Governor Christie: The Anti-Minority Face Of Republican Party

Christie is the anti-minority face of Republican Party. That's why Romney picked King of Corruption & Racism Gov. Chris Christie of NJ as Keynote Speaker for Republican National Convention.
Gov. Christie is the King of world's most corrupt and racist state New Jersey . 8,000 sq. mls. NJ has over 9,000 Elected Scoundrels & 500,000 Employees with little or no work for 8.5 Mil residents. They represents 587 Local governments and 1 state government for 566 Racially segregated towns with uneven population and uneven area. Their combine budget is $85 Billion & deficit of $175 Billion including un-funded liabilities like state pension, healthcare & transport fund. NJ is legally corrupt & legally racially segregated despite having 80,000 Licensed Attorneys; again highest in the world 10 attorneys/sq. ml. NJ has highest Property Taxes $7,500 average & highest cost $19,000 in rich & $28,000 in poor districts to educate a student in the world and also takes pride in its 250,000 students who cannot read & write. NJ has 40% minority population but have only 2 minority representatives in US Congress for over 4 decades.
Selective Enforcement of Law by Christie as US Attorney
As US Attorney Christie was doing selective enforcement of law. To create media frenzy he did some high profile prosecutions but let go the vast majority corrupt unionized rulers of NJ. There are plenty of examples and the prominent one is that he practically let go Clinton 's friend & his family involved in massive Real Estate Mortgage frauds.
Now as Governor he is doing frauds in the name of pension reforms, shared services and anti-bullying laws etc. He is also famous for his day time on week days stage managed town Hall meetings with mostly white senior citizens; when majority is at work.
CHRISTIE HATES MINORITIES The absentee Governor Christie's administration has drawn down $22 million of $300 million allocated to help home owners in distress under the Federal programme since 2010 according to Huffington Post. On top of that Christie administration has spent less than $1 million to provide assistance to 171 borrowers under Home Affordable Modification Program. Only Christie can explain where he spent the rest of $21 mil and why he has not tried to use the maximum of $300 mil allotted to the state to help home owners in distress? Maybe he has been very busy in day time circus called stage managed Town Hall Meetings, raising funds for Presidential hopeful Romney and auditioning for Vice Presidential job. His auditioning took him to Israel for one week to get the nod of Israeli handlers of Romney. Moreover Christie does not feel obligated that he has to help the home owners in distress because majority of them belong to minority communities.
Frauds in the name of Pension Reforms as Governor
The economy ignorant individuals and paid media has declared Gov. Christie a rising star in the national Republican Party for his biggest victory; the overhaul of New Jersey's pension system. Like his stage managed Town Hall meetings it is another fraud on the NJ residents. It has failed to address the basic problem of double-dipping, in which employees "retire," start collecting a pension, and then are rehired, often the next day according to Mark Lagerkvist of NJ Watchdog.
Mark Lagerkvist further says Christie's own deputy chief of staff collects $219,000 a year from the state - a $130,000 salary as a top aide to the governor plus $89,000 in state pension. A criminal investigation is under way involving his Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. As a county sheriff in 2008, Guadagno made false statements to enable her chief officer to pocket nearly $85,000 a year in retirement pay from County while drawing an $87,500 annual salary. Twenty-three supervisors and investigators for the Attorney General's Office and Dept. of Criminal Justice are using legal loopholes to draw salaries and pension pay. On average, each pockets $164,000 a year - $96,000 in salary and $68,000 in pension. Most "retired" for just one night. Those officers left their positions with the Attorney General's Office only to return to the same employer the next morning with new job titles with higher pay for two paychecks instead of one. 125 officers employed by prosecutors, 18 officials from a state Homeland Security Unit and 44 county sheriffs and under-sheriffs are in the same category of double dippers.
Democratic State Sen. Fred Madden is a "triple-dipper" who collects more than $241,000 a year from public coffers — $49,000 as a legislator, $106,983 as a police academy dean and an $85,272 pension as a State Police retiree. Madden is not alone there are dozens of Senators, Assemblyperson, Council representatives, Freeholders Judges and municipal/county employees who are double-triple dippers. In 38 states of America double dipping is banned and in Indiana holding 2 offices is a Class D felony, on par with drug possession and punishable by up to 3 years in prison.
The New Jersey State Comptroller appointed in 2007 by Wall Street Thug Gov. Corzine, with a duty to expose waste in government, has yet to investigate the widespread occurrence of double-dipping by public officials. If he does, Comptroller Matthew Boxer could start with his own investigations division. Christie appointee Investigator Rick Nuel receives $175,254 a year from the state - a $92,000 paycheck plus an $83,254 pension. In June 2011, Nuel retired at age 46 as a State Police captain. NJ is the best pay masters to police personals. A patrolman makes on average $150,000.00/year including benefits and can retire for a hefty pension after 25 years still in his prime to be employed again by the state/county at a higher salary and more power.
Christie doing Frauds in the name of Shared Services
Christie does not want to acknowledge that problem of NJ is too many monster size 587 local governments for only 8.5 mil residents in 8000 sq. ml. By selling fraudulent concept of shared services he can not reduce the cost of governance significantly unless the number of local governments are reduced. He is ignoring the facts that 411 Towns have a population of less than 10,000 or are in less than 2 sq. mile. 212 Towns have less population than the day time population 5,845 of colored Elizabeth High School. 34 Towns has less than 4,000 residents, 49 Towns less than 3,000 residents, 48 Towns less than 2,000 residents and 27 Towns less than 1,000 residents. The smallest town is Walpack with 35 residents followed by Teterborough with 50. The biggest town is Newark with 285,000 residents.
Neighbor State Pennsylvania has a population 43% higher than New Jersey and its geographic area are 4 times greater than NJ. So why is NJ budget 25% more? New York City for 8.2 Million Residents has 1 Mayor, 51 Council Members, 1 Police Commissioner and 1 School Board Superintendent with 34 school districts. Why for 8.5 Million Residents of NJ has 566 Mayors, over 3,000 Council Members, 137 Free Holders, 80 Assembly Members, 40 State Senators, 580 Police Chiefs, 537 Municipal Courts, 681 School Superintendent offices, 5,000 Board members and 1 State Attorney General & 587 Assistant Attorney Generals besides a big battalion of other State, County & Municipal employees with little or no work appointed for political reasons?
Christie supports Racism by Local/State Police to raise revenue
Christie and his administration openly support Traffic Summons to minorities on trumped up charges to raise revenue for Municipalities. Under his administrations watchful eye Municipal Court and local police are being used as revenue generating machines. Even the County Superior Courts are providing protection to local Courts. If some one wants to fight this injustice Republican Assemblyman Jon Bramnik's Law Firm wants more than $7000.00. It is better for the victim of Racial discrimination and Racial profiling to pay $135.00 fine for the Traffic Ticket. Recently Christie rewarded Republican Mayor Malool for successfully implementing Traffic Ticket Quota for minorities in Scotch Plains with a permanent state job. In May, Malool was appointed Director of the Shared Services within the division of Local Government Services in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Malool by profession is an attorney.
Christie crafted "one size fits all" Anti-Minority Anti-Bullying Law
This ill-educated Christie along with ill-educated Lawmakers in Senate and Assembly passed a "one size fits all" Anti-Minority & Anti-juvenile Anti-Bullying Law for 8yrs old to 28yrs old student in Jan. 2011 without reading it without caring for the emotional, mental and physical well being as well as self esteem of 8 to 14 years old. They ignored the fact that even the United States Supreme Court says that "children cannot be viewed simply as miniature adults" because a child's age is more than a chronological fact." Rather, it is a fact that "generates commonsense conclusions about behavior and perception.' "Children generally are less mature and responsible than adults." "They often lack the experience, perspective and judgment to recognize and avoid choices that could be detrimental to them." Christie and has comrades has given a new tool to the educators to discriminate minority students and in rare cases against a majority student they don't like.
Under this law 8-14 yr old can be interrogated in the absence of their parent or guardian and a racially biased Educator can even force them to admit in writing that they have done bullying that they may not have done. This forced admission is then used against that child even with no prior history of any wrong doing and with excellent academic record that he/she has done bulling for punishment as well as put on their School record permanently. They are not provided with the charging instrument and have no right to cross examine their accuser or witnesses or the educators who made the report. Now the child is branded as a bully on his School Record and among his/her piers. To Fight this gross injustice one needs $15,000.00 to $30,000.00 and more than one year to get the record straight if they are lucky.
Christie the Absentee Governor of New Jersey
Christie has spent 60 days out of 8 months (Nov. 2011-June 2012) in other states of America auditioning for the Vice President' Job. This does not include a week long trip to a rouge State Israel and personal trips to New York City or Philadelphia for dinner with his wife Mary Pat or to the Super Bowl with his younger son, Patrick. This also does not include the day time crude political stunts during working hours this Joker is performing in the name of Town Hall meetings with captive audience.
The state taxpayers paid all the Security Bills for this functionally illiterate Vice Presidential aspirant Christie. While in Israel his security by private firms cost over $40,000 but his administration citing imaginary security concerns refused to make public; detailed expenses when troopers trail this Absentee Governor of NJ Christie around the country, Town Hall meetings, Sports shows and private dinners with his family.
Romney can do any thing to get Campaign money
If Mitt Romney for campaign funds can kiss the butt of Sheldon Adelson who financed more than $20 mil to his opponent Newt Gingrich during the primaries; then he can very well pick King of Corruption and Racism Gov. Christie to be the keynote speaker for RNC. Christie is his star Campaigner and big fund raiser. In May 2012 Adelson dictated Romney to come to Las Vegas for a private meeting. After extracting a promise from Romney that he will keep the interest of Israel above American interest, Adelson gave $10 mil to a PAC "Restore Our Future" in June, which is run by former Romney aides and confidantes. This PAC till April 2012 raised and spent over $41 million during the Republican presidential primary on negative TV ads against Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. There are unconfirmed reports that Adelson had also given $10-25 millions to a 501(c)(4) PAC Crossroads GPS backing Romney and GOP candidates that does not have to disclose its donors.
According to the media Adelson wants to give at least $200 million to conservative causes supporting Israel and pro Israel candidates in the current election cycle of 2012. He wants to give most of his money to 501(c)(4) non-profits groups affiliated with political PAC's, because they don't have to disclose the names of donors. Sheldon Adelson is in effect openly bringing "foreign money" to the political process to Elect the US President since much of his fortune comes from casinos abroad. More over he wants loyalty pledge for a foreign country Israel from the candidates he is giving campaign money to get elected US President or to Congress.
Romney has publicly said if he becomes President he will consult Israeli PM on US Middle East Policy. He wants to outsource/subcontract the US Foreign Policy to Israel. In other words under Romney the head of a rouge state of 6 mil; Israel can take America of 330 mil to war with Arab world in the guise of war against Iran and Islamic Terrorism. I leave it to readers to decide whether Romney deserves to be the President of America?
Dave Makkar
973 760 6006
NJ: State watchdog hires double-dippers to investigate waste, abuse in government
Mark Lagerkvist
Offer of Free Business Suits for NJ Lawmakers attending Republican or Democrat Convention
We are offering Free Business Suits to New Jersey Lawmakers only across the aisle attending Republican Convention in Florida from August 27-30, 2012 or Democrat Convention in Charlotte, NC from Sep. 3, 2012 . The only condition is that for the Republicans the Suits will be tailored to the size of the Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney or Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan and for Democrats it will tailored to the size of President Obama or VP Joe Biden. Both Republicans and Democrats have the liberty to use their own accessories like; shirt, undergarments, socks, belts & shoes.
These Lawmakers should have no objections to the 2 sizes available to them to chose from. Since these are the same individuals who signed a "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" anti-minority and anti juveniles, Anti-Bullying Law for 8yrs old to 28yrs old students of New Jersey. They have ignored the fact that even the United States Supreme Court says that "children cannot be viewed simply as miniature adults" because a child's age is more than a chronological fact." Rather, it is a fact that "generates commonsense conclusions about behavior and perception.' "Children generally are less mature and responsible than adults." "They often lack the experience, perspective and judgment to recognize and avoid choices that could be detrimental to them."
Christie refused to wear a Suit made as per the size of Romney while delivering Keynote address at Republican National Convention.
Can create "One Size Fits All" anti-minority anti-bullying Law for 8yrs old to 28yrs old student. Can he explain why he had objections to his suit made to the size of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney?
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