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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Matua TMC minister Manjul Krishna joins BJP As Harichand Thakur Guruchand Thakur legacy has been translated in weather sensitive mobile vote bank and Manjul joining BJP is the most logical outcome! Left fails to consolidate its bases. Palash Biswas

Matua TMC minister Manjul Krishna joins BJP

As  Harichand Thakur Guruchand Thakur legacy has been translated in weather sensitive mobile vote bank and Manjul joining BJP is the most logical outcome!

Left fails to consolidate its bases.

Palash Biswas

Despite the  students` apolitical secular and democratic solidarity,the progressive forces fail to unite against Hinduization of Bengal as the slump in Mamata Market is enriching the Hindutva Brigade.The left is discredited amongst the minority communities and could not do anything to consolidate its support base.A time tested leader like Rezzak Molla has been ousted and everyone demanding change and representation in Party leadership is still being shown the doors while the cadres want them back home.Sadres want Somnath Chatterjee also back home.

Hence,Banga Vijaya for the Hindutva Brigade seems to be a matter of time.TMC lost not only Mukul empire but lost his support base which has no option but to cross the fences and join BJP as the Left failed to protect its supporters and workers while BJP seems too aggressive in defence of its cadres as well as supporters.

After Muslim voters,major chunk of Matua Vote bank had shifted itself opting the TMC.Matua Leaders were satisfied with nonsignificant ministries and seemed to be happy.But it seems that Matua leaders opted to answer the gross ignorance shown by Mamata Banerjee as her political future seems very volatile.At last the firts minister who joined BJP directly from Mamata`s cabinet is the younger son of Matua Mata Bina Pani Debi and younger brother of late Kapil krishna Thakur.

It is learnt that Subrata,the son of  Manjul got BJP ticket with this rider that the father should join BJP.

For Matua Politics the circle is complete.Guruchand Thakur rejected Gandhiji proposal to join Swadeshi movement as Jyotiba Phule rejected.Guruchand Thakur and Phule both led the Bahujan Samaj and complained racial apartheid against hindutva hegemony.

Since Dr.BR Ambedkar was elected to head the constitution draft committee right from Bengal PR Thakur joined Congress and represented the Brasat reserved Loksabha seat.

As soon as the Congress was out of power Kapil Krishna and Manjul krishna joined the Left.Then Left was ousted and the Matua brothers joined the TMC.The Harichand Thakur Guruchand Thakur legacy has been translated in weather sensitive mobile vote bank and Manjul joining BJP is the most logical outcome.They were never concerned with the plight of Matua fraternity nor they had been committed to East Bengal refugee cause as they have been claiming and encashing with rich booty.

It is crossing fencing time.It is oneway traffic and everyone seems to join BJP.Bengal intelligentsia joined Mamata deserting the Left and now ,it seems that they are more prepared to join the Hindutva Brigade.

Meanwhile,TMC general secretary Mukul Roy, who was asked by CBI to appear before it in connection with Saradha chitfund probe has again left for the capital today.

"I am the general secretary of All India Trinamool Congress. I am going to sit at my office in Delhi," he told reporters before his departure today.

After returning here yesterday he had said, "I was in Delhi. I have come back. I will contact them (CBI). I will certainly inform when and what time I will go.I will certainly inform when and what time I will go. I will also talk to our party leadership."

Roy had sought 15 days extension of time to appear before the central agency in connection with the Saradha chit fund scam probe yesterday.

Speaking to PTI last night, Roy said "I had confirmed to CBI while I was Delhi that I would appear before it. But at the time, by-poll to two seats in West Bengal had not been announced.

However,it is learnt that Trinamool Congress (TMC) general secretary and Member of Parliament (MP) Mukul Roy has offered to resign from all party position following the summons of Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI) in relation to the Saradha chit fund scandal.

In the 40-minute close door meeting between party chief and chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday, Roy had expressed his desire to resign so that if indicted in the scandal, the party will not be directly responsible.

However, Banerjee has not only refused his request, but has also made him the chief strategist for upcoming by-polls in the state of one parliamentary constituency and one state assembly.

বিপর্যয়ের মাঝে এবার ভাঙনের সুর- তৃণমূল ছেড়ে মন্ত্রী মঞ্জুলকৃষ্ণ যোগ দিলেন বিজেপিতে

ওয়েব ডেস্ক: সারদা কেলেঙ্কারিতে জেরবার তৃণূমল এবার ভাঙন সমস্যার মুখে। বিজেপিতে যোগ দিলেন তৃণমূল বিধায়ক তথা উদ্বাস্তু পুনর্বাসন মন্ত্রী মঞ্জুল কৃষ্ণ ঠাকুর। বিজেপিতে যোগ দিয়েছেন তাঁর ছেলে সুব্রত ঠাকুরও। আজ বিজেপি অফিসে সাংবাদিক বৈঠক করে  ওই দলে যোগ দেওয়ার কথা ঘোষণা করেন মঞ্জুলকৃষ্ণ। প্রায় সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই তাঁকে দল থেকে বহিষ্কার করেছে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস।

সাংবাদিক বৈঠকে মঞ্জুলকৃষ্ণ অভিযোগ করেন, তৃণমূলে কোনও ভাল লোক থাকতে পারেন না। তৃণমূলে থেকে মানুষের জন্য কিংবা মতুয়াদের জন্য কোনও কাজই করতে পারেননি বলে মন্তব্য করেন তিনি। মঞ্জুলেই শেষ নয়, একে একে আরও অনেক তৃণমূল নেতা বিজেপিতে যোগ দেবেন। এমনই দাবি করেছেন  রাহুল সিনহা। কপিল কৃষ্ণ ঠাকুরের মৃত্যুতে বনগাঁ লোকসভা আসনে উপনির্বাচন। উপনির্বাচনকে সামনে রেখেই মঞ্জুলকৃষ্ণ ঠাকুরের বিজেপিতে যোগদান বলে মনে করছে রাজনৈতিক মহল।

Times of India reports:

KOLKATA: Trinamool minister of state for refugee relief Manjul Krishna Thakur joined BJP on Thursday. The minister said that he was leaving Trinamool and joining BJP. Thakur's son Subrata Thakur is likely to be nominated as the BJP candidate in Bongaon parliamentary seat which felt vacant following the sudden demise of Thakur's brother Kapil Krishna Thakur.

Manjul Krishna Thakur's resignation is considered to be a big blow for the ruling Trinamool as the party chief Mamata Banerjee is under pressure, as already transport minister Madan Mitra is in jail in Saradha scam.

The CBI had also summoned Trinamool party's All India general secretary Mukul Roy, in Saradha scam. Manjul Krishna Thakur said that he is not sure if BJP will nominate his son, but he was disgruntled with Trinamool. " My father Pramathanath Thakur was the founder of Matua Maha Sabha.

"I failed to work for the refugees though I was the minister, but Trinamool did not allow me to work. I resigned as my conscience told me. There is no scope for good men to be in Trinamool and for that I resigned. I am forced to say that the death of my brother Kapil Krishna Thakur's death is not natural. The death of my brother took place at a house at Ballygunj. I demand a CBI probe in the death of my brother Kapil Krishna Thakur."

He said that his sister in law Mamata Bala Thakur who had been nominated in Bongaon seat to contest as Trinamool candidate has only studied up to class three. She will loss her deposit, the ex-minister said.

The minister said that there had been inner party conflict in Trinamool, which prevented his functioning as the minister and work for the benefit of Matuas.

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