Lokpal bill could create a 'Gaddafi': Thackeray
By Indo Asian News Service | IANS – 9 hours ago
Mumbai, Dec 15 (IANS) After targeting social activist Anna Hazare, the Shiv
Sena Thursday came out strongly against the proposed Jan Lokpal bill,
stating it could create a 'Gaddafi' in the country.
'There is no need to create an impression among people that the Jan Lokpal
bill will lead to 'Ram Rajya' in the country. There is a need to strengthen
the existing anti-graft laws to end corruption in India,' party president Bal
Thackeray said.
Toeing his father's line in Thursday's edition of the party mouthpiece,
'Saamna', executive president Uddhav Thackeray said that though his party
supported Hazare's anti-corruption movement, it was strongly opposed to the
Jan Lokpal bill.
'It is being intensely debated over who and which offices will come under
the jurisdiction of the Lokpal. But nobody is discussing who will have
jurisdiction over the Lokpal. Lokpal could deal a serious blow to
democracy,' Uddhav asserted.
'It should not create a situation whereby we leap from the valley into the
well. Until all our doubts in this regard are clarified, we shall oppose
the bill,' Uddhav declared.
Reiterating the party's stance that parliament was 'supreme' and that
status should not be compromised in any manner, Uddhav said: 'No
institution can be above the Constitution.'
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