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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Meteorites are worth thousands of dollars, here is how to find them (OT)

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From: Grannie's <>
Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Meteorites are worth thousands of dollars, here is how to find them (OT)

Go to the web site for pictures:

A Comprehensive Guide to Meteorite Identification
EVERY DAY WE RECEIVE INQUIRIES from enthusiastic people who think they have found a meteorite. We were all beginners once, and at Aerolite Meteorites we are eager and willing to advise you on how to proceed if you do find a meteorite. We buy meteorites, and we also assist with identification, classification, and valuation. With many years of experience in meteorite research and recovery, we can help you place your meteorite with a respected museum or academic institution, buy it, or help you sell it, depending on your preference. Aerolite is an internationally known and respected meteorite company, and we will keep your find in the strictest confidence if requested to do so.

Please read this entire page carefully. The vast majority of people who contact us do not read the information here, and ask me the same questions which are clearly answered below.

We run an international business and are very busy with television work, research and expeditions. Please see the information below regarding how to contact us (by email or regular post) regarding your find.

We have compiled this information to help you learn about meteorite identification, and to save your time, and ours. Meteorites are very, very rare. I know people who have hunted for years and never found one. I also know people who have found one completely by accident, but let's be realistic — the odds are against it. Out of the many thousands of people who have contacted us with suspected meteorite finds over the years, only five have turned out to be genuine meteorites, and two of those were frauds — the "finders" bought meteorites at rock shows and later claimed to have discovered them in the wilderness. Experienced meteorite researchers and collectors can easily spot that kind of trickery.

Many honest, well intentioned people come to us seeking advice, and most can find the answers to their questions, quickly and easily, on this page.

If you have found a meteorite, we want to work with you, but please spend a few minutes looking at the following information, and try some of the simple tests described here, before getting in touch with us. Once you are ready to contact us, please read the information at the bottom of this page about how to get in touch with us.

A meteorite is a piece of iron, stone, or stony-iron composite that has fallen to Earth from outer space. Most meteorites are believed to have originated within the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and were once part of a planet or large asteroid. A few meteorites come from the Moon and Mars, and a few others may be fragments of cometary material.

Meteorites are valuable both to science and the collecting community. At Aerolite Meteorites, we believe that important new meteorite finds should always be made available to academia for study. Identification and classification of a new meteorite requires that only a modest piece (typically 20 grams) be given to a lab or university for analysis. We have close professional relationships with a number of respected academic institutions, and can advise you on how best to proceed. But first, let's be sure what you have is really a meteorite.


IMPORTANT Meteorites are attracted to magnets
Meteorites contain a great deal of extraterrestrial iron, even the ones that look like rocks (stony meteorites). Just like a common nail or ball bearing, they will easily stick to a magnet, but they arenot magnetic. Test your find with a good hardware store magnet, or a rare earth magnet. Do not use one of those floppy calendar magnets from the front of your refrigerator. An extremely small percentage of meteorites (far less than one in a thousand) do not show strong attraction to a magnet. They are so rare that we usually discount anything that will not adhere to a magnet. Those meteorites look similar to volcanic rocks from Earth, and are not metallic in appearance.IMPORTANT If you have found something that looks or feels like metal, but does not stick to a magnet, it is not a meteorite. End of story and you don't need to read any further.

Meteorites are heavy
Meteorites are much denser than ordinary Earth rocks. The thing most people say when they hold a meteorite for the first time is, "Wow! It's so heavy!" The unusual weight is due to high iron content. Even stone meteorites will feel heavier in the hand than most Earth rocks.

Meteorites are not radioactive
Meteorites likely traveled in space for millions of years before visiting us here on Earth. They were bathed in cosmic rays, but are not dangerous or radioactive. Some meteorites, such as Canyon Diablo from Arizona, contain micro diamonds but those gems are nearly invisible to the naked eye and can only be seen after cutting a specimen. To the best of our knowledge meteorites do not contain emeralds, gold (except possibly as a trace element), miniature fossilized aliens, insects from Mars, or common earth minerals such as quartz. If your rock looks just like other earth rocks, it probably is one. Meteorites look and feel different from the ordinary rocks around them.

Meteorite identification: irons
Meteorite identification: Old stone meteorite
Meteorite identification: fusion crusted stone
An iron meteorite (Canyon Diablo) from Arizona's Meteor Crater. Note orange patina and adhesion of strong magnet
A moderately weathered stone meteorite (NWA 869) found in the Sahara Desert. Note adhesion of strong magnet
A stone meteorite (Gao-Guenie) which fell in Africa in 1960. Note the rich black fusion crust and the large surface dimples


Attraction to a magnet
Meteorites will easily stick to a magnet. Use a good quality magnet to test your specimen.

Meteorites are dense, they will feel heavier than ordinary Earth rocks.

Fusion crust
Recently fallen meteorites will exhibit a "fusion crust." This is a thin black rind, sometimes shiny, sometimes matte black, which is acquired during burning in the atmosphere. A freshly fallen stone meteorite will look much like a charcoal briquette! Even stone meteorites that have been on the Earth for a long time usually retain some fusion crust and almost always appear much darker than ordinary rocks.

Surface features
Meteorites, especially irons, often acquire "regmaglypts" (thumbprints) caused when their surface melts during flight. Stone meteorites sometimes display regmaglypts too, but they are not as well defined as in irons. Meteorites, particularly irons, may also show angular features such as points and ridges, and also flowlines which are caused by melting. Many of the suspected meteor-wrongs we receive are common terrestrial volcanic rocks. Volcanic rocks (along with other types) often contain small, deep holes, as if they had been repeatedly punctured with a needle. These holes are called vesicles and are caused by gas escaping when lava cools. Meteorites do not have vesicles (see photos of meteor-wrongs below). If you rock has lots of small pin-prick holes, it is not a meteorite.

Meteorite identification: Sikhote-Alin
Meteorite identification: thumbprinting
Meteorite identification: weathered iron
An iron meteorite which fell in Russia in 1947. It displays many fine regmaglypts. This is what a freshly-fallen iron meteorite would look like
An older iron meteorite in as-found condition. This meteorite has been on Earth for centuries. Note the surface features (regmaglypts) and rust
An iron meteorite found in the Namibian desert. This meteorite has been on Earth for centuries. Note the angular shape, large regmaglypts and desert patina

Metallic flakes
Nearly all stone meteorites contain small, bright metallic flakes. These are tiny pieces of extra-terrestrial iron and nickel. You can usually see them after slicing off a small piece, or removing a corner with a bench grinder. Please note! We recommend that you do not cut up your suspected meteorite, or otherwise damage its appearance. A meteorite with a beautiful or interesting shape will be worth less to collectors if its end has been hacked off. Ask a meteorite professional or accredited lab to do your cutting and testing.

Small, colorful, grain-like spheres which occur in most stone meteorites, hence the name of these stone meteorites — chondrites. Chondrites are the most common type of meteorite. Chondrules are not found in earth rocks.

Rust or patina
Meteorites which have been on the Earth for a long time will likely start to rust, or — in dry desert environments — acquire a "patina" caused by oxidation. The natural patina of irons is often yellow/ochre, red, or orange.

Meteorite identification: metal flakes
Meteorite identification: chondrules
Meteorite identification: flow lines
Most stone meteorites contain abundant small metallic flakes composed of nickel and iron. These flakes cause stone meteorites to feel heavy
Most stone meteorites contain grain-like components known as chondrules. Chondrites (containing chondrules) are the most common type of meteorite
Flowlines (caused by melting) and glossy fusion crust on an Australian Millbillillie stone meteorite — one of the very few that will not stick to a magnet

We have heard all of the following statements and questions (most of them many times)

"I found a meteor"
No you haven't. Meteors and meteorites are not the same thing. Meteors are shooting stars. Most meteors burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the Earth's surface. If a falling rock is large enough to survive its passage through Earth's atmosphere and reaches the ground, it becomes known as a meteorite. All meteorites were briefly meteors, but not all meteors end up as meteorites. If you email us and say you think you've found a "meteor," we will know you haven't read this page.

"I found a meteorite the day after a meteor shower"
Meteorites are not associated with annual meteor showers like the Perseids and the Leonids. The cosmic material which causes those shooting stars is cometary debris — small pieces of ice and rock, frozen and drifting in space, which burn up when they encounter our atmosphere. There has never been a documented case of a meteorite being part of one of the annual meteor showers.

"A meteorite hit my grandfather's barn and burned it down"
Despite what we see in the movies it is a surprising fact that meteorites are not burning, or even hot when they land upon the Earth. The glowing fireballs we see in the night sky are caused by atmospheric pressure and friction. Meteors stop ablating (burning) approximately seven miles above our planet's surface, then fall in what is known as "dark flight," according to the normal pull of gravity. It is very cold at an altitude of seven miles, so meteorites cool quickly as they plummet towards the Earth. There has never been a documented case of a burning, or even hot, meteorite landing upon the Earth. If you witnessed a burning object hit the ground it may have been a damaged aircraft, fireworks, UFO, terrorist attack, or a practical joke, but it was not a meteorite.

"I saw a burning fireball land just over there at night. How do I find it?"
Due to their great brightness large meteors often create a remarkable optical illusion in which it appears that they have hit the ground somewhere nearby. The glowing fireballs we see in the night sky are caused by atmospheric pressure and friction, but meteorsstop ablating (burning) approximately seven miles high. If you are lucky enough to witness a bright fireball, and the flame goes out while it'sdirectly overhead, it is possible that the meteorite will land nearby. When we see a bright shooting star apparently landing close by, what we are usually seeing is a fireball arcing away, over the horizon, still high up in the atmosphere. Due to the curvature of the Earth, the fireball may seem to hit the ground, but has in fact just moved out of our field of view and gone beyond the horizon. Because of its extreme brightness the fireball appears — to our human eyes — to be much closer than it actually is. It's something I, myself, have been fortunate enough to witness a couple of times and it's frustrating because it does look as if the meteorite landed "just over there." However, it probably landed hundreds of miles away. Another thing to consider is that when a meteorite lands near observers, those witnesses report hearing loud sonic booms, and/or "whizzing" noises. If no sound accompanied the spectacle, then the meteor was probably a great distance away. But at least you had the privilege of witnessing a real fireball!

"I found one of those rare meteorites that doesn't stick to a magnet"
Not likely. Even the most experienced meteorite hunters who have found hundreds of specimens hardly ever find one of those rare meteorites which is not attracted to a magnet. The few meteorites that are not attracted to magnets look much like earth rocks. If you've found a shiny metallic-looking rock that doesn't stick to a magnet, it's not a meteorite. The earth rock most commonly mistaken for a meteorite is hematite, a common iron oxide which has a bubbly red, gray, or black metallic surface, and is sometimes called a kidney stone. Please see "Streak Test" below for more information about identifying hematite.

"I found a rock in my field/driveway/yard and I swear it wasn't there before"
I can only tell if something is or isn't a meteorite. I cannot explain how other mysterious rocks appear and disappear, or where they come from. Many people contact us after finding a rock which has inexplicably materialized on a lawn or driveway during the night. I agree this is an intriguing mystery, but not all strange rocks are automatically meteorites. Please perform some of the tests described below before contacting us.

"I found a strange rock in the ocean/in a riverbed/near the railroad tracks"
As we now know, meteorites contain iron and iron decomposes in moist environments or near water, especially salt water. It is therefore very unlikely that a meteorite would be found in or near the ocean or a riverbed, although meteorites have occasionally been found in dry washes in the desert. Man-made material that will stick to a magnet is often used in the construction of railroad lines and that material is usually black in color. If your rock was found on or near a railroad line, it's not a good sign.

"A rock punched a hole in the roof of my house. It has to be a meteorite right?"
Wrong. There have been a very few documented cases where meteorites hit houses, traveled right through the roof, and landed inside. These include Sylacauga, Alabama in 1954 and Park Forest, Illinois in 2003. There have also been many instances of earth rocks/aircraft parts/unidentifiable pieces of metal hitting houses. Something that lands on your roof is not automatically a meteorite, but it could be. In the unlikely event that a strange rock lands on your roof, carry out the tests on this page. If it is not a meteorite, I cannot explain how it ended up on your roof.

"A university professor looked at my rock and told me it's a meteorite"
No disrespect to our fine colleagues in other scientific disciplines, but many geologists, astronomers, and university professors cannot identify meteorites. They are not trained to ID meteorites, and should not be expected to do so. I cannot tell the difference between gneiss and granite, but a geologist can. I cannot identify a galaxy by looking at it through a telescope, but an astronomer can. Let experts do their thing. If you are taking a meteorite in for identification go to a museum with a meteorite collection, or a university with a meteoritics department such as the University of Arizona in Tucson; Texas Christian University in Fort Worth; or the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. An experienced meteoriticist will quickly be able to tell you if you have a meteorite or not.

"A friend/neighbor showed my rock to someone, years ago, who said it was a meteorite"
Same as above.

"My meteorite doesn't stick to a magnet because it was de-magnetized when it hit Mars"
I just don't have an answer for that one.

"I found a heavy piece of metal that is round and looks like a cannon ball"
If it looks like a cannon ball it probably is a cannon ball, or a mill ball. I have never seen a round meteorite. If your piece of iron looks perfectly spherical, you can be pretty sure it was made by a person, even if it looks old and has acquired a patina. Man-made objects are found in odd and unexpected places. Settlements are sometimes abandoned and metallic items get left behind. 19th-Century prospectors ranged all over the world, especially in the American West, looking for precious metals. They often left lumps of smelted metal ore behind them, and that material is frequently mistaken for meteorites. Also, people drop things, forget things, and throw things away. Man-made metallic objects are everywhere.

"I found some iron in the middle of the desert/forest/Arctic tundra, miles from anywhere. It must be a meteorite! How else could it have gotten there?"
Same as above.

"How much is my meteorite worth?"
Asking how much a meteorite is worth is like asking how much a diamond is worth, or a car. Value is determined by many factors including rarity of type, size, condition, aesthetic appeal, and so on. Despite what you may have heard on television, or read on the internet, your meteorite is not worth a million dollars, sorry. Meteorites are readily available for sale on the collectors' market. They can sell for as little as a few cents per gram or for hundreds (and occasionally thousands) of dollars. Once we've determined that your meteorite is genuine, we can estimate its value for you.

"I want to find my own meteorite. Where do I look?"
We recommend learning from the experts. Please visit where you can become part of an actual meteorite hunting expedition.

Please study carefully! All of these common Earth rocks were mailed to us 
by people who thought they were meteorites. None of them are.
Meteorite identification: meteor-wrong 1
Meteorite identification: meteor-wrong 2
Meteorite identification: meteor-wrong 3
This is a terrestrial rock. Note the vesicles (holes caused by escaping gas). Meteorites do not have vesicles
This is a type of hematite. It looks metallic and appears to have a molten surface but does NOT stick to a magnet
This is a terrestrial rock. Note the small holes and granular appearance. Meteorite do not have vesicles
Meteorite identification: meteor-wrong 1
The coarse surface texture of this rock is not consistent with meteorites. Regmaglypts and fusion crust are absent
This is a river pebble. The indentations in this rock were caused by river action and are not regmaglypts
This is a heavy rock which looks metallic but note the small holes caused by escaping gas. Meteorites do not have vesicles

How to determine if you have a genuine meteorite

1) Visual Inspection
If you've read the previous passages you now know much more about meteorites than the average person. Congratulations, and thank you for reading this far. Now, please carefully consider the following: Does your rock exhibit any of the characteristics discussed above? Does it feel heavier than it should? Does it have regmaglypts, or patina, or fusion crust? Compare your rock to the photographs of real meteorites, and meteor-wrongs.

2) The Magnet Test
Let me say it one more time. A meteorite will stick easily to a good magnet. If your rock does not adhere to a powerful magnet you almost certainly do not have a meteorite. It is extremely unlikely that you have found "one of those meteorites that doesn't stick to a magnet." Remember, there are many Earth rocks that also stick to magnets, so if your specimen adheres to a magnet it is not automatically a meteorite, but it's a step in the right direction.

3) The Streak Test
Iron oxides like hematite and magnetite are the Earth rocks most frequently mistaken for meteorites. They are moderately heavy (not nearly as heavy as iron meteorites) and appear metallic in composition. Some specimens will stick to a magnet. If you think you have an iron meteorite, here's an easy test you can perform at home: Take your rock sample and scrape it against the coarse (unglazed) face of a white bathroom tile, just like you were drawing on a blackboard with a piece of chalk. If your rock leaves a reddish or rust-colored streak on the tile it is likely hematite. If it leaves a dark gray streak it is likely magnetite. This test only works on iron meteorites (not stones). A genuine iron meteorite will typically leave NO STREAK, or possibly a very faint grayish mark.

4) The Nickel Test
As discussed earlier, most meteorites contain nickel and iron. Naturally occurring Earth rocks do not, so if your specimen tests positive for nickel it may be a meteorite. Kits that test for nickel can be purchased via the internet, or you can take your rock to a lab that assays (tests) for various mineral components.


If you've studied the information on this page, looked at the photos, performed some of the tests and you still think you have a meteorite, we are interested in hearing from you. The first step in getting a positive ID for your meteorite will be to send us some photographs, either as email attachments or as printed photos by postal service, and/or a small sample for testing.




If you are emailing pictures, please do the following:

This may seem obvious, but please take clear, in-focus pictures. That requires holding the camera at least an arm's length from your rock, or using its macro setting (a lens setting for close-ups). Please take photos with a decent quality camera. We can't tell anything from low resolution cell phone snapshots or pictures that are out of focus. Most photographs we receive are out of focus and therefore useless. It's also a good idea to include something in the picture for scale, such as a 25-cent coin, or a ruler.

Please prepare your images to a manageable file size before emailing — for example less than 1mb per picture, and not to exceed 5 mb in total, for multiple pictures. Overly large files will be bounced by our mail server and we will never see them. We recommend emailing your pictures as JPEG files.

If you are mailing hard copy photos by USPS:

Please send to the P.O. Box address below. Please send only non-returnable prints. Sorry, but we are not able to mail photos back to the sender(s). There is no fee or obligation for us to examine your photos and give you and opinion.


There is a $25 fee for examining specimen(s) in person. This small charge helps us offset the considerable expenses involved in testing suspected meteorites. Please include a check or money order for $25 made out to "Aerolite Meteorites." The fee is per shipment, not per rock. In other words, if you send us four specimens to look at in one box, the fee is still only $25.

Please pack your rock sample securely and send to the address below. We recommend using USPS Delivery Confirmation which only costs $0.65 per shipment, in addition to regular postage fees. A specimen the size of golf ball is large enough for us to test. Please do not send ten pounds of rocks, it's not necessary.

By mailing us a specimen you agree that we are not responsible for loss of, or damage to, any material sent to us for examination. Packages mailed to Aerolite Meteorites are done so entirely at the risk of the sender. DO NOT send Registered Mail or Certified Mail packages. We will not accept Registered or Certified Mail unless we have requested it.

IMPORTANT If you would like your rock returned to you after we have inspected it, pleaseinclude return postage and a written or printed mailing label with your full address. Due to the large volume of specimens we receive, we will not return any material unless these instructions are followed. IF YOU WISH US TO CONTACT YOU REGARDING A SPECIMEN YOU HAVE MAILED TO US, YOU MUST PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL ADDRESS AND/OR A STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENEVELOPE FOR OUR REPLY.

Please note: We receive hundreds of inquires every month regarding suspected meteorites. We are extremely busy with field work, our Meteorite Men TV series, science writing and . . . well, running an international business. We offer to look at suspected meteorites as a service to the community. It is not how we make our living. We do guarantee that specimens sent for inspection, along with a check or money order for $25 will receive attention as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee that all photographs and email inquiries will be answered, but we do our best. Due to the high volume of inquiries that we receive, please be aware that the response time to your email, mail or phone call may be up to six weeks. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Thank you for reading the Aerolite Meteorites Guide to Meteorite Identification and keep on hunting!

Geoffrey Notkin
Aerolite Meteorites – Meteorite Men The Series
P.O. Box 36652
Tucson, AZ 85740

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