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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fwd: [Right to Health Care] THE PIONEER DECEMBER 9, 2010 10% beds reserved...

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From: Ashok Agarwal <>
Date: Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 10:39 AM
Subject: [Right to Health Care] THE PIONEER DECEMBER 9, 2010 10% beds reserved...
To: Palash Biswas <>

THE PIONEER DECEMBER 9, 2010  10% beds reserved for poor in hospitals  Staff Reporter | Gurgaon  The poorer and weaker section of the Gurgoan city got a ray of hope as now they will easily get medical treatment in the city's private hospitals. Now, 10 per cent of the total capacity of the beds will be reserved for the weaker section of the society. The district administration and Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has decided to enforce this condition.  A monitoring committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Rajender Kataria for ensuring compliance of the rule. The other members of the committee include — Civil Surgeon Dr Parveen Garg and secretary of District Red Cross Society Pardeep Kumar. The committee would be recommending poor patients to various private hospitals located in Gurgaon for treatment on concession or on Government rates.
Ashok Agarwal 10:39am Dec 11

10% beds reserved for poor in hospitals

Staff Reporter | Gurgaon

The poorer and weaker section of the Gurgoan city got a ray of hope as now they will easily get medical treatment in the city's private hospitals. Now, 10 per cent of the total capacity of the beds will be reserved for the weaker section of the society. The district administration and Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has decided to enforce this condition.

A monitoring committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Rajender Kataria for ensuring compliance of the rule. The other members of the committee include — Civil Surgeon Dr Parveen Garg and secretary of District Red Cross Society Pardeep Kumar. The committee would be recommending poor patients to various private hospitals located in Gurgaon for treatment on concession or on Government rates.

"The Civil Surgeon has been asked to devise a format on which the recommendation will be made to the hospitals, also a meeting of representatives of private hospitals will be called in near future and they would be asked to comply with the rule of the state government and provide health services on concessional rates to the patients belonging to economically poor sections of the society", said Kataria.

The Deputy Commissioner said that the names and addresses of the patients recommended to various private hospitals by the committee will be recorded in a register and the hospitals will be asked to send a reply about the treatment given to the patient. In this way, the compliance of government rule will be ensured.

He said that as per the provisions of Haryana Government, the private hospitals were required to treat 10 per cent of the total patients coming to them from economically poor sections at concessional rates. This was mentioned in their licence condition at the time of allotment of land. Similarly, the state government has decided to give recognition to those private educational institutions who provided concessional services to economically weaker sections of society." The State Government had already issued a notification to this effect," he added.

He further said that in future, recognition to private schools would be granted only if their management provided for free or concessional education to children belonging to economically weaker sections of society. The hospitals and schools will be allowed to cater to regular patients and students respectively. The committee will review every month the facilities provided by the private schools and hospitals to weaker sections of society, he added.

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