এখনো রবীন্দ্রনাথের ,নজরুলের,সুকান্তের ,নেতাজির বাংলায় ফ্যাসীবাদের বিরুদ্ধে সোচ্চার প্রতিবাদ নেই! লজ্জায় মুখ ঢেকে যায় পার্টীবদ্ধ সংস্কৃতির গৌরবে!
Indian Express Reports: Punjab to Assam: Writer returns her Padma Shri, another his Akademi "To kill those who stand for truth and justice put us to shame in the eyes of the world and God. In protest, therefore, I return the Padma Shri award", said Tiwana.
Sahitya Akademi protest: Complete list of writers who returned their awards
यह कदम स्वागत योग्य है.सभी सम्मानित साहित्यकारों, कलाकारों से निवेदन है कि एकजुट हो.
मंगलेश डबराल, राजेश जोशी, कृष्णा सोबती, उदय प्रकाश, शशि देशपांडे, नयनतारा सहगल, अशोक वाजपेयी, गणेश देवी, अरविंद मलगत्ती, अमन सेठी, गुरबचन भुल्लर, अजमेर सिंह औलख, आत्मजीत सिंह, वरयाम संधू एवं अन्य वरिष्ठ साहित्यकारों ने देश में खुले आम चल रही सांप्रदायिक राजनीति, अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के हनन, साहित्यकारों की हत्या और उनपर हो रहे हमलों के बावजूद साहित्य अकादेमी की चुप्पी के विरोध में और मोदी सरकार की इस स्थिति को रोकने के मामले में अकर्मण्यता के खिलाफ, 'साहित्य अकादेमी', संगीत नाटक अकादमी पुरस्कार वापस कर दिये हैं और यह लगातार जारी है.
इसी कड़ी में संगीत नाटक अकादमी एवं अन्य संस्थाओं से जुड़े वरिष्ठ एवं युवा साहित्यकारों तथा कलाकारों से निवेदन है कि वह भी अपना विरोध दर्ज करे. जो लोग इसके पीछे षड्यंत्र या अन्य कारण तलाश रहे हैं ऐसे व्यक्ति ही विरोध की जमीन को खोखला करते हैं. उनसे विनम्र निवेदन है कि आज हम सबको मिलकर विरोध करने की आवश्यकता है कृपया साथ दें.
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 19:30:58 +0000
जिसके पास जैसी सामर्थ्य है, वैसा प्रतिरोध करे। दूसरे के घर में ढेला न मारे लेखक अनिवार्यत: एक अकेला प्राणी होता है। बेहद अकेला। कोई उसकी बात समझ जाए, यह उसके जीवन का सबसे बड़ा सुख होता है। कोई उसका...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 18:30:09 +0000
अछूत रवींद्रनाथ का दलित विमर्श Out caste Tagore Poetry is all about Universal Brotherhood which makes India the greatest ever Ocean which merges so many streams of Humanity! आप हमारा गला भले काट दो,...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 18:10:00 +0000
कि बात छे बिहार में पहले चरण का मतदान हो चुका है। इस दौरान चुनावी माहौल इतना गरमा गया कि मुददों के बजाय अपशब्दों के बाण चलाये जाने लगे। 'चारा चोर' से लेकर 'नरभक्षी' और...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:46:26 +0000
पहले दो तरह के संस्कृतिकर्मी हुआ करते थे। एक् वे जिन्हें मिल गया था, और दूसरे वे जो उसके लिए हींड़ते रहते थे। हींड़ना नहीं समझते हैं। अगर आप बुन्देलखण्ड में नईं रये हैं तो हींड़ना नहीं समझ सकते हैं।...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 17:35:48 +0000
अनिल जैन हमारे देश में महाराष्ट्र की ख्याति एक ऐसे सूबे के रूप में रही है, जिसकी सरजमीं से कई प्रगतिशील और सुधारवादी आंदोलनों का सूत्रपात हुआ और जहां पैदा हुए कई क्रांतिकारी संत कवियों और समाज...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 16:08:30 +0000
विद्या भूषण रावत दो वर्ष पूर्व बर्मिंघम में घूमते हुए हमारे मित्र देविन्दर चन्दर जी ने बताया कि कैसे इंग्लैंड के कई पुराने और ऐतिहासिक चर्च अब खाली पड़े हैं और सिख उन्हें खरीद रहे हैं। इन गिरजो में अब...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 15:03:52 +0000
मैं तो आपको (नामवर सिंह) भीष्म पितामह मानता रहा ! गुरूजी (नामवर सिंह) प्रणाम. थोड़ी देर पहले हिंदुस्तान में आपका वक्तव्य देखा. महाभारत पर आपसे अक्सर बात हुई है. आप जानते हैं कि भारत के सभी...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 15:00:28 +0000
नरेंद्र मोदी ने दूसरे देशों में जमा कर के रखा गया सारा काला धन वापस देश में लाने का जो शेखीभरा दावा किया था, बड़ी तेजी से एक प्रहसन में तब्दील होता जा रहा है। लोकसभा चुनाव के समय मोदी ने यह वादा किया...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 14:20:54 +0000
नई दिल्ली। शहीद-ए-आज़म सरदार भगतसिंह पर अपने शोध कार्य के लिए विख्यात जवाहर लाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय के पूर्व प्रोफेसर चमनलाल ने भी साहित्य अकादमी से मिला अनुवाद पुरस्कार लौटा दिया है। श्री चमनलाल को...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:34:06 +0000
असम के प्रख्यात साहित्यकार और पत्रकार बोर्गोहैन भी लौटाएंगे साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार गुवाहाटी, 13 अक्टूबर। देश में बढ़ती असहिष्णुता के विरोध में साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार लौटाने वाले लेखकों की श्रेणी...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:20:06 +0000
'एम-सेहत' से राज्य में स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की एक नई शुरुआत हो रही है: मुख्यमंत्री परियोजना के अंतर्गत मोबाइल फोन एप्लीकेशन द्वारा ग्राम स्वास्थ्य एवं पोषण दिवस का भी अनुश्रवण किया जाएगा मुख्यमंत्री ने...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:58:18 +0000
এইমৃত্যুউপত্যকাআমারদেশনয়! এইমৃত্যুউপত্যকাআমারদেশনয়! Nabarun Da declared it in seventies! Bengal has no courage to raise voice against the fascist racist HIT LIST or the governance of Fascism, I am...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:34:09 +0000
दुधारी तलवार है गोरक्षा आंदोलन अरुण कुमार त्रिपाठी गोरक्षा आंदोलन तमाम अंतर्विरोधों से घिरा एक विचित्र आंदोलन है। सनातन धर्म के मूल्यों को बचाने का दावा करने वाला यह आंदोलन आर्य समाज के प्रभाव में...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Mon, 12 Oct 2015 19:04:43 +0000
आतंकवादी गुट आईएसआईएल को सीआईए और मोसाद पाल रहे-अमेरिकी प्रोफेसर नई दिल्ली। एक सेवानिवृत्त अमेरिकी प्रोफ़ेसर और शोधकर्ता ने बराक ओबामा द्वारा सीरियाई विद्रोहियों को प्रशिक्षण समाप्त करने की योजना को...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:35:13 +0000
इस सन्नाटे का जलवा भी बहार है। पंजाब फासिज्म के प्रतिरोध में आगे, आठ ने लौटाये पुरस्कार। बंगाल से फिलहाल कोई पुरस्कार लौटाने के मूड में नहीं हैं। बंगाल के पुरस्कृत लेखक सूबे की राजनीति में मशगूल हैं।...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Posted:Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:04:23 +0000
अब अच्छा लग रिया है। थोक के भाव में लेखकों ने सरकार से लिए पुरस्कार वापस कर दिए। उदय प्रकाश से शुरू हुआ यह काम मंगलेश डबराल, राजेश जोशी, कृष्णा सोबती, अशोक वाजपेयी, सच्चिदानंदन, पंजाब, कश्मीर व...
पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें
Several elite writers and poets have also resigned their posts in the 20-member General Council of the country's top literary body, saying that they were shocked at the level of intolerance on freedom of speech and expression.
Hindi writer Uday Prakash was the first to return the prestigious award. Writer Nayantara Sahgal and poet Ashok Vajpeyi followed Prakash in protesting the murders of rationalists like MM Kalburgi, Govind Pansare and Narendra Dabholkar. They also came out against the shocking Dadri incident, in which a mob lynched a Muslim man in Greater Noida over rumours of eating and storing beef. At least 16 litterateurs have returned the prestigious Akademi award, while four have resigned elite posts of the organisation.
Here is the list of litterateurs who returned their Sahitya Akademi Awards*
No | Litterateur | Language |
1 | Uday Prakash | Hindi writer |
2 | Nayantara Sahgal | Indian English writer |
3 | Ashok Vajpeyi | Hindi poet |
4 | Sarah Joseph | Malayalam novelist |
5 | Ghulam Nabi Khayal | Kashmiri writer |
6 | Rahman Abbas | Urdu novelist |
7 | Waryam Sandhu | Punjabi writer |
8 | Gurbachan Singh Bhullar | Punjabi writer |
9 | Ajmer Singh Aulakh | Punjabi writer |
10 | Atamjit Singh | Punjabi writer |
11 | GN Ranganatha Rao | Kannada translator |
12 | Mangalesh Dabral | Hindi writer |
13 | Rajesh Joshi | Hindi writer |
14 | Ganesh Devy | Gujarati writer |
15 | Srinath DN | Kannada translator |
16 | Kumbar Veerabhadrappa | Kannada novelist |
17 | Rahmat Tarikere | Kannada writer |
18 | Baldev Singh Sadaknama | Punjabi novelist |
19 | Jaswinder | Punjabi poet |
20 | Darshan Battar | Punjabi poet |
21 | Surjit Patar | Punjabi poet |
22 | Chaman Lal | Punjabi translator |
23 | Homen Borgohain | Assamese journalist |
*The list does not include six Kannada writers who returned the State literary award on 3 October. Theatre artist Maya Krishna Rao has also returned her Sangeet Natak Akademi award on 12 October, while Shiromani Lekhak award winner Megh Raj Mitter has also announced to return his award.
List of litterateurs who resigned from Sahitya Akademi posts
No | Litterateur | Language |
1 | Shashi Deshpande | Kannada author |
2 | K Satchidanandan | Malayalam poet |
3 | PK Parakkadvu | Malayalam writer |
4 | Aravind Malagatti | Kannada poet |
Article Published: October 13, 2015 07:00 IST
- https://youtu.be/I-ST7ysPnxc
अछूत रवींद्रनाथ का दलित विमर्श
Out caste Tagore Poetry is all about Universal Brotherhood which makes India the greatest ever Ocean which merges so many streams of Humanity!
आप हमारा गला भले काट दो,सर कलम कर दो लब आजाद रहेंगे! क्योंकि हिटलर के राजकाज में भी जर्मनी के संस्कृतिकर्मी भी प्रतिरोध के मोर्चे पर लामबंद सर कटवाने को तैयार थे।जो भी सर कटवाने को हमारे कारवां में शामिल होने को तैयार हैं,अपने मोर्चे पर उनका स्वागत है।स्वागत है।
Why do I quote Nabarun Bhattacharya so often?
এই মৃত্যু উপত্যকা আমার দেশ নয়!
এই মৃত্যু উপত্যকা আমার দেশ নয়!Nabarun Da declared it in seventies!
Bengal has no courage to raise voice against the fascist racist HIT LIST or the governance of Fascism,I am afraid to speak out.Rest of India follows Nabarunda in creativity as creativity is all about the acts activated to sustain humanity and nature.Reactionaries have taken over the world and Bengal remains the colony!
Palash Biswas
The Indian Express - 22 hours ago As many as 15 to 20 Konkani writers of Goa Konkani Lekhak Sangh (GKLS) are considering returning their Sahitya Akademi awards to protest against the recent killings of rationalists and writers in the country. On Wednesday, at least 15 recipients of the ...
DailyO - 14 hours ago The interview for the original assignment has ended. It is time for coffee which his helper has done a miserable job of. He asks if we want to know the real reason why he returned the Sahitya Akademi award. His pauses are near perfect. He is a major ...
Times of India - 20 hours ago I sympathize with writers who express their anguish by returning their Sahitya Akademi awards or quitting their posts there. Dissent with intolerance and protest against imposition of a mono cultural value system by self-appointed moral custodians is ...
Tehelka - 2 hours ago It seems Tamil writers have turned a divided lot over the issue of returning honours bestowed on the, by the Sahitya Akademi, as a means of protest, over its alleged failure in protecting the right to expression. While fellow writers across the country ...
NDTV - 8 hours ago Stating his reasons for taking such a step, he wrote: "However, my symbolic protest to return theSahitya Akademi award is not only against the Dadri killing but against the growing fascist tendency in the country and against the evil forces trying to ...
Oneindia - 5 hours ago New Delhi, Oct 13: Leading writers are now returning the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award to protest against spread of "communal poison" and "rising intolerance" in India. Sahitya AkademiAward is a literary honor in India which Sahitya Akademi, India ...
Daily News & Analysis - 2 hours ago Punjabi poet Surjit Patar returned his Sahitya Akademi Award on Monday to register his protest against the growing incidents of intolerance and communal violence in the country. Recently, poets Jaswinder and Darshan Buttar, and prose writer Baldev ...
Firstpost - 11 hours ago Ballari (Karnataka): Joining the bandwagon of writers and poets protesting "growing intolerance", Kannada writer Prof Rahamat Tarikere has returned his Sahitya Akademi award in protest against the killing of scholar M M Kalburgi and rationalists ...
The Indian Express - 12 minutes ago The Sahitya Akademi is India's premier institution of letters, with a stated commitment to "promoting Indian literature throughout the world". The Akademi was established by Jawaharlal Nehru, who was also its first chairperson, and inaugurated on March ...
Chandigarh Tribune - 7 hours ago Another Kannada writer announced he would return his Sahitya Akademi Award, joining the protest against growing communal intolerance and attacks on free speech. In a related development, Booker Prize winning author Salman Rushdie questioned Prime ...
Economic Times - Oct 12, 2015 Kashmiri writer Ghulam Nabi Khayal, Kannada writer-translator Srinath D N and Rajesh Joshi have decided to return their Sahitya Akademi awards under the spiralling protest by litterateurs against "communal" atmosphere and "rising intolerance" following ...
Financial Express - 2 hours ago Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Satyapal Singh on Tuesday said it appears to be a 'pre-planned' move by several prominent writers and poets to return their Sahitya Akademi awards, adding that the literary body or the Centre does not have anything ...
The Indian Express - Oct 12, 2015 A day after renowned literary critic and activist Professor Ganesh Devy returned the Sahitya Akademi award, noted Gujarati poet Anil Joshi, who was awarded the Akademi award in 1990 for his collection of essays titled, "Statue", on Monday, returned the ...
International Business Times, India Edition - 17 hours ago Over the past one week, disgruntled writers and poets across the country have returned the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award to protest the increasing incidents of communal violence in India. Several elite writers and poets have also resigned their ...
Economic Times - 22 hours ago NEW DELHI: The Sahitya Akademi has convened an emergency meeting of its executive board — comprising 24 writers representing different Indian languages — on October 23, to discuss the issue of a string of writers returning their Akademi awards in ...
The Indian Express - Oct 12, 2015 Established by the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was also its first chairperson, theSahitya Akademi is the premier institution of letters in the country. Every year it announcesSahitya Akademi awards for writers in 24 languages. Over the ...
Oneindia - 7 hours ago Kolkata, Oct 13: With eminent authors returning Sahitya Akademi awards to protest rising intolerance, union minister Bandaru Dattatreya said it was their individual right and intellectuals were free to act as per their wish in a democracy. "It is their ...
NDTV - Oct 11, 2015 New Delhi: Gujarat-based writer Ganesh Devy, 'Yuva Puraskar'-winning author Aman Sethi and four other eminent writers from Punjab returned their Sahitya Akademi awards on Sunday. Kannada writer Aravind Malagatti resigned from the body's general ...
The Indian Express - Oct 11, 2015 Three eminent writers from Punjab, Gurbachan Bhullar, Ajmer Singh Aulakh and Atamjit Singh, on Sunday announced that they were returning their Sahitya Akademi awards, joining the growing protest by litterateurs against "rising intolerance" and the ...
Guwahati: Joining the league of Sahitya Akademi awardees returning their awards in protest against growing intolerance in the country, Assam's litterateur and journalist Homen Borgohain has also decided to return the honour. Writing in a vernacular ...
Business Standard - 22 hours ago 2) Nayantara Sahgal: Writer Nayantara Sahgal had won the Sahitya Akademi award for her English novel Rich Like Us. She said she would return her award as a sign of protest over the Dadri lynching and the killings of Kalburgi, and activists Narendra ...
Daily News & Analysis - 17 hours ago The Sahitya Akademi has decided to convene a special emergency meeting of its executive board on October 23, bringing it forward from its scheduled date in December. There seems to have been an overnight rethink on the issue as, until Sunday evening ...
Financial Express - 13 hours ago Two eminent writers GN Devy and Aman Sethi on Sunday announced that they were returning theirSahitya Akademi awards, joining the growing protest by litterateurs over "rising intolerance" and "communal" atmosphere, and the "silence" of the Sahitya ...
Mid-Day - 15 hours ago Sahitya Akademi President Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari had said that the institution was committed to the core secular values enshrined in the Constitution of India. Khayal said, "I have decided to return the award. The minorities in the country are ...
Daily News & Analysis - Oct 12, 2015 "I support Nayantara Sahgal and the many other writers protesting to the Sahitya Akademi. Alarming times for free expression in India," he tweeted. 88-year-old Sahgal, niece of Jawaharlal Nehru, was among the first to lodge her protest against the ...
Business Standard (press release) (registration) (blog) - Oct 12, 2015 Akademi officials said this was the first instance when award-winners were returning their awards. Earlier, there had been instances of authors refusing to accept the Sahitya Akademi award. The 1997 Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy, for example, had ...
Times of India - 11 hours ago VADODARA: After tribal activist Ganesh Devy, another Gujarati litterateur poet Anil Joshi returned his Sahitya Akademi Award. Joshi on Monday wrote a letter to Sahitya Akdemi president professor Viswanath Pratap Tiwari informing him about his decision ...
Business Standard - Oct 12, 2015 On Monday, 12 more writers announced their decision to return their Sahitya Akademi or other similar awards, taking the total number of litterateurs doing so to 24. Besides, Kannada writer Aravind Malagatti resigned from the Akademi's general council ...
Firstpost - Oct 12, 2015 Vadodara: The train of writers returning government-conferred honours on Monday saw city-based author and poet Anil Joshi announce that he will give up his Sahitya Akademi award over the recent killing of rationalist MM Kalburgi and a few others.
The Wire - Oct 11, 2015 Eminent writers Gurbachan Bhullar, Ajmer Singh Aulakh and Atamjit Singh from Punjab and GN Devy from Gujarat today announced that they were returning their Sahitya Akademi awards like several other authors including Nayantara Sehgal, Sarah Joseph,
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