Published on Nov 5, 2012
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Jose Custodio Shared on Google+ · 7 months ago
How The Jews Control Elections:

Sadat Mousa Shared on Google+ · 10 months ago
How The Jews Control Elections:
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What a bunch of "POMPOUS MORONS" our leaders like Obama, Pelosi , Reid, Biden, McCain, Boehner, Kerry & Hillary Clinton have become! Dems and Republicans are out of touch with REALITY!!! How dare they lecture other countries like Russian and China when ours is a mess run by low-life greedy immoral Politicians who are "Lobbyist Bribed" and owned by Gangster Bankers, Criminal Corporations, and Wall Street Fraudsters!!! STOP VOTING in Democrats & Republicans & GET RID OF ALL THESE SCUM running America into the dirt!!

Well, if you fold a dollar bill just right, you can make a picture of one of the WTC buildings burning. Now ask yourself who owns our federal reserve. According to Jesus in John 10 there are 2 herds Christ must bring, and they will become one herd and have one shepherd. Now think of the cultivated olive tree with the wild olive branches grafted in. Paul says not to get haughty, because if God doesn't spare the natural branches he may not spare us either.Some of Abrahams natural get will be saved

Facts are Paul the highest population of Jews outside Israel in Middle East is Iran. Hostility towards Jews was on the increase since after the Zionist state was enforced in 1948. But your figure of 1000 is untrue. It's closer to 10,000. Was it not the Persian kings that allowed the Jews to return Jerusalem to rebuild their temple by the decree of of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia

@rickiex In 1770, Mayer Amschel Rothschild drew up plans for the creation of the "Illuminati" and had Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew, who pretended to be Roman Catholic, help with its organization and development. The "Illuminati" is based on the teachings of the Talmud, which is really the teaching of Rabbinical Jews. The "Illuminati" is a Luciferian term which means "keeper of the light". So, to answer your question, it's the Jews.

Sad to listen that shit has already arrived to beautiful Ireland, I lived there for years, in my country Spain we have several freemasons ministers in the government, same shit, their gentiles employees, you know that one of the persons that has ruined Ireland on behalf of the talmudic kabala jew mafia banksters is Angela Merkel, she is daughter of a polish jewish woman and now married to a jewish man.

Since Obama became president Iraq ~ got a muslim bros Theocracy & it's citizens got armed w/ american gun purchases Egypt~got a muslim bros Theocracy & it's citizens got armed w/ american gun purchases Libya~got a muslim bros Theocracy & it's citizens got armed w/ american gun purchases Syrias headed for; a muslim bros Theocracy & it's citizens got armed w/ american gun purchases Hey ya think Afganstan & paki will get; a muslim bros Theocracy & it's citizens got armed w/ american gun purchases

1 more thing.Remember this a lot of Christians are in line with the re-building of the temple in Israel,Not good...They're deceived into believing this is for Jesus,While in fact it will be for the false prophet.This is why it's important to not jus read,but to study our bibles.What's the easiest way for satan to deceive people?Through the "Church".satan knew scripture and used it against Jesus,And Jesus defeated satan with Scripture.It's still going on today...

0:29 I wouldn't say most Americans "never heard of Ron Paul", though I could always be wrong in that case. In my opinion, many Americans have indeed heard of him, but they mostly recognize him as someone revered by kidults, and most call him a conspiracy-theorist due to his heavy criticism of the Federal Reserve System. Basically, he's just one of the more "unpopular" politicians, because he doesn't seem to hold a black-and-white stance like what's expected of DNC and/or GOP candidates.

quite right they want a return to serfdom , where 99% of the populace are on their knees to the elite 1% - the good old days ! the middle classes ( really anyone who works - so that includes the so called working class ) are paying all the bills , while the elite pay no tax ( they set the rules after al ) and the rest are on the dole , wasting as much money as possible ;the public sector is so bloated in many countries - they employ morons who are so inefficient and a total waste of money

The 144k will be taken from those who resurrected with Jesus the day he arose from the grave, those were the first fruits. It was recorded in Jerusalem the day Jesus rose from the grave the dead were seen walking and conversing with theri relatives and decendants in Jerusalem. The church has always been around for 3500 years, thats what the menorah symbolizes. From Adam to today there has always been loyal followres of the Savior, even before he came they believed in him, even Moses believed.

Freemasons are the tool of Jews. Jews can not be Presidents all the time so they use their loyal gentiles, but sometimes the heads of state are Jewish like David Cameron and Disraeli in UK, Sarkozy in France, Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, Mihai Ungureanu in Romania, Erno Gero, Bela Kun, Rakosy in Hungary, Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov in USSR and many others.

All the trouble in the middle east is in preparation for the next phase toward "greater israel". The Palestinians are finished according to the jews, they are like cockroaches crawling around their enclosures. Israel is getting close to bursting out of old Palestine and invading numerous Arab nations, preferably with lots of oil wells. Once the American elections are over and especially if Romney wins it will be on. War, and the jews want it all, from the Nile to the Euphrates.

He was right in one sense, but I don't like how he ended up sacrificing Christian faith or principles for the race struggle ideology. I could see how the latter would be easier to to follow, rather than having faith that there is a God in control of human events. He killed many many people of all kinds, including dissenting Christians, the movement quickly got demonic.

I have read Galatians, and while I agree that the promise of the (Holy) Spirit was given to believers in Jesus Christ thru Abraham, it also states that the original promise to Abraham by God can not be nullified. Galatians 17, etc. I'm inclined to think that while we as Christians do inherit all the blessings God gave to Abraham, and even so may be "Spiritual" Israel now, we are not physical Israel, which was resurrected specifically so God COULD fulfill all that He said He'd do, here at the end

are these true?you would know,jews claim they never said this but they are the source I got these from. 1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a). 2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

africans should colonize israel. the israel lobby likes to promote ethnic cleansing, lets start a fundraising for nice african people to colonize israel, nice african people to form there own government inside the israel government, i will donate money every month to this cause for nice africans to form an equal rights movement in israel,

Do Names matter? Or is it all TITLES? That is the way we are programmed to think in Belief Systems, even Christianity, Catholism, Islam and so on and so forth Corruption has been around since when? Who was cast down to Earth since he wanted to sit in THE FATHER'S SEAT? Who has Confused THE NATIONS? What has His Mission been? CONFUSION, and has HE did a Great Job? Read Dt. 13:1- when ever you feel like stopping and tell me with all the above in mind when reading, what?

It seems that Zionism has well and truly duped the Christian world. Who can stop them now? The Zionist backed war machine is now making its way through Muslim lands. The Saudis are in the pockets of America along with the UAE countries. The only obstacle left in their way to form the greater Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile is Iran. Guess we better pray the Iranians stick it to the Zionists when that day comes.

Only certain of the Illuminati are claimming to be Jews to make Gods chosen people to appear evil and to be hated amongst all nations. Rev. 3 v. 9 Says... Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Ionacaddy. The Israel of God is the holy catholic (universal) and apostolic church, made up of true believers in Jesus Christ throughout the world. The counterfeit people of God are those who call themselves "Jews" but are the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9, 3:9). Read Paul's letter to the Romans, the Christian church replaces carnal Israel as God's chosen people. The modern political state of so-called Israel is the capital state of the coming worldly rule of Antichrist.

But the Jews lived in Arab countries for centuries in peace too. The majority of Jews immigrated in 1950-1960 in America, Canada, Palestine, Europe (70/100 the Jews of France are from North Africa). And now those Jews who had lived in peace with us, spread a lot of propaganda against Muslims in their media. You can not say that the Jews are innocent or victims of Zionism

The Zionists are deliberately destroying all Western countries! They immigrated into our nations and then secretly declared war upon us! They conspired to take control of our nation's infrastructure through carefully orchestrated acts of TREASON! They became our Bankers, Politicians & media owners. Their goal is to obliterate the middle class!! For a FREE informative BOOKLET & video on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of White people go to: youtube. com/watch?v=n663eVTSyS8

Were you aware that of the "British Uganda Program" at the beginning of the last century? The British Uganda Program was to give the Zionists some 5000 sq miles of territory in in what is today Kenya and Uganda, seemingly as a temporary refuge for Jews in Russia . So your "Africans should colonize Israel" has my vote! Of course, as Zionists are some of the most racist and xenophobic groups on this planet, it may be a bit impractical, but I say lets give it a shot!

Catholics aint the true church, you worship Mary the "co-redemptrix" Queen of Heaven who is really Ashtoreth. The Pope wears the robes of the Dagon High Priest, and the regular clergy priests wear the garb of the Mithra priesthood and are forbidden to marry just like them (which Jesus never forbid marriage). The Vatican is built ontop of the temple of Cybele. Even your communion is blasphemy as transubstantiation is sorcery. I found at least 5 pagan roman gods hiding in catholicism.

While asleep and dreaming last night I was walking down a busy street in my dream when BroNat walked past me! He turned his head and looked directly at me for a second, then continued on his way. What was strange was he wasn't wearing his priestly attire, but instead was dressed casually without even his hat. His face and beard were unmistakable. Keep up the good work BroNat.

The Republican "party" is so stupid in pandering to 2% of the US population, of which 70% vote Democrat! This equates to 950K jewish votes for Repubs, whereas they receive 500K black votes & totally ignore that voting block. Like BN showed in another video, William Kristol proudly declared that the Repubs were purged of any non Neocons. The party of Lincoln has degenerated into a Reactionary, chickenhawk shill group for zionism

Which I have done, study, pray and pick others brains and hearts... And get to know the ins and outs on what is written if in fact it existed in the Books in the Bible or not and when the verse(s) have been Added to or taken or manipulated in any way. Yes, get to know the environment one dwells and get out if it promotes lies.

If we don't take back our world from the Jews who hate gentiles, muslims, asians, and anyone who isn't a jew, we are all a gonner by crackee. And here's a major hint for all you pacifist jerkwads out there, it ain't gonna be by "voting" (aw haw haw haw) or protesting (uh duh). Get the picture pinheads. If you ain't gonna help, then get the Hell out of the way or get rolled over by the liberty steamroller.

Good clip Brother. That Zionist's speech reminded me tho, no Zionist is a real liberal, because real liberals are not warmongers, but Zionists are aggressive war mongers. What a fake Uncle Tom Obama turned out to be - dancing to the Zionists' tune. I'm sure the "neo-con" and "liberal" Zionists secretly get together and celebrate their usurpation of the USA in its financial & military support of Israel's lebensraum in the Arab World. Good instance of 'race' meaning nothing - the heart is all.

Good question.Honestly my friend It's one I use to ask myself,That's why I'm no denomination.Jus a follower of Jesus that seeks truth,such as this video.Christian means follower of Christ.The one true Church is/are TRUE followers of Christ,Jesus knows who His people are.We're God's temple.Not something made of hands.I base this strictly on Scripture.The people who follow Christ are the 1 Church of the Lord.

I feel that there may be such a thing as Christian Zionism and Judaic Zionism. Christian Zionism is the New Jerusalem Rev. 21:1 (where there is no longer any sea), and Judaic Zionism is the earthly kingdom of antichrist messiah that the Jews want to establish with the rebuilding of the Temple as Heaven on earth. Judaic Zionism seems to fool Christian Zionists.

Brother Nathanael, I used to be one of those Christians that considered Israel to be our charge, thinking that we Christian nations should protect and help Israel against the heathens because it was expected of us by God, probably because I grew up reading Hal Lindsey. But I believe this no longer. After realizing who brought down the twin towers, I am left reassessing the State of Israel's place in the bible, as I still do believe it's rebirth is a major end time prophesy. What do you think?

Hitler was right!!! ;(
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