13th January, 2:00pm
@Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Delhi
It will be now 85 days since we began our agitation against UGC after it scrapped the Non NET Fellowships for the M.phil/Phd students. Soon the matter was transferred to the MHRD and since then even after several demonstrations at MHRD and our continued occupation at the UGC premises, there has been no response from the ministry and no effort to involve students in the further decision making process has been undertaken.
During our struggle we have raised questions against fund cuts, privatization, commercialization of education and the attempts of State to maintain Brahmanical hegemony over the educational institutions. The state has responded with violence and lathi charged on us many a times, threw water cannons and tear gas on us and tried to silent us with all the force that it could deploy. But #OccupyUGC continues.
The ministry was supposed to give a final decision regarding the Non-Net Fellowships by mid December. However, even when it is mid - January we have no word from UGC or MHRD regarding what is the final status of non net fellowships... The MHRD minister Smriti Irani has denied us appointment and no decision has been communicated to us.
Responding to this inaction/negligence/indecision by the MHRD we will again resume our agitation at the MHRD gates on the 13th of January at 2:00pm asking the minister to provide answers to our questions! We are determined to continue our protest till our demands are met and in no way are we interested in playing hide and seek with the ministry.
Our Demands are:
· Restore, Increase, Expand Non – Net Fellowships – No Merit /Income criteria- based exclusion. Research Students in state universities to be included under the Non - Net Fellowship.
· Increase the amount of Fellowship from 5,000 to 8,000 for M.Phil students and 8,000 to 12,000 for Phd students.
· Halt the process of fund cut in Education- spend 10% of the budget in education.
We assert that the MHRD minister should meet with the students of #OccupyUGC and publicly announce the status of non net fellowships to everyone as soon as possible!
We appeal to all democratic, progressive organizations and individuals to participate in the protest at MHRD tomorrow and express solidarity with our struggle and take forward the fight against privatization of higher education.
Ladaai Jaari Hai!
Inquilab Zindabad!
Search Results
▶ 1:03
▶ 13:25Oct 23, 2015 - Uploaded by India Today
In an alleged police crackdown, Occupy UGC protesters were picked up in the wee hours of the morning on ...
▶ 2:43Dec 11, 2015 - Uploaded by Sabrang India
For those of us who rely on our Facebook friends and Twitter accounts on social media for our news, the only ...
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More than the 700 hundred students from JNU, DU,Jamia,AUD, Wardha University, Allahabad University and ...
▶ 3:26Oct 28, 2015 - Uploaded by AISA
The #OccupyUGC movement is a struggle to defend the Non NET scholarship received by M.Phil and Ph.D ...
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A short film for support occupy ugc movement. ... The Big Picture – 'Occupy UGC' protest: What is at stake ...
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#OccupyUGC movement has erupted after the decision by the University Grants Commission to scrap the UGC ...
▶ 3:04Oct 29, 2015 - Uploaded by Jean Lepcha
Students across India have been protesting against the cancellation of Non-NET fellowship to research scholars ...
▶ 2:35Oct 23, 2015 - Uploaded by InKhabar
In an alleged police crackdown, Occupy UGC protesters were picked up in the wee hours of the morning on ...Search Results
▶ 4:21Oct 22, 2015 - Uploaded by Saumya Tripathi
The Students are protesting NON STOP at UGC to save their NON NET Fellowship that has been scrapped by ...
▶ 6:10Nov 7, 2015 - Uploaded by Kashif Ahmed Faraz
#OccupyUGC Students Protest at HRD Ministry Office ... Maya Maha Thagni #Protest Songs #Occupy ...
▶ 1:46Nov 6, 2015 - Uploaded by Oneindia News
The 'Occupy UGC' protest continued for the 17th day with students marching to the HRD Ministry on ...
▶ 1:00Oct 23, 2015 - Uploaded by News7 Tamil
NEWS7 TAMIL Research students holds 'Occupy UGC' Protest in Delhi | News7 Tamil Subscribe : https ...Dec 10, 2015 - Uploaded by Campus TV 2
Taran Dhillon talked with PU student Jagjeet Kaur she along with many other PU students joined Hundreds of ...Nov 5, 2015 - Uploaded by Gopal Krishna Agarwal
Debate on RSTV on 'Occupy UGC' protest With Gopal Krishna Agarwal ... The Big Picture – 'Occupy UGC ...
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OccupyUGC protesters faced a brutal crackdown on 27th October.
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This is what happens when you assert your right to education. This is what the Modi govt. does to you if you ...Nov 18, 2015 - Uploaded by disha641
Students protesting outside MHRD have been brutally beaten up by Delhi Police, the Police first separated the ...Dec 13, 2015 - Uploaded by QAD Media
Ankita Rastogi, a student activist, is associated with Occupy UGC movement. This movement is a round the ...

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