CC News Letter 18/ 19 Oct - Hindutva Fascists And Barbaric Zionists Are Natural Partners!

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Dear Friend,
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew
US Military Chief Pledges Increased Support As Israel Steps Up Attacks On Palestinians
By Jean Shaoul
General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, flew to Tel Aviv Sunday to discuss a 10-year military aid package worth some $3.7 billion a year. The pledge of increased American military support came in the midst of an increasingly brutal Israeli crackdown on Palestinians within both the occupied territories and Israel itself
Libya: From Africa's Wealthiest Democracy Under Gaddafi,
To Terrorist Haven After US Intervention
By Garikai Chengu
Tuesday marks the four-year anniversary of the US-backed assassination of Libya's former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa's greatest nations. In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; by the time he was assassinated, he had transformed Libya into Africa's richest nation. Prior to the US-led bombing campaign in 2011, Libya had the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy in all of Africa. Today, Libya is a failed state
Putting Out The Syrian Fire: Can Diplomacy Do What War Couldn't?
By Jo Comerford and Mattea Kramer
As Russian missiles rain down alongside American ones, as ever more groups, nations, and areas are embroiled in the Syrian conflict, as yet more innocent blood is spilled, it's obviously time for international negotiations to finally begin. Diplomacy doesn't promise a speedy end to the almost unfathomable suffering in the region, but it does offer a potential path to a different history, a path away from ceaseless violence and toward the imperfect rule of law
Hindutva Fascists And Barbaric Zionists Are Natural Partners!
By Anand Singh
A famous Israeli historian has termed the strategy of killing innocents in the name of anti-terrorism by Israel, as 'Incremental Genocide'. Hindutva fascists are desperate to learn this skill of incremental genocide from their ideological kins, so that they can practice it in India too. Modi's upcoming trip to Israel needs to be understood from this perspective
Cuba: End The Blockade Immediately
By Chandra Muzaffar
A Resolution on "ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba" will once again be presented to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 27 October 2015. There is a special significance about bringing the Resolution, overwhelmingly endorsed by the UNGA for 23 consecutive years, to the attention of the world body this time. It is happening after the US restored diplomatic relations with Cuba on 17 December 2014
The War Politics Behind Nobel Prize
By Gouthama Siddarthan
The Nobel committee is at it again, proving for the umpteenth time that it has been a playground for the international political game of chess
India: The Shrinking Space Of Freedom To Criticise
By Mohd Intekhab Alam Khan
Intolerance to competing ideologies and systematic cramping of public space is on the rise in the country. The civil society must act swiftly and sternly to uphold the values for which India stands; otherwise the country will be pushed towards more intolerance and religious bigotry, which will result in further compression of the free public sphere
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
By Tanvi Ahuja
The Indian criminal justice system is a handover from our colonial rulers. Though it has evolved over time to claim itself as restorative and rehabilitative, it is retributive in practice. Societal attitudes towards 'criminals' are not kind and behind the closed doors of our jails lies a murky picture begging for attention and intervention
Onion-Eaters Of Kerala
By B.F.Firos
K Surendran of BJP, one of the many 'leaders' whose only ticket to political glory is his almost-daily nocturnal appearances on TV primetime news, fell into a hot soup after a photo of him apparently munching parotta and beef in a restaurant went viral, making him the butt of massive trolling and online ridicule. He immediately went on defensive mode, saying that it was onion curry, not beef
Modi - Naidu Must Answer, Whose And At What Cost AP Capital City Being Built?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chandrababu Naidu, the CM of Andhra Pradesh are to inaugurate the capital city on 22nd of October, spending Rs. 300 crores. At whose cost and what cost, this endeavor is pushed and still being imposed, is a big question. The capital is a game of the capitalists, including real estate developers who are in nexus with the politicians. It being at the cost of the best of agriculture and horticulture which would bring in severe destruction of livelihood and contribute to food insecurity
18 October , 2015
Beef Ban Frenzy Claims Third Life: Now In Kashmir
The Hindtuva fundamentalist led beef ban campaign in India has consumed another life. 18-year-old trucker Zahid Rasool Bhat S/o Ghulam Rasool Bhat of Batengoo in South Kashmir's Anantnag district, who had sustained 70 per cent burn injuries in petrol bomb attack by a violent mob in Udhampur district on October 9, succumbed to injuries in Safdarjang hospital in New Delhi today. Zahid along with another Kashmiri trucker and a policeman were injured when a violent mob had hurled petrol bomb towards their truck and assaulted them on October 9 evening after rumours had spread that three cows were slaughtered. The tests, however, have revealed that the cows had died of food poisoning and had no injuries
Sikhs Protest World Over Against Desecration Of
Holy Book And Police Brutality In Punjab
Sikhs protested world over against the desecration of Guru Granth Sahib 'bir' at Kotkapura and police brutality in which two people were killed in police firing. Protests were held in Canada, UAE, Afghanistan and many other places around the world
Neoliberalism, Hindutva Supremacism And Challenges
Before Revolutionary Movement
By Subhash Gatade
Who is going to take up the gauntlet on behalf of the masses. Who would be the new Davids who would confront the Goliaths of our times ? Would it be some ensemble of social movements or a motley combination of anti-system political formations or a reinvigorated and a reenergised revolutionary left in alliance with various people's movements ?
Assam Beware of Saffron Fanatics!
By Shamim Zakaria
Being on ground it's WE the people of Assam who can defeat these religious fanatics and bigotry politics. Home to a diverse language, communities and ethnicities it's being Assamese that binds us to the feeling of oneness. There would certainly be attempts to taint the peaceful setup of Assam. But, the inhabitants of the state have to be aware of any such polarising acts by saffron brigade or any other bigots
Bush-Blair Planned Iraq Invasion One Year Before The War
While They were Publicly Propagating Diplomatic Solution
Bush and Blair, the two world imperial leaders, planned the Iraq war one year before the war was launched although they were publicly telling that they were for a political solution of the Iraq-problem. Recently released Hillary-e-mails exposed the document
Why Peace Activists Should Stop Cheering For Russian Bombs In Syria
By David Swanson
Murder is not moderate. You cannot find "moderate" murderers and engage them to kill extremist murderers. You cannot bomb the extremist murderers without producing more murderers than you kill. What's needed now, as in 2012 when the United States brushed it aside, is a peace process. First a cease fire. Then an arms embargo. And a halt to training and providing fighters and funding by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States, and all other parties. Then major aid and restitution, and a negotiated settlement in which, in fact, Russia should be included as it is located in that region of the world, and the United States should not as it has no legitimate business being there
The Imaginary Cuban Troops In Syria
By Matt Peppe
Fair-and-balanced Fox News reported on Wednesday that "Cuban military operatives reportedly have been spotted in Syria, where sources believe they are advising President Bashar al-Assad's soldiers and may be preparing to man Russian-made tanks to aid Damascus in fighting rebel forces backed by the U.S." Fox's claim of an imaginary enemy alliance relies on two sources: the University of Miami's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies and an anonymous U.S. official
US Rejects Kunduz Hospital Bombing Investigation,
Instead Smashes Into Hospital In Tank, Destroying Evidence
By Robert Barsocchini
On October 14th, an "international panel" announced that it was "ready to investigate the deadly US [hospital] bombing", but would need "assurances from Barack Obama and the Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, that their governments [would] comply." The US rejected the initiative for the investigation, and instead, on October 15th, sent soldiers to smash upthe bombed hospital with a tank, "destroy[ing] evidence" for the war crimes investigation
Climate Disaster Hammers Ethiopia
By Thomas C. Mountain
This year the rains failed in southern Ethiopia and some 25% of a country of 90 million people are facing acute food shortages in the coming months. This climate disaster, brought on mainly by western industries damage to the environment, has left the Ethiopian government quietly begging the international community for a preliminary food aid package worth $500 million, desperately needed to start feeding over 7 million people
Inequality: A Political Agenda
By Omar Rashid Chowdhury
Inequality, one of the contradictions characterizing class struggle in the prvalent system, is a key structural anomaly of the system. The anomaly demands to be identified as an agenda, and that too as a political one. The agenda of inequality and increasing inequality in the present global socio-economic-politicl system is subtly shunned away by the mainstream and often ignored or missed by the stream opposing the mainstream
The Indian Unconscious
By Ravi Sinha
The Indian left is yet to acknowledge the existence and the political weight of the Indian Unconscious. Obviously, it is far from devising technologies for rewiring it. This is not the place to work out the details of depth political strategies that the left must forge. But the first step would be to acknowledge the problem. It is not simply a matter of new terms and nomenclature. The point is that there has been an elephant in the political room and the left has refused to take notice. This elephant cannot be described by limbs such as false consciousness, hegemony or ideology. That would at best be a superficial description
Global Peace And Security: Mankind Is Traumatized By The Middle East Conflicts
By Mahboob A Khawaja
The hell of human suffering, evil and oppression is paved with good intentions. The men who have most injured and oppressed humanity, who have most deeply sinned against it, were according to their standards and their conscience good men; what was bad in them, what wrought moral evil and cruelty, treason to truth and progress, was not at all in their intentions, in their purpose, in their personal character, but in their opinions
Academic Freedom Is Being Killed In Madras University
Press Release
Prof. Ramu Manivannan, a preeminent scholar, academician and human rights activist, has been removed from his position of Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration of Madras University and even the department has been closed down for months. Ten students have been suspended from August of this year
-- If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,
In Solidarity
Binu Mathew
US Military Chief Pledges Increased Support As Israel Steps Up Attacks On Palestinians
By Jean Shaoul
General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, flew to Tel Aviv Sunday to discuss a 10-year military aid package worth some $3.7 billion a year. The pledge of increased American military support came in the midst of an increasingly brutal Israeli crackdown on Palestinians within both the occupied territories and Israel itself
Libya: From Africa's Wealthiest Democracy Under Gaddafi,
To Terrorist Haven After US Intervention
By Garikai Chengu
Tuesday marks the four-year anniversary of the US-backed assassination of Libya's former leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa's greatest nations. In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; by the time he was assassinated, he had transformed Libya into Africa's richest nation. Prior to the US-led bombing campaign in 2011, Libya had the highest Human Development Index, the lowest infant mortality and the highest life expectancy in all of Africa. Today, Libya is a failed state
Putting Out The Syrian Fire: Can Diplomacy Do What War Couldn't?
By Jo Comerford and Mattea Kramer
As Russian missiles rain down alongside American ones, as ever more groups, nations, and areas are embroiled in the Syrian conflict, as yet more innocent blood is spilled, it's obviously time for international negotiations to finally begin. Diplomacy doesn't promise a speedy end to the almost unfathomable suffering in the region, but it does offer a potential path to a different history, a path away from ceaseless violence and toward the imperfect rule of law
Hindutva Fascists And Barbaric Zionists Are Natural Partners!
By Anand Singh
A famous Israeli historian has termed the strategy of killing innocents in the name of anti-terrorism by Israel, as 'Incremental Genocide'. Hindutva fascists are desperate to learn this skill of incremental genocide from their ideological kins, so that they can practice it in India too. Modi's upcoming trip to Israel needs to be understood from this perspective
Cuba: End The Blockade Immediately
By Chandra Muzaffar
A Resolution on "ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba" will once again be presented to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 27 October 2015. There is a special significance about bringing the Resolution, overwhelmingly endorsed by the UNGA for 23 consecutive years, to the attention of the world body this time. It is happening after the US restored diplomatic relations with Cuba on 17 December 2014
The War Politics Behind Nobel Prize
By Gouthama Siddarthan
The Nobel committee is at it again, proving for the umpteenth time that it has been a playground for the international political game of chess
India: The Shrinking Space Of Freedom To Criticise
By Mohd Intekhab Alam Khan
Intolerance to competing ideologies and systematic cramping of public space is on the rise in the country. The civil society must act swiftly and sternly to uphold the values for which India stands; otherwise the country will be pushed towards more intolerance and religious bigotry, which will result in further compression of the free public sphere
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
By Tanvi Ahuja
The Indian criminal justice system is a handover from our colonial rulers. Though it has evolved over time to claim itself as restorative and rehabilitative, it is retributive in practice. Societal attitudes towards 'criminals' are not kind and behind the closed doors of our jails lies a murky picture begging for attention and intervention
Onion-Eaters Of Kerala
By B.F.Firos
K Surendran of BJP, one of the many 'leaders' whose only ticket to political glory is his almost-daily nocturnal appearances on TV primetime news, fell into a hot soup after a photo of him apparently munching parotta and beef in a restaurant went viral, making him the butt of massive trolling and online ridicule. He immediately went on defensive mode, saying that it was onion curry, not beef
Modi - Naidu Must Answer, Whose And At What Cost AP Capital City Being Built?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chandrababu Naidu, the CM of Andhra Pradesh are to inaugurate the capital city on 22nd of October, spending Rs. 300 crores. At whose cost and what cost, this endeavor is pushed and still being imposed, is a big question. The capital is a game of the capitalists, including real estate developers who are in nexus with the politicians. It being at the cost of the best of agriculture and horticulture which would bring in severe destruction of livelihood and contribute to food insecurity
18 October , 2015
Beef Ban Frenzy Claims Third Life: Now In Kashmir
The Hindtuva fundamentalist led beef ban campaign in India has consumed another life. 18-year-old trucker Zahid Rasool Bhat S/o Ghulam Rasool Bhat of Batengoo in South Kashmir's Anantnag district, who had sustained 70 per cent burn injuries in petrol bomb attack by a violent mob in Udhampur district on October 9, succumbed to injuries in Safdarjang hospital in New Delhi today. Zahid along with another Kashmiri trucker and a policeman were injured when a violent mob had hurled petrol bomb towards their truck and assaulted them on October 9 evening after rumours had spread that three cows were slaughtered. The tests, however, have revealed that the cows had died of food poisoning and had no injuries
Sikhs Protest World Over Against Desecration Of
Holy Book And Police Brutality In Punjab
Sikhs protested world over against the desecration of Guru Granth Sahib 'bir' at Kotkapura and police brutality in which two people were killed in police firing. Protests were held in Canada, UAE, Afghanistan and many other places around the world
Neoliberalism, Hindutva Supremacism And Challenges
Before Revolutionary Movement
By Subhash Gatade
Who is going to take up the gauntlet on behalf of the masses. Who would be the new Davids who would confront the Goliaths of our times ? Would it be some ensemble of social movements or a motley combination of anti-system political formations or a reinvigorated and a reenergised revolutionary left in alliance with various people's movements ?
Assam Beware of Saffron Fanatics!
By Shamim Zakaria
Being on ground it's WE the people of Assam who can defeat these religious fanatics and bigotry politics. Home to a diverse language, communities and ethnicities it's being Assamese that binds us to the feeling of oneness. There would certainly be attempts to taint the peaceful setup of Assam. But, the inhabitants of the state have to be aware of any such polarising acts by saffron brigade or any other bigots
Bush-Blair Planned Iraq Invasion One Year Before The War
While They were Publicly Propagating Diplomatic Solution
Bush and Blair, the two world imperial leaders, planned the Iraq war one year before the war was launched although they were publicly telling that they were for a political solution of the Iraq-problem. Recently released Hillary-e-mails exposed the document
Why Peace Activists Should Stop Cheering For Russian Bombs In Syria
By David Swanson
Murder is not moderate. You cannot find "moderate" murderers and engage them to kill extremist murderers. You cannot bomb the extremist murderers without producing more murderers than you kill. What's needed now, as in 2012 when the United States brushed it aside, is a peace process. First a cease fire. Then an arms embargo. And a halt to training and providing fighters and funding by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States, and all other parties. Then major aid and restitution, and a negotiated settlement in which, in fact, Russia should be included as it is located in that region of the world, and the United States should not as it has no legitimate business being there
The Imaginary Cuban Troops In Syria
By Matt Peppe
Fair-and-balanced Fox News reported on Wednesday that "Cuban military operatives reportedly have been spotted in Syria, where sources believe they are advising President Bashar al-Assad's soldiers and may be preparing to man Russian-made tanks to aid Damascus in fighting rebel forces backed by the U.S." Fox's claim of an imaginary enemy alliance relies on two sources: the University of Miami's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies and an anonymous U.S. official
US Rejects Kunduz Hospital Bombing Investigation,
Instead Smashes Into Hospital In Tank, Destroying Evidence
By Robert Barsocchini
On October 14th, an "international panel" announced that it was "ready to investigate the deadly US [hospital] bombing", but would need "assurances from Barack Obama and the Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, that their governments [would] comply." The US rejected the initiative for the investigation, and instead, on October 15th, sent soldiers to smash upthe bombed hospital with a tank, "destroy[ing] evidence" for the war crimes investigation
Climate Disaster Hammers Ethiopia
By Thomas C. Mountain
This year the rains failed in southern Ethiopia and some 25% of a country of 90 million people are facing acute food shortages in the coming months. This climate disaster, brought on mainly by western industries damage to the environment, has left the Ethiopian government quietly begging the international community for a preliminary food aid package worth $500 million, desperately needed to start feeding over 7 million people
Inequality: A Political Agenda
By Omar Rashid Chowdhury
Inequality, one of the contradictions characterizing class struggle in the prvalent system, is a key structural anomaly of the system. The anomaly demands to be identified as an agenda, and that too as a political one. The agenda of inequality and increasing inequality in the present global socio-economic-politicl system is subtly shunned away by the mainstream and often ignored or missed by the stream opposing the mainstream
The Indian Unconscious
By Ravi Sinha
The Indian left is yet to acknowledge the existence and the political weight of the Indian Unconscious. Obviously, it is far from devising technologies for rewiring it. This is not the place to work out the details of depth political strategies that the left must forge. But the first step would be to acknowledge the problem. It is not simply a matter of new terms and nomenclature. The point is that there has been an elephant in the political room and the left has refused to take notice. This elephant cannot be described by limbs such as false consciousness, hegemony or ideology. That would at best be a superficial description
Global Peace And Security: Mankind Is Traumatized By The Middle East Conflicts
By Mahboob A Khawaja
The hell of human suffering, evil and oppression is paved with good intentions. The men who have most injured and oppressed humanity, who have most deeply sinned against it, were according to their standards and their conscience good men; what was bad in them, what wrought moral evil and cruelty, treason to truth and progress, was not at all in their intentions, in their purpose, in their personal character, but in their opinions
Academic Freedom Is Being Killed In Madras University
Press Release
Prof. Ramu Manivannan, a preeminent scholar, academician and human rights activist, has been removed from his position of Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration of Madras University and even the department has been closed down for months. Ten students have been suspended from August of this year
কমরেড,এই আমাদের দেশ,সোনা দিয়ে বাঁধিয়ে রাখুন পুরস্কার সম্মান, মিছিলে হাঁটলেই হিটলার পরাজিত হবে!
Some notes on the only writer from Bengal, Mandakranta Sen,
who stands with writers,poets and artists of 150 nations against the Fascist Governance killing the greatest Pilgrimage of Humanity which merged so many streams of humanity as Tagore wrote! It is in Bengali to address Bengal!
Palash Biswas
মন্ত্রহীণ,ব্রাত্য,জাতিহারা রবীন্দ্র,রবীন্দ্র সঙ্গীত!
We have to go back to roots as all the holy men and women in the past spoke love,which is the central theme of Tagore literature which is essentially the original dalit literature in India!
Tagore liberated Woman in Music!
We,the apolitcal activists of creativity from 150 nations stand United Rock solid to sustain Humanity and nature!
दुनियाभर के लेखकों,कलाकारों,कवियों को मेहनतकश जनता का लाल सलाम।
बहुजन समाज का नील सलाम!
মন্দাক্রান্তা তাঁর কিশোরী মেয়েবেলায় আনন্দ পুরস্কার পেয়েছিল,তখন থেকেই তাঁর কাব্য গদ্য লেখা আমার সমাজবাস্তবের নিরিখে জ্বলজ্বল করছে!বাজার খাবে,এমনে লেখা আমি পাইনি তাঁর কলমে!সেই মেয়েটি আজ সারা পৃথীবী জোড়া ফ্যাসিবাদ প্রতিরোধের বাঙালি মুখ আর যতজন ভূষণ বঙ্গবিভুষণ বিভীষণ জগতজোড়া আমাদের মাতৃভাষার বেদিয়া সৌদাগর আছেন,তাহারা শারদোত্সবে অসুর নিধনে ব্যস্ত!
প্রতিবারই আধপাগলী ঔ মেয়েটির লেখা তাঁর দায়বদ্ধতার কথা জানান দিয়েছে!ইতিমধ্যে বাজার গুচ্ছ গুচ্ছ রগরগে লেখক লেখিকা আমদানি করেছে,সমাজ বাস্তবের বদলে নাগরিক যৌণ জীবনই যাহাদের একমাত্র প্রতিপাদ্য,যাহা বুবুক্ষু জনগণের মুখে সুস্বাদু,জনগণ যাহা খায়!
বাংলার সুশীল সমাজ 1857 সালে মহাবিদ্রোহে সুশীল বালক ছিল!
তাঁরা চুয়াড় বিদ্রোহ,সন্যাসী বিদ্রোহ,নীল বিদ্রোহ,সাঁওতাল মুন্ডা ভীল বিদ্রোহের সমর্থনে দাঁড়াননি!তাঁরা চিরকালই শাসক শ্রেণীর অন্তর্ভুক্ত!
আজও তাঁরা নিরুত্তাপ!প্রতিবাদ করবেন কিন্তু সম্মান পুরস্কার ফেরত নৈব নৈব চ!শুধু এই শারদে মন্দাক্রান্তা বাংলার মুখ!ভালোবাসার মুখ!
সারা বিশ্বের শিল্প সাহিত্য সংস্কৃতির দায়বদ্ধতার মুখ!ভালোবাসা!
বাংলায় এখন মহিষাসুর বধ চলছে!তবু ভালো,এখনো গৌরিকায়ণের কুরুক্ষেত্র থেকে এখনো বাংলা বহুদুরে!আল্লাহো আকবর ও পাল্টা হর হর মহাদেবের প্রলয়ন্কর আবাহন দেবীর বোধন সত্যি বড় দুর্গার মত বিপর্যয় ডেকে আনতে পারে যে কোনো সময়,যেহেতু দাবানলের মত মনুস্মৃতি শাসনের জিহ্বা সারা দেশ গ্রাস করেছে! সেই দাবানল প্রতিহত করার কোনো দায়বদ্ধতা নন্দীগ্রাম সিঙ্গুর খ্যাত পৃথীবী বিখ্যাত বাংলার সুশীল সমাজের নেই!সারা পৃথীবীর এক শো পন্চাশটি দেশের লেখক কবি শিল্পীদের মধ্যে বাংলার শুধু একজন,সে আমাদের মন্দাক্রান্তা!
বাংলার সুশীল সমাজ 1857 সালে মহাবিদ্রোহে সুশীল বালক ছিল!
তাঁরা চুয়াড় বিদ্রোহ,সন্যাসী বিদ্রোহ,নীল বিদ্রোহ,সাঁওতাল মুন্ডা ভীল বিদ্রোহের সমর্থনে দাঁড়াননি!তাঁরা চিরকালই শাসক শ্রেণীর অন্তর্ভুক্ত!
আজও তাঁরা নিরুত্তাপ!প্রতিবাদ করবেন কিন্তু সম্মান পুরস্কার ফেরত নৈব নৈব চ!শুধু এই শারদে মন্দাক্রান্তা বাংলার মুখ!ভালোবাসার মুখ!
সারা বিশ্বের শিল্প সাহিত্য সংস্কৃতির দায়বদ্ধতার মুখ!ভালোবাসা!
অনুবাদক কমলেশ সেন 2003 সালে কলকাতা পুস্তক মেলায় এই মেয়েটির সঙ্গে পরিচয় করিয়েছিল।তারপর আমার আর বইমেলায় যাওয়ার সুযোগ হয়নি!
প্রথম দফা গৌরিক সরকার সর্বদলীয় সম্মতিতে বাঙালি উদ্বাস্তদের বেনাগরিক করে দেওয়ার যে কালা কানুন পাস করল,তাতে বাংলার জনপ্রতিনিধিদেরও সম্মতি ছিল!
মরিচঝাঁপি গণসংহারের প্রতিবাদ করেননি জন আন্দোলনের জননী মহাঅরণ্যের মা,আমাদের নবারুদার মা মহাশ্বেতা দেবীও!
উদ্বাস্তুদের নাগরিকত্বের দাবীতে আমরা তাঁকে বা সুশীল সমাজের কাউকে পাশে পাইনি!
রবীন্দ্রনাথের রাশিয়ার চিঠি কিংবা অচলায়াতন নিয়ে এই কুলীণ সুশীল সমাজের আদৌ কোনো মাথাব্যথা আছে কিনা জানা নেই!
মন্ত্রহীণ,ব্রাত্য,জাতিহারা রবীন্দ্রনাথের দীণ হীণের প্রতি যে দায়বদ্ধতা.দুই বিঘা জমির মালিকের প্রতি তাঁর মরম বেদনা তাঁর সঙ্গীতে,গানে ও কবিতায় কতটা আছে,তা নিয়েও আলোচনার অবকাশ নেই কারও!
শাসকের রক্তচক্ষুকে যারা প্রতিনিয়ত প্রিতিহত করার দাবি করতে পিছপা নন,কেনদ্র ও রাজ্য সরকারের পুরস্কারে ভূষিত সেই সব বঙ্গভূষণ ও বঙ্গবিভূষণের মুখ দর্শন করতে চাইনা ,তাই 2003 সাল থেকে নন্দন চত্বরে অথাবা বইমেলায় আমার যাওয়া হযনা!
তাতে কারও কিছু যায় আসে না,যেহেতু হাজার জন্মেও আমি ঔ সুশীল সমাজের কেউকেটা হতে পারব না,যেহেতু নবারুণদার ফ্যাতাডু বাহিনীতে আমার ততদিনে নাম লেখানো হয়ে গেছে!
মন্দাক্রান্তা তাঁর কিশোরী মেয়েবেলায় আনন্দ পুরস্কার পেয়েছিল,থখন থেকেই তাঁর কাব্য গদ্য লেখা আমার সমাজবাস্তবের নিরিখে জ্বলজ্বল করছে!বাজার খাবে,এমনে লেখা আমি পাইনি তাঁর কলমে!সেই মেয়েটি আজ সারা পৃথীবী জোড়া ফ্যাসিবাদ প্রতিরোধের বাঙালি মুখ আর যতজন ভূষণ বঙ্গবিভুষণ বিভীষণ জগতজোড়া আমাদের মাতৃভাষার বেদিয়া সৌদাগর আছেন,তাহারা শারদোত্সবে অসুর নিধনে ব্যস্ত!
প্রতিবারই আধপাগলী ঔ মেয়েচির লেখা তাঁর দায়বদ্ধতার কথা জানান দিয়েছে!ইতিমধ্যে বাজার গুচ্ছ গুচ্ছ রগরগে লেখক লেখিকা আমদানি করেছে,সমাজ বাস্তবের বদলে নাগরিক যৌণ জীবনই যাহাদের একমাত্র প্রতিপাদ্য,যাহা বুবুক্ষু জনগণের মুখে সুস্বাদু,জনগণ যাহা খায়!
এই আমাদের দেশ,সোনা দিয়ে বাঁধিয়ে রাখুন পুরস্কার সম্মান,মিছিলে হাঁটলেই হিটলার পরাজিত হবে!
মন্ত্রহীণ,ব্রাত্য,জাতিহারা রবীন্দ্র,রবীন্দ্র সঙ্গীত!
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