Electrotherapy utilizes local anesthesia with positively charged platinum which is inserted with a gold or silver needle into the places around the tumor. The voltage of 6V to 15V is applied, depending on the size of the tumor. Electricity induces electrolysis in tissues and the PH balance depolarizes cancer cell membranes which destroys tumors gently. Generated heat stroke proteins around the patient's cancer cells induce cell specific immunity as it triggers natural killer cells.

Magnetic or bio resonance is a new technique. Every cell has natural frequency of resonance and cancer cells are different from normal cells. Radio waves are set to resonate with the cancer cell frequency which destroys them, in a the same way a loud sound breaks fine glass. It has been used in Europe for 23 years.

Enzymatic therapy is available in two options – food enzymes and proteolytic enzymes. Some scientists believe that cancer cells are covered with protein lining, which prevent body's natural defense mechanisms from reaching them. If this protein lining is destroyed by enzymatic therapy, body defenses can easily reach the cancer cells and destroy them.

Many alternative cancer centers around the world use food therapies that protect body with production of enzymes that prevent tumors from forming. The flax seed oil diet helps in increasing metabolism, improving immune system, reduces cholesterol levels and help suppress the growth of cancer cells. Low sugar diets also seem to help in suppressing cancer cells.

Gerson therapy consists of detoxification and diet. Detoxification utilizes coffee enemas whereas caffeine is absorbed in the lower bowel and reaches liver to stimulate the growth of natural immune factors. The dosage in such cases has to be carefully controlled. Over stimulation of liver can lead to malfunction and fatigue. Gerson therapy also involves drinking of 12 or more glasses of fresh vegetables, fruits and potassium with iodine supplements. As its name suggests, this alternative cancer therapy was developed by Dr. Gerson.

Glycoalkaloids are primarily used for alternative treatment of skin cancer but have also been proven effective in treatment of melanomas. Studies conducted by Lane labs concluded that Glycoalkaloids are also beneficial in treatment of cell carcinomas.

Green tea has long been known for its cancer preventive qualities but some believe that it cannot prevent uncontrolled growth of cancer cells once present in the body. Green tea still remains the least expensive method of cancer control for many. The most active anti cancer ingredient found in green tea is called EGCG. It's a compound known for its free radical killing properties.

Haelan is an anti cancer nutrition agent made from soybean extracts. It cuts blood supply from cancerous cells, reduces tumors through enzymes and boost immune system. It also helps in relieving the side effects of mainstream cancer therapies.

The brief overview of alternative cancer treatment methods is not exhaustive and we will strive to provide as much detailed information about it as available. Herbal extracts like artemasia, essiac tea, graviola, hoxsey, pau d arco, radium weed, red clover, saw palmetto and tian xian have also been found beneficial and will be covered in more detail throughout the website.

According to statistic provided by the World Heath Organization, cancer will take lead as #1 source of premature death worldwide by 2010, sending current leader – the heart disease to be #2. By utilizing lifestyle changes and techniques described on Alternative Cancer website, you may be able to take charge of your life and prevent cancer for ever developing in your body. On a worldwide scale, Lung Cancer is the most common, most widely spread and the most deadly form of cancer. Diagnosis of Lung Cancer can be as easy as listening to your lungs with a stethoscope. If you can hear fluids in the lungs area, it may be a sign (not always though) that you have developed Lung Cancer. There are several alternative cancer treatment methods that can help with Lung Cancer, they will be described in detail later throughout the website.

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Palash Biswas
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