... C - फेकू, MODI,पुरे पाच साल ऐसे ही उल्लू बनाते रहेगे और भक्त तालिया बजाते रहेगे ... बजट में आम आदमी के लिए: "सर्विस टैक्स 12 प्रतिशत से बढ़ाकर 14 प्रतिशत करने से हर चीज़ होगी महंगी" और ख़ास आदमी अम्बानी और अदानी के लिए: कॉर्पोरेट टैक्स घटाने का ऐलान 30 प्रतिशत से घटाकर 25 फीसदी किया जाएगा लेकिन एक अच्छी खबर भी है आम आदमी के लिए " जूते सस्ते कर दिए है.....सरकार के सर पर मारने के लिए" GOOD READING > Make The DISTANCE between YOUR - MIND & YOUR TONGUE,, As FAR As The DISTANCE, Between the EARTH and The MOON Then SEE HOW LIFE CHANGES >> ------------------------------- >> RSS Mohan Bhagawat may have vilified Mother Teresa out of jealousy for her and her achievements. Why doesn't he try to be the new Mother Teresa .... अदभुत अकथनीय । Please share >> Kya ye Hai Achhe din? फेकू जी पुरे पाच साल ऐसे ही उल्लू बनाते रहेगे और भक्त तालिया बजाते रहेगे ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Modi's Suit may have fetched palpitation-inducing Rs 4.31crore – and it might help cleanse the sinfully polluted River Ganges, as is projected. But, those who watched the exercise undertaken -know for sure it was a fixed match.The suit that cost the BJP the Delhi gaddi, and Modi his sheen was put under the hammer in a desperate bid to reclaim the remnants of a tattered ego. In the fray were textile magnates and diamond merchants and even a school teacher. Was it a mere coincidence that many of these who went around with cheque in hand had figured in income-tax raids and records? Nursery school teacher Rajesh Maheshwari who offered Rs 1.25 crore claimed to have stitched the bid through a collection of Rs 50,000 from 250 people! That a Rs 5-crore target had been fixed in deference to instructions 'from above' was known. Gujarati daily Divya Bhaskar carried a pictorial report by its Surat correspondent showing undated but signed cheques with amounts filled in, collected in advance by district administration officials. Correspondents covering the event spoke of CR Patil, the Surat-based BJP MP from Navsari, lurking in the background. A once penalised policeman, Patil had worked his way first to former Union textiles minister Kashiram Rana and then into the good books of Modi. His are the unseen hands that move mountains in Surat, the diamond capital of India, where limited year postings in the constabulary go for over Rs 25 lakh. the suit auction in Surat formed the core of an image salvage operation, Perception management is a key component of any brand building exercise. The bulk of the alleged fake encounters in Gujarat took place to neutralize fidayeen terror outfits attempting to assassinate the then Gujarat chief minister. Almost all of them took place around the time Modi was facing a political challenge or crisis of sorts. As a crisis erupted in Bihar and the BJP moved to fish in troubled waters, another distracting development unfolded in Delhi. It was the Modi government's action against high profile corporate espionage. Another perception management operation at work? The correctives have become necessary after the Delhi debacle. This one is seen by some as an attempt at neutralizing the overly corporate-friendly image the Modi government has vis-a-vis the Ambanis, the Adanis and the like. READ MORE : फेकू जी पुरे पाच साल ऐसे ही उल्लू बनाते रहेगे और भक्त तालिया बजाते रहेगे ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR DELHI SCHOOLS > Write to the education minister at Email : msisodia.delhi@gov.in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>> |  |
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