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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fwd: [OrissaConcerns] Appeal for protest against illegal land acquisition in Gadakujang Panchayat for POSCO project

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From: Anivar Aravind <>
Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:33 PM
Subject: [OrissaConcerns] Appeal for protest against illegal land acquisition in Gadakujang Panchayat for POSCO project
To: connect <>

Appeal for protest against illegal land acquisition in Gadakujang
Panchayat for POSCO project

Press Release from PPSS

Dear all,

The MoU between the state government of Odisha and POSCO steel company
expired on 21st June 2010. Despite that the land acquisition and
eviction from beetle vines in Gadakujang area is continuing by the
district administration of Jagatsingpur and IIDCO in presence of the
office bearers of POSCO! What is the locus standi of the district
administration in occupying the land in the area?

Since 27th July 2010 land acquisition, eviction, providing
compensation and re-survey through GPS (Global Positioning System) is
going on unhindered in Gadakujang Panchayat of Jagatsingpur district
by the officials of the district administration and IIDCO officials
with the help of the United Action Committee (UAC)-a pro-POSCO outfit.
All the areas now being acquired come under forest area. Out of the
total of 4,004 acres of land the government aspires to acquire for the
project about 2958 acres come under the category of forest land. The
land acquisition process is going on in face of the declaration of the
process as 'illegal' by the central committee constituting
representatives from the Ministries of Environment and Forest and
Tribal Affairs of Government of India, which recently visited to the
area to look into the violation of Forest rights Act, 2006. One of the
team members Asish Kothari said to media on 27th July 2010 "Under
section 7 of the Forest Rights Act, 2006 officials involved in the
process of land acquisition at this stage are liable to be punished"

Back on 14th July the High Court of Odisha held that the grant of
Prospective License to the Korean Company for Khandadhar iron ore
reserves is  "not in accordance with law' and set it aside.

In the mean time the Ministry of Environment and Forest has appointed
a four member committee headed by the former secretary Meena Gupta to
probe into if the state government has complied with the FRA law in
the area before acquiring land there. Jairam Ramesh, the Minister of
State for Environment and Forest told Rajya Sabha on 2nd August 2010
that POSCO is under investigation for the alleged violation of
government guidelines.

Continuous protest is going on by the people from these areas against
POSCO. Demonstrations have been lunched through put the state against
the increasing diversion of water to industries. Recently Mahanadi
Bachao Andolan and Jala Surakshya Samiti in Cuttack district of the
state opposed the diversion of water from Mahanadi for POSCO.
Similarly the Jatadhari Bachao Andolan in Jagatsigpur will be
demonstrating against the proposed captive port for POSCO. Despite
these protests, Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minster of the state who
made promise to the people of proposed POSCO area to visit and discuss
the matter with them has reneged from his promise leaving the people
agitated and betrayed.

Media report suggest that in the mean time , the UAC has been
fragmented owing to discontent of some people within to the government
action, and a new outfit has been formed as a break away group of UAC
with title "Bhitamati Surakshya Samiti" which has decided to oppose
the ongoing process in  non-violent way. But if their demand is not
heeded by the government, they will ally with Posco Pratorodh Sangram
Samiti and oppose the project.

If the process of land acquision, which is currently going on in the
areas United Action Committee, the pro-POSCO outfit has a domination,
to the areas where people have been fiercely opposing POSCO project,
there is all likelihood that the people there will come open in forms
of demonstrations and opposition to the process. Such situations are
fraught with the risks of turning violent as has been witnessed before
also where the police force had opened fire to the peacefully
demonstrating people and fired the house of people there.

Therefore, we appeal to all the likeminded people, intellectuals,
activists, academicians, leaders of movements to lodge their strong
protest against the unlawful land acquisition process being going on
unfazed by the state government. You are requested to build pressure
on the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and the state Chief Minister's
Office (CMO) by writing protest letters/mails so that the government
respects the voice of people and reverse the ongoing process.


Prasant Paikray
Spokes Person,
Posco Pratirodha Sangram Samiti (PPSS)

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