Situation in Nepal Tarai with reference Anglo Nepalese War
Anglo Nepalese War with Reference to Gurkha Rule over Uttarakhand & Himachal -6
History of Gorkha /Nepal Rule over Kumaun, Garhwal and Himachal (1790-1815) -127
History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -648
By: Bhishma Kukreti (A History Student)
In west of Kalinadi (plains of Kumaon, Garhwal and Himachal), Nepalese Force was weaker than East India Company. However, in east of Kalinadi, in Nepal Tarai, strategically Nepalese force was stronger than East India Company.
Gurkha reached to Nepal Tarai before East India could reach and capture the territory. Tarai was also affected by Malaria from April to October and Company officials would not accommodate such seasonal diseases. However, East India Company appointed Jamindar for collecting tax from farmers. Company was not interested for looking after the citizen interests. There was also not clear demarcation of border of Nepal and Company in Tarai region.
In 1811, Barely Magistrate came to know that Gurkah built a fort at Kheri. Kheri and nearby region was understood under Awadh Nabab. Barely Magistrate was aware that by 1809, there was no Gurkha right on Kheri. In Nepal Tarai there used to take place such many dispute incidents between Gurkha and East India Company.
Nepal Tarai was important for Gurkha and East India Company. The Sal forests were gold mines for Gurkha. There were wild animals too in those forests and were commercially important. Sal was exported all over North and East India. Animals and their body parts were exported. The agriculture was also beneficial in this part.
Due to various disputes factors in North, Central and West India, Governor General Wellesley and other Governor Generals made policies to be neutral with Gurkha for the time being. Therefore, Bhim Sen Thapa got chance to expand its territory in Tarai.
Bhim Sen Thapa was aware of strength of East India Company. Even then Thapa continued to capture the Territory of East India Company. The Tirhut Magistrate informed that from 1712 -1812, Gurkha captured more than 200 villages of East India Company. Gurkha captured five eight Pargnas of Khairigar; Gurkha used to show rights on many villages of Moradabad. Gurkha captured many villages of Gorakhpur and Saran regions. Company officials were aware of Gurkha acts but were involved in settling other territories and were not to take head on with Gurkha. East India Company only used to wrote letters about border disputes.
** Most of references and details were taken from Dr Dabral
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, bckukreti@gmail.com25/6/2015
History of Garhwal – Kumaon-Haridwar (Uttarakhand, India) to be continued… Part -649
*** History of Gorkha/Gurkha /Nepal Rule over Kumaun, Garhwal and Himachal (1790-1815) to be continued in next chapter
(The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers)
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Hamilton F.B. 1819, An Account of Kingdom of Nepal and the territories
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I.R.Aryan and T.P. Dhungyal, 1975, A New History of Nepal , Voice of Nepal
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Derek J. Waller, The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia page 172-173
B. D. Pande, Kumaon ka Itihas
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Chaudhari , Anglo –Nepalese Relations
Pande, Vasudha , Compares Histriographical Traditions of Gorkha Rule in Nepal and Kumaon
Pradhan , Kumar, 1991, The Gorkha Conquests , Oxford University Press
Minyan Govrdhan Singh , History of Himachal Pradesh
A.P Coleman, 1999, A Special Corps
Captain Thomas Smith, 1852,Narrative of a Five Years Residence at Nepal Vol.1
Maula Ram/Mola Ram , Ranbahadurchandrika and Garhrajvanshkavya
J B Fraser , Asiatic Research
Shyam Ganguli, Doon Rediscovered
Minyan Prem Singh, Guldast Tabarikh Koh Tihri Garhwal
Patiram Garhwal , Ancient and Modern
Tara Datt Gairola, Parvtiy Sanskriti
John Premble, Invasion of Nepal
Chitranjan Nepali, Bhimsen Thapa aur Tatkalin Nepal
History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Garhwal, Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Pauri Garhwal, Udham Singh Nagar Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Sirmour Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Chamoli Garhwal, Nainital Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Kangara Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Rudraprayag Garhwal, Almora Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Baghat Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Tehri Garhwal, Champawat Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Punar Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Uttarkashi Garhwal, Bageshwar Kumaon, Uttarakhand; Nahan Himachal; History Gurkha /Gorkha Rule over Dehradun Garhwal, Pithoragarh Kumaon, Uttarakhand; History Himachal;
Nepal Itihas, Garhwal Itihas, Kumaon Itihas, Himachal Itihas; Gurkha/Gorkha ka Kumaon par Adhikar Itihas , Gurkha/Gorkha Garhwal par Shasan Itihas; Gurkha/Gorkha Rule in Kumaon, Garhwal Uttarakhand; History Gurkha/Gorkha Rule in Himachal,

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