Dear Sirs/Madam
The Vienna Declaration and Plan of Action, adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993, led to historic advances in the promotion and protection of, economic, social and cultural rights as human rights some of them are as follows:
· Workers' rights, including freedom from forced labour, the rights to decide freely to accept or choose work, to fair wages and equal pay for equal work, to leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours, to safe and healthy working conditions, to join and form trade unions, and to strike;
· The right to social security and social protection, including the right not to be denied social security coverage arbitrarily or unreasonably, and the right to equal enjoyment of adequate protection in the event of unemployment, sickness, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond one's control;
· The right to health, including the right to access to health facilities, goods and services, tohealthy occupational and environmental conditions, and protection against epidemic diseases, and rights relevant to sexual and reproductive health;
As silicosis/occupational diseases occur because of unsafe and unhealthy working condition that pollute environment that compel the workers to inhale respirable fine silica and other mineral dusts and to develop silicosis and other incurable occupational lung diseases that finally seizes right to life of the workers at their premature age, therefore, children and widows become vulnerable, hence, NHRC considers the issue of silicosis as one of the issues human rights.
The issue of silicosis was projected as one of the issues of unorganized sectors' workers that do not have any legal definition and labour related rule and regulations are not applicable, therefore, a pitfall has been created in silicosis campaign in India.

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