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Sunday, October 24, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dick Eastman <>
Date: Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 8:02 AM


 An idea that Gandhi would like.   -- the spirit of it  I hope you will see the power for good  behind it and ignore the unworthy messenger who caught it in the wind  -- because I am certain that this one peaceful and non-violent action by the people alone will free us, will release the unique power within every individual that combines to become the will of a nation.  I write not as a populist or a social crediter or a "conspiracy theorist" but as a citizen who just found the way out of the snake pit we are all in.  I started to write one message against the Tea Party movment and then this idea came out of nowhere   -- I send without alternations (except the headings and pictures)  -- Dick Eastman
How the unorganized people can defeat organized falsehood:
"All ears and once voice at a time." 



Dick Eastman


I.  The problem of the unorganized majority against the organized minority that controls the media and the trained social scientists whose opinion management technologies control public opinion and politcs.

The tea party movement is bank power's final mop up of Congress -- these candidates are all Gingriches, McCaines, Palins -- you want Santa Claus, they hide the existence of Santa Claus From You but give you Macy's Santa Clause instead  and you go for him because he of the deliberate outward resemblance, but  who is really Karl Marx or Charles Manson.

You want a ten, they want to give you a minus-ten President.  They control the the exposure or non-exposure in the media of the candidates offering themselves for the position.  They give you a minus 8 candidate in one party -- and then to make sure he wins they tag a minus nine man or even a minus ten man to run against him.

Or let us say there actually is a plus 4 candidate who has thrown in his hat and has enough national reputation that they can't deny him oxygen of exposure.  Well, then the round up a bunch of out of work actors - or older Washington male prostitutes and whatnot - who have been rewarded for service with various high political positions -- and they six or seven of these guys  -- they will run a black guy who is anti-abortion to focus exclusively on taking votes from whites or anti-abortion christians and an Evanangelical if the plus 4 man is a Catholic.  They will run a Perot to pull away the populists and a Ron Paul to pull off the libertarians and the conservatives brainwashed by the gold sellers. They will run global warming activists to pull away the junk science susceptible from the candidate who is scientifically conserned about the eclology and clandestine weather modification technologies being used to obtain geopolitical and economic objectives for a shadow government etc.

But most of the time the candidates they will run against the one real good guy are just groomed to pull off a certain demographic segnment of the good man's support.  They will Run a Mormon because Mormons vote Church over Conservatism.  So to Catholics.  They will run a woman -- because it is a woman's turn this time  -- or a black man's turn this time.

The intelligent and informed people of good will see what is being done -- but of course they have even less opportunity to make this known that do the postive four candidates.  Soon, with all of the campaign money going to Perot or Paul (or Teddy Roosevelt, or John Anderson or Eugene McCarthy -- the Chosen Democrat  -- Minus 8  wins.


II.  We can beat their game in a way that leaves them helpless to stop us.  But it requires that you practice what you preach about freedom of speech for all people.


The way to beat this is to have a new kind of party -- a party that has open forum discussions two or three times a week in all big town -- where a had is passed only for one purpose  -- to rent a bigger auditorium and louder speaker system the next time.  And just let the people talk among themselves.  (You think people talk politics in this country?  They Never Do.  Everyone is convinced -- from impressions watched watching sitcoms and NCI  that their own secret opinions are wildly opposed by the public -- an impression that Beck and Hannity and O'Reilly and NPR fosters every day  -- "there are Rockefeller Neocon Republicans and Rockefeller Deomcrats and the rest is terrorism" -- that is the message Ruppert Murdoch is drumming into the public minute by minute, day by day , year by year.)   And so is Soros!   BUT the "All Ears One Mouth at a Time"  Meetings  would allow everyone in a random draw to speak  -- numbered seats -- and speak for 10 minutes at which time their microphone goes off and the next person gets a change  -- with every fourth person being taken from a line of people who are willing to stand for an increased change of getting to say their peace.  THEN AND ONLY THEN WOULD WE HAVE GRASS ROOTS POLITICS IN THE U.S. AGAIN  -- THEN AND ONLY THEN WOULD WE RECAPURE THE POLITICAL SPIRIT OF THOSE FIRST DAYS FROM THE REVOLUTION UNTIL THE FEDERALISTS SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH UNDER ADAMS AFTER WASHINGTON.  And yes, we would let Zionist speak and the White Racist and the Black Racist and the Chinese (but for some reason we never hear of Chinese in politics  -- never even in California politics  -- San Francisco Chinatown has chosen Feinstein and now Nancy Pelosi as their representative as if they are hiding a secret about themselves  -- but of course the real American Chinese who care about America would be free to stand up and also speak -- along with the Japanese and Korean Americans  and Americans whose people come from India or Indonesia.

"I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."  -- Jefferson

"I do not agree with what you say but I will make sure you have the ability to say it to all who gather to hear it."  Open Mouth Rebellion 2010

What would the Money Power do?  They would send trouble makers into the crowd to cause disruption -- to shout down speakers, to make race baiting comments, --  while they had operatives dressed as anarchists smashing windows and vandalizing nice cars and swearing obsenities and irrational slogans -- in order to convince people that the Open Mouth Non-Aligned Parties were a group of terrorists.  And then they would in fact conduct false-flag terror  -- either frameing the the Open Mouths with false-flag terror acts  or else ordinging the meeting shut down because of the danger of terrorism from "al Qaeda" or Clousenista Mormons or the Grange or the local gun club.  But our the miracle of our brotherlove one one for another - regardless of view or position -- will tell the world otherwise.

At this point it would be up to us to choose slavery or to choose the American dream for our posterity.  If we continued to hold those meetings -- letting anyone speak - as the holy spirit and Allah and their own thought processes gave utterance -- then and only then would we be united and free and invincible.   That is what I would say in my ten minutes.

What would you say?

Dick Eastman


 "Each according to the dictates of his own conscience."

( Got this idea in my early days as a Chrisitian when I noticed that the pastors that allowed the least time for "giving testimony" were the ones that got the church splits and a neglect of the actual gospel mission that Jesus called us to.  (Did you know the best man in your town is probably on skid row, who lives a clean life and talks about Jesus in all his conversation, perhaps with a voice indicating a hearing problem -- that people mistake as lack of intelligence  -- the best christians I have known have been the most ordinary and unimpressive people  --  the kind you would never choose to hear unless happanstance gave him the chance to bear his good soul.)


I would most like to hear Americans with family ties to Palestine or Afghanistan, or Haiti, or Mexico -- especially Mexico.  It would spell the end of Zionist power over our minds and welfare.  And above all we would let the Tea Party people speak.  We would even let the paid infiltrators speak -- whenever their seat number comes up.

Each man and woman will preach is own politics -- and then give the next man a chance.


 "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds  -- This is our Common Ground!!!  
Not a political party.  Just an idea.  And not an idea that belongs to anyone except any and all who adopt it, bring it home and feed it. 
Received  -- starts in less than an hour  (Sat Oct 23)  --  here is a Mormon whose views are quite different from those of Glenn Beck.   I endorse this person like I do Dan Breeden and Vicky Davis or anyone else.
Right away:  Deanna Spingola' radio program -- maiden voyage for a kindred spirit.   (I ask you give a listen -- see what I am talking about viewpoints that most people never get to hear.)
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 8:21 AM
Subject: Radio Show

I now have a radio show on Republic Broadcasting Network:
My show starts tonight, Saturday, 9 PM to 11 PM (CST). If you have time and want to tune in, I would appreciate it. While I have been on radio shows as a guest, this is a new experience.
Kindest Regards,
(One hour ahead of US Pacific Coast Time)

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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