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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Global Downsizing-Shutdown-Lockdown By Irshad Mahmood – Director, Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre

AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Global Downsizing-Shutdown-Lockdown
By Irshad Mahmood – Director, Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre

Tsunami of Extremely Bad Global Economy is hurting Humanity and they are FED-UP with present day Global Economy and have lost all hopes, since they are not taking lessons from the Quraan (True Book of Guidance for Whole Mankind). The Quraan has clear guidance to save all humanity (Ref: Al_Quraan, 005:032) and it is up to Human to take lessons from it. When Allah has mentioned in the Quraan about expending Universe (Ref: Al_Quraan, 051:047), you cannot have good economics with fixed budget. When Allah has mentioned in the Quraan that His Wealth is Unlimited (Ref_Al_Quraan_112:001-004), which gives us signs to build Whole New World in Whole New Way and it is absolutely 100%possible if we take guidance from the Quraan and join together without any discrimination of Religion, Race, Sect, Gender, Color, Nationality, Rich, Poor, Young or Old, etc. (Ref: Al_Quraan_010:057, 030:022, 049:013). Together we will Change Our World, not alone (Ref: Al_Quraan_003:064).

Example of Global Downsizing-Shutdown-Lockdown: Take an example of past time, when 1000 people were working in a farm land. Later they started using tractors and other machines, because of which layoff started happening and when comes superfast technology, more and more people were being off the jobs, perhaps they only need 10 people, then what those leftover 990 people will do and what education they need to get jobs. These 990 people were good customers to many businesses while on the job, and now they are not. Same way other businesses started using superfast technology and had laid off many employees, who were customers to many businesses as well, but not anymore. Although you are seeing other new technologies are coming into market, but later slowing down, since they calculated for total population and thinking that everyone has money tree in their backyards, but in reality they don't have, since they have lost their job. Later industries started shutting down followed by banks and Governments as well.

Superfast Technology is exceptionally good for humanity IF those left over (laid off) employees are put onto new projects to support themselves and their families, which is only possible if we work Globally. Students must have debt free education. Extreme Poverty is a breeding ground for Terrorist and Criminal Master Minds can use themGlobally we can fix many things.

Remember: We are children of Adam and Eve and we are Global Brothers and Global Sisters of a Global Family, (Ref: Al_Quraan_002.030-039, 007.011-025, 015.26-44, 017.61-65, 018.050-051, 020.115-124, 038.071-085).

To Protect World from Criminals/Terrorists which is causing Global Poverty and Artificial Global Famine as well, we must understand Criminal Master Minds, and we must need to find the roots of all Crimes, starting from Mother Womb till the Grave. Keep in mind what a NON patience Mother might do, if her child is crying for milk and she don't have enough money to buy milk for her. Remember: When there was a Women Driver with one year child in the back seat killed after car chase from White House to Capitol on 04-OCT-2013 at 2:15 PM:

One of the possible reasons could be United States federal government shutdown of 2013 ran from October 1 to October 16, 2013 which had surely affected low income families and small businesses:

Breeding grounds for all kids of Global Terrorisms and Global Crimes are Global Poverty and Global Famine, where people are widely available to do anything for little money for their survivals. Master minds can easily find them, twist them including their beliefs/faiths and forcefully use them according to their own desire. Master minds may also create some scenarios by all means including science fictions to fool people to rob the wealth of the world. Master minds may plan for hundreds of years if not thousands of years to rob the wealth of the whole world in stages. Master minds may also fool their citizens, and create scenario to prove that war is inevitable and must have to go for war, but in reality to run their war related businesses and become richer than ever before and again and again, or rob the wealth of others. Many wars in the past were based on lies and fooled their own citizens, e.g. Vietnam War, Gulf War on the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq etc. EBOLA, SARS, AIDS & Chicken Pox etc. could be Biological weapons to wipeout people in other parts of the world as well as creating artificial famine. War is not an option in which economy dies again and again, BUT Love is, which starts from forgiveness as mentioned in the Quraan, (Ref: Al_Quraan_041:035).

If two countries are in conflict/war, it might last a few years/decades including preparation time but other supporting countries economy might boost, since these two might be buying tools etc. from them and later all collapses, while LOVE last much longer as long as they keep loving each other. e.g. if in India alone out of 1.3 billion people, 1 (one) billion people need cell phones right now, at present time all cell phone industries together might not be able to produce it right away. Another example is if situation in the middle-east gets stable, perhaps 1% of 1.5 billion Muslims may be interested every year to visit Baitul-Maqdis (Al-Aqsa) Masjid in Jerusalem, Israel. Think of how much never ending businesses will grow there and how much benefits their local people will get.

The Truth about Truth has three bitters/sours and painful stages:
1>    Ignorant people make fun of it.
2>    Ignorant people try to kill the truth. Truth dies when people wage war against each other.
3>    People eventually accept the truth as being self-evident.

In reality the Truth stands out clear from error and makes you FREE according to the Quraan (Ref: Al_Quraan_002:256) and the Bible (Ref: Bible_John 8:32).

Global World is facing a Global Economic Disaster and needs a Global Revolution:

It is not Wealth (Gold or Silver etc.) or Power which can save the Global World. Allah seized Qaroon, Pharaoh, and Hamaan and many more, for their crimes against humanity and nothing could save them, not even their wealth, power, or people, etc., (Ref: Al_Quraan_029:039). The World didn't end there, but it re-developed after a Great Revolution. Those who have never faced poverty may never understand its solution, unless they have really taken Guidance from the Quraan or have gone for intensive training. It is 100% guaranteed to save the world and to help build our Heavenly Earth. If we truly apply the guidance given by the Quraan, we can re-develop the world through our own Great Global Revolution. In simple terms "NO CHANGES WITHOUT ACTIONS"! It is time now to open our eyes and correct ourselves to serve the humanity in a revolutionized way in the light of Quraan, in which all including Rich & Poor can live safe and sound, since the Quraan gives the true revolutionized guidance to fix the Global System to save Humanity in a balanced way (Ref: Al_Quraan_002:002).

Below are just few things to keep in mind:
No Customer              -    No Businesses
More Customers        -    More Businesses
Good Customers       -    Good Businesses
Healthy Customers    -    Healthy Businesses
Customers are people and by saving the people we save the businesses, (Ref. Al_Quraan_005.032).
For better services to customers we need better/healthy employee, which means better benefits for employees not benefits cuts. By Laying Off employees means increase in poverty and also increase in crime.

We don't know exact date when Global Poverty and Global Famine started due to Global Terrorism, either hundred years, or five hundred years or thousand years, but for sure we have the solutions in the Quraan, which teaches us to come to the common point without any discrimination of Religion, Race, Sect, Gender, Color, Nationality, Rich, Poor, Young or Old, etc., with 100% Guaranteed and without any compulsion in religion (Ref: Al_Quraan_002.256, 002.286, 003.064, 005.005, 005.035, 006.132, 013.011, 017.019, 018.029, 020.015, 028.084, 030.022, 042.030, 046.019, 049.013, 053.031, 053.039, 076.003, 091.007-010).

Avoid loans, avoid waste and stop greediness as much as possible keeping in mind how much is too much to help stabilized the our Heavenly Earth (Ref: Al_Quraan_009.060, 025.063-067).

Only True Love with Humanity in the light of the Quraan can save Global World with 100% Guaranteed. We must join together to fight against Global Poverty and Global Famine.Plant Fruits and Vegetables etc. in your backyards, on the side of the streets, and parks etc. where ever it is possible and permissible by your governments. If you get more fruits and vegetables etc. than what you need, then share it with your neighbors, Friends and relatives and support following programs from the depth of your heart to fix Global system which is hurting all. Below is a Summary of a Great Unique Breakthrough Plan for Global Poverty and Global Famine:

Global World has to be fixed in phases since there is no magic wand as well as we don't have overnight solutions.

Phase 1>    In this phase we together need to save all those people who are badly suffering from Global Poverty and Global Famine. We will Feed them, Shelter them, Educate them and put all of them on Research & Development and make them free from burden on rest of the world as much as possible. For this we must have to use Unlimited Virtual Gold as currency, only for basic survivals NOT for luxury, where a sip of wine or a single smoke will be treated as luxury but not the computer for educations/studies. All Global Students will get totally free educations along with stipends/allowances for their survivals, so that they can fully concentrate on their studies which will help to build Whole New World (Heavenly Earth).Detail Project Guide Lines (Global Agendas) needs to be developed with full cooperation with all the People and all the government around the world.

Phase 2>    Together we need to work on to build Whole New World and find solution to present Global System, so that people from Phase 1 can be re-employed/re-deployed. We will only give suggestions and recommendations from Phase 1, and pray for them, without any force. We will wait forever to fix Global World, even if takes hundreds of years or millions of years, as long as all the People around the world and all the Government around the World allow us to run Phase 1 Globally using Unlimited Virtual Gold as a new currency only for basic survivals including their studies and research and developments around the globe. All prototypes, solutions and suggestions etc. will be totally FREEWARE (no license needed) and will be fully allowed for everyone.

Phase 3>    Once Phase 2 is fixed, we can move on for Cosmetics/Luxury etc. to build Heavenly Earth and Sky is the limit. We must make sure that pollutions etc. are totally under control.

If you have better plan please share with people around the Globe, otherwise please join together and invite others to join this Great Noble Mission before it gets too late and who knows you could be next in line suffering badly from Global Terrorisms. I don't ask any single penny for this in Donations (ZERO Donations) and it is a Unique Global Charity, without asking any donation rather FULL permission from all people and all governments. If Allah asks on the Day of Judgment, I and those who support this can clearly say we have done our best to invite people to support it, but it is on rest of the people and all governments.

I invite you all to join this Unique Great Noble Mission and invite others to joint it, to save Humanity from Global Poverty and Global Famine, which will sure gradually reduce Global Crime as well, without any discrimination of religion, race, color, gender, language or nationality etc.

Road Blockers to Humanity are those who do not join it as well as those who do nothing to save Humanity.
Thinking locally while living in Global World will not save our Global World.
Repeatedly Relying on the Same Corrupt or Incompetent Person will NOT Change the Fortune of a Nation or Global World.
Do not even think to try to re-appoint those who were failed to protect the corruptions in the land. Media Must Play an Active Role.

Read Al-Quraan, the Miracle of Miracles and free from contradictions and errors

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