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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Condemn the electricity rate hike in Delhi as an attack on people’s livelihood!

Newsletter July 16-31, 2012

Condemn the electricity rate hike in Delhi as an attack on people's livelihood!

 The Delhi Government should take charge of electricity distribution and establish modern mechanisms of accountability, including people's committees and social audit– so as to ensure adequate quantity of reliable electric supply to all residents of the city at affordable rates.
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The present situation demands unity of all the workers of Air India

This struggle of all sections of Air India workers is not only a struggle in defence of their own rights, but also in defence of the general interest of society.  Their struggle is against the anti-social policy of liquidating and privatising this biggest airline company in the country.
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Protests in Pakistan against reopening of NATO supply lines through Pakistan

Huge protests have been taking place in Pakistan, after NATO supply lines to Afghanistan through Pakistan were reopened last week. These supply lines had been closed by the government of Pakistan after a US missile strike on the Chalala air base in Pakistan last November killed 24 Pakistani military personnel.    > read more

Condemn the massacre of tribals in Chhattisgarh

According to newspaper reports, on June 29, 2012, about six hundred troopers from the Central Reserve Police Force and the Combat Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA) commando unit opened fire on a gathering of villagers in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh, as a result of which at least 20 villagers, including children and aged women and men were killed.    > read more

Condemn the Indian state for its collaboration with the murderers!

On June 26, a U.S. Federal Court ruled that the U.S.-based Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) and its then chief Warren Anderson were not liable for damages caused by the toxic wastes dumped in Bhopal. Neither could the two be asked to clean up, the court ruled.

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Condemn the decision to export wheat instead of organising for public distribution

On July 2nd, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved a proposal put forward by the Ministry of Food to export two million tons of wheat from its buffer stock. Mazdoor Ekta Lehar condemns this most blatant anti-people decision of the government of India.

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Himachal people oppose plunder and degradation of natural resources

The main natural resources of Himachal Pradesh are its rivers and forests. As with the other hill state, Uttarakhand, the bourgeoisie of our country has looked at the rivers of Himachal as the potential source for massive profits through generation of electricity as well as for other uses.

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Branch of Railway Loco Pilots Association established

The Tughlakabad branch of the All India Local Running Staff Association was inaugurated on July 11, 2012 with great enthusiasm at the Diesel Training College located at the Railway Colony.

The veteran members of the Association expressed their happiness at the presence of a larger than expected number of loco pilots on the occasion.

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Increasing work load and decrease in number of workers

According to a report published in the daily tribune on 6th July, 2012 the Employees Federation Circle of the Power Corporation released a united statement on July 5 that pointed out that there is an increase in employee accidents in the Power Corporation, due to increase in the work load and pressure by the management.

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ChakRajasar Murder: Relentless struggle for justice

The people of Nohar city of Hanumangarh District of Rajasthan have been in struggle to have the guilty of ChakRajasar murder case punished for the past three years. Mazdoor Ekta Lehar correspondent spoke to Guruji Hanuman Prasad Sharma, former President of the Rajasthan Teacher's Union and Vice President of the All India Council of Lok Raj Sangathan.    > read more

Protest against privatization of the municipal corporation

According to the report published in the Daily Tribune on 5th July, 2012, the municipal corporation unions sat for a joint meeting in the Jalandar district of Punjab on 4th July, in protest against the privatization of the cleaning work of the municipal corporation.    > read more

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