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From: Dirgha Raj Prasai <dirgharajprasai@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:09 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: BJP MAY BRING BACK NEPALESE MONARCHY SHOULD IT WIN 2014 ELECTIONS---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ram B Chherti <rambchhetri@hotmail.com>
Date: WeWhy Monarchy is Necessary for Nepal?
The country is standing on the verge of dismemberment in the last seven years. When the relationship between the king and the people have been detached one can easily imagine, Nepal can't remain safe and unified if monarchy is actually abolished from the country. In a country with such geographical and ethnic diversities Nepal will fall into a severely dangerous situation because of the tug of war for power and money. This can be avoided if there is monarchy because monarchy is always impartial politically and of the political parties. All of us are against if there are anomalies within the royal institution, but those things could be sorted out through negotiation with the monarch. But, it is our unfortunate that the politicians have learnt no lesion from their past mistakes. To make no mistakes is not in the power of man, but from their errors and mistakes that wise and good learn wisdom for the future. Constitutionalism is the way of the nation. But the profounder of parties don't like the follow the norms of the constitution and existing laws. There is establishing the anarchism by such destructive activities. The leaders of Nepal Congress, UML, Maoists and other don't like to improve their mistakes.
Nepal has been always showing goodwill towards India. Cordial people to people level relations between Nepal and India has existed since ancient times. We have to keep friendly relations with India due to our similar cultural and religious traditions. But, since 2005, the cordial situation is humiliating day by day between Nepal & India. The permanent institution- 'Monarchy' can put unites the cordial relation between Nepal, India and China. In between the two big neighbors-China & India, the monarchy had been playing a balanced role. Nepalese monarchial system has been supporting-'One China policy'- Tibet as an integral part of China. But, in the absence of Monarch- RAW (India's the Research and Analysis Wing) and CIA (Intelligence agency of America) approach their agendas to destroy the Nepalese identity, unity and the Chinese integration. Nepalese monarchy is identified the most convincing identity of Nepal's independence, cultural unity and safeguards the Indian culture and peace also. I think, majority Indian people also want peaceful Nepal with monarchy. So, Nepalese people need to reinstate the amiable Hindu monarchy.
It is true that there are many countries which do not have monarchy still they could remain independent and prosperous. But in a diverse country like Nepal, monarchy is the only basis of national unity and Nepal cannot be compared with other countries. Indian conspirators are taking some deviant leaders of the political parties on their shoulders with the sole aim that it will be easy for them to control Nepal if monarchy can be displaced. Some communist parties take monarchy as the root cause of Nepal's all woes. But, this is not correct. Nepalese king has ever acted or walked on the path which is against Nepal's national interest.
Nepal could remain an independent and sovereign country only because of monarchy. The monarchy was pivotal in integrating Nepal, establishing democratic and just society at par with the modern world. But why are the political parties so averse and negative towards monarchy? It is true that there are many countries which do not have monarchy still they could remain independent and prosperous. Nepalese king has ever acted or walked on the path which is against Nepal's national interest. Gorkha was one country since ancient time. This country is the result of the unification of 54 small countries or fiefdoms under the leadership of the monarchy.
Many countries where monarchy was displaced have now ceased to exist and several other have fallen into anarchy and civil war. Therefore, it will be totally inappropriate without knowing fully the ground realities. It was not for whether to keep monarchy or not. The constituent assembly is just a representative organization to formulate a new constitution and it does not have any right to displace monarchy. Can the future of the country be decided just because so called big political parties ganged up together? Those powerful nations, who in the past shed blood in Vietnam, North and South Korea, East and West Germany, Cambodia, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, are now trying to drag Nepal into a civil war. So, if the political leaders, including the Maoists, tried to trample on this truth, one should know that the existence of Nepal as well as the culture and traditions of India also will be finished.
Nepal is the origin of Hindu & Buddhist. This is the land where their civilization began. As Nepal is the only Hindu country in the world with a Hindu king, Hindus all over the world have a great respect and faith for this country. Nepalese around the world and Nepal's well-wishers are anxious about this conspiracy against monarchy by some deviant leaders. Former minister and elder son of the founder of Nepali Congress BP Koirala Prakash Koirala says–'After republic was declared, no one is secure. Due to the passiveness of nationalist elements, to much foreigner are playing to desintrigate the Nepalese unity in the current vacuum. The 12 points agreement was worked out of Delhi. All these destructive works were carried out from Delhi. The republic was declared by the force of Indian leaders. King did not take decisions under foreign pressure. Nepali Congress's major ideology is constitutional monarchy and multi-party democracy. Constitutional monarchy and multi-party democracy is still a need in Nepal. But, the international force- such as India, America removed the monarchy. Girija Prasad (uncle) created chaos in the country. There is no law and order and the presence of the government is nil.' (14th Jun.2010 Peoples Review)
On the discussion about republic in Nepal, Senior leader of B.J.P Lalkrishna Advani had said: 'The framework for constitutional monarchy in Nepal should be consolidated because monarchy is the symbol of Nepal's identity and sovereignty. Nepal should have an active and dynamic multi-party democracy'. But, we in Nepal are trying to dig up a well when there already is water in our rivers. Nepal will not become a heaven on earth just because monarchy is actually abolished and republican system ushered in. When Nepal has already received so much respect and identity for being a Hindu kingdom, why are Nepalese trying to finish off its identity? What is more treason than this? The conflict between the political parties and the king came up because of the mistakes and blunders of Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML and the authoritarian thinking of the Maoist. Why the Maoists are minimizing this truth forcefully? The Maoists should understand the glorious history of Nepal's sovereignty with the monarch.
One of the strong nationalist Former ministers Padmasundar Lawoti says-'The Monarchy will itself emerge eventually. Rest assured. We need not to advocate for the revival of the monarchy because the people know it better as to who were responsible for the current political instability-a mess in effect- in the country. The Constituent Assembly has already become defunct and thus there is the urgent need for its dissolution. Those who have made a joke of the nation and pushed the country to this disorder must be taken to task as per the prevailing laws of the land.'
The monarchies of Nepal and Thailand have been central targets of these people because they were at the core of, and also uniquely identified with, the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, which pre-date Christianity, do not emanate from Judeo-Christian roots, and are followed by hundreds of millions of people. Nepal was the one and only Hindu Kingdom, with monarchy at its spiritual, cultural and traditional core. The monarchy of Nepal, in its various Hindu-Buddhist shades, is not 240 years old but actually more than one thousand years old! To hit Hinduism through its only Hindu Kingdom, these guys felt they had to get rid of monarchy. (Aashutosh Sribastav)
Observing the political scenarios of Nepal, A Humanist-Switzerland writes- 'It is wise to restore Constitutional monarchy in Nepal: A monarchy which works under a constitutional which delimits the rights and duties of monarch as well as the citizens and other people in govt. and the society. The constitutional monarchy should be modern and progressive. It is a question of jurisdiction and sovereignty of the nation: a monarch, a sovereign is to be the permanent centre of loyalties of the nation; he is to be a permanent expression of the nation to the world. Sovereign is the person who defends the jurisdiction and sovereignty of nation against the whole world, against the internal evils like civil war and external threats. For a lesson, read the history of Afghanistan: As long as King Zahir Shah was there, the country was at peace; the institution of the monarchy had kept the organized Mullah's as well as communists under control. As soon as monarchy was dismissed by the communists, then by the mullahs, the country has been facing civil wars, mass-murders, genocides and destruction: first by the Russian Army, then by the Mujahedeen, then by the Al-Qaida and now by the NATO armies: only since the NATO armies began their military actions, THERE HAS BEEN 4.9 MILLION KLLINGS OF Afghani civilians!' -News Blaze, USA Oct.21th 2010.
Some people lacking information about Nepal's geo-political stand point along with the cultural history as the king remained symbol of unity in diversity take as an obsolete and ancient institution, but not all countries with monarchy are deprived and destitute. In the context of Nepal, the political parties can always get along with monarchy. Even in simple terms, in republican countries with parliamentary system, a person biased towards a party becomes the president. Already presidential election is expensive there is added fear that the fighting between the communist and the parliamentary parties could break up the country. History is evidence that the parliamentary parties, mainly the Nepali Congress and the UML, who came to power after 1990 completely failed to steer the country and they handed over power to the King in 2001. Later when they failed to get position and power they climbed on the shoulder of the Maoists to launch an anarchic struggle by the hints of the notorious Indian intelligence-RAW.
The King has no role in bringing this sorry state of this country. Nepalese people shall not remain quiet if these political parties try to destroy the identity of this country, their tradition and the basic foundation of this state. Therefore, this uncertain and precarious situation can only be averted if a balance can be maintained among nationality, monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Nepal's independence, sovereignty and democracy can never be safeguarded by abolishing monarchy. If Nepal's monarchy will be abolished for-ever, the power balance of this region will be disrupted. Nepal's monarchy is the guarantor for peace and stability of this region. We Nepalese people no longer want the unconstitutional rule of the so called visionless larger party leaders including Maoists. The Nepalese only believe in parliamentary democracy and always follow the constitutional path. Now, the only way would be the acceptance and restoration of benevolent and people-oriented monarchy. There is, thus, no way other than to form a national government of all sides, reinstating the 1990 constitution including the king, through a broad conference and find a way out to solve the country's problem.
dirgharajprasai@gmail.com d, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:01 AM
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 06:00:20 -0400Subject: BJP MAY BRING BACK NEPALESE MONARCHY SHOULD IT WIN 2014 ELECTIONS
From: himalayanvoice@gmail.com
Posted by The Himalayan Voice:[Welcoming the visiting King Mahendra of Nepal into the White House in November 1967 President Lyndon B. Johnson had said, " Nepal has carried its good influence and example into the great forums of the world". But the country does not 'carry any good influence and example into the great forums of the world' at all today . President Carter is hopeful that the Interim Election Commission will be able to hold Constituent Assembly elections finally. But Palash Biswas, the author of the article below fears that Bharatiya Janata Party may reinstall the monarchy should it win the general elections in 2014. The Maoist Chairman Prachand seems to have received grand reception in Beijing recently. China may not cherish the dethroned King's come back. - Editor ]
मुक्त बाजार भारत की राजनीति, हिंदुत्व और धर्मनिरपेक्षता !
(मसलन नेपाल में राजतंत्र के अवसान के बाद भारतकी हिंदुत्ववादी राजनीति के मात्र एजंडा वहां राजतंत्र की बहाली है। इस वक्त नेपाल में बड़े जोर शोर से प्रचार अभियान चल रहा है कि भारत में नरेंद्र मोदी के अमेरिकी समर्थन से प्रधानमंत्री बन जाने से भारत हिंदू राष्ट्र बन जायेगा और इसीके साथ नेपाल में एकबार फिर राजतंत्र की स्थापना हो जायेगी। फिर शांति और संपन्नता का युग वापस आ जायेगा।)
लेखक पलाश विश्वास--
The Himalayan VoiceCambridge, MassachusettsUnited States of AmericaSkype: thehimalayanvoice[THE HIMALAYAN VOICE does not endorse the opinions of the author or any opinions expressed on its pages. Articles and comments can be emailed to: himalayanvoice@gmail.com, © Copyright The Himalayan Voice 2013]
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Why Monarchy is Necessary for Nepal?
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:43 PM, The Himalayan Voice <himalayanvoice@gmail.com> wrote:
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