---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Hindus are Wasting Crores of Rupees For giving Massive Publicity to Zakir Naik!
Editor & Publisher:
Zakir Naik already has enough publicity across the perverts who admire him. This campaign against this terrorist mind is to bring to highlight how fanatics use rleigion as a ploy to promote hatred against peaceful Hindus. If someone says anything against revered Prophet Muhammad, fools have officially declared apunishment of death sentence in all islamic countries. Even in other countries, they raise huge hue and cry and even kill people like they killed US ambassador recently.
In that case, why should the insult on any Hindu God be ignored? If Zakir gets a good publicity through this, it is good for us. Because we are not concerend with how popular he becomes among fanatics. We are more concerned about more and more people knowing that such elements be addressed with iron hand.
FYI, this Zakir Naik has clearly stated that all non-Muslims will go to Hell regardless of how good they are. They are worst of creatures who worship idols. Further he says that if idol worshippers are offended when Muslims call them Kafir, then they should become Muslim! In an honestly secular country, he should be put in jail for his inflammatory speech. We all should work to make India truly secular and hence honor our great constitution.
Agniveer has launched a tirade against this person and his organization to ensure lesser perverts emerge from perverts in future. We fully support and stand hand in hand with those peaceful forces who believe in fight against fanaticism.
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Hindus are Wasting Crores of Rupees For giving Massive Publicity to Zakir Naik!
----- Original Message -----
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani
To: Agniveer
Cc: ilovebharat@googlegroups.com ; Bhailal Patel ; Brahma Chellaney ; Dharma Rakshan ; DEWAN SATISH ; Media Watch ; Francois Gautier ; Krishnaraj Rao ; Swaminathan Pattabhiraman
Sent: 05 Oct 2012 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: Hindus are Wasting Crores of Rupees For giving Massive Publicity to Zakir Naik!
Spend your Surplus Money on Poor Children
Agniveer Jee,
Why are you justifying the wastage of huge amounts of money to fight on topics in which the Hindus have a weak position? Can you make any Muslim accept idol worship as right, when you cannot make even the Sikhs, Radhasoamis, Jains and Buddhists accept the idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses as their deities and worship them? Why don't you first try to convince the Sikhs, Radhasoamis, Jains and Buddhists to worship your idols, and find out whether you can succeed in that program?
The Sikhs, Radhasoamis, Jains and Buddhists are the people you call Hindus who just don't agree to worship your Gods and Goddesses, and you cannot do anything about that fact, but you want to make the Indian Muslims accept your deities and worship them just because their ancestors were Hindus many centuries before.
Don't you fellows have better things to do than waste massive amounts of money? Can you not spend your surplus funds to help the poor Hindus, especially those whom you consider as belonging to the lower castes?
You fellows don't think of giving milk to the poor Hindus, but many of you make the Ganesh idols "drink" huge quantities of milk! Even though the whole world laughs at you, you still boast that you can perform the great miracle of making Ganesh idols "drink" milk.
The Hindus believe that all men and women are Gods and Goddesses. So, why don't you make the rich Hindus feed the poor children regularly with milk, as you should be treating them as little Gods and Goddesses on the basis of your own beliefs? Why should you try to feed milk to the Ganesh idols when you can give that milk to the little Gods and Goddesses who need it the most?
Making the rich Hindus show such generosity to all the poor children of India will be one of the greatest miracles.
Forget about providing milk to the poor children, massive amounts of food grains are allowed to rot in godowns of even the states ruled by the BJP, which follows the Hindutva ideology. The food grains are allowed to be eaten by rats, cockroaches, weevils and worms, but are not given to the poor people. Human beings are treated worse than animals by many rich Hindus who take pride in worshipping even pests like rats in some temples. Can you not respect the human rights of such poor people and treat them like human beings, if not like the Gods and Goddesses, by providing them with adequate food grains at lower prices?
You have been claiming that you are bringing back hundreds of men and women to the Hindu religion, but why have you failed to prevent millions of Hindus from leaving Hinduism every year and converting to Islam, Christianity and Marxism?
Ashok T. Jaisinghani.
www.top-nut.com Top Nutritionist
www.top-nut.com Top Nutritionist
----- Original Message -----
From: Agniveer Agni
Cc: ilovebharat@googlegroups.com ; Bhailal Patel ; Brahma Chellaney ; Dharma Rakshan ; DEWAN SATISH ; Media Watch ; Francois Gautier ; Krishnaraj Rao ; Swaminathan Pattabhiraman
Sent: 27 Sep 2012 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Hindus are Wasting Crores of Rupees For giving Massive Publicity to Zakir Naik!
In that case, why should the insult on any Hindu God be ignored? If Zakir gets a good publicity through this, it is good for us. Because we are not concerend with how popular he becomes among fanatics. We are more concerned about more and more people knowing that such elements be addressed with iron hand.
FYI, this Zakir Naik has clearly stated that all non-Muslims will go to Hell regardless of how good they are. They are worst of creatures who worship idols. Further he says that if idol worshippers are offended when Muslims call them Kafir, then they should become Muslim! In an honestly secular country, he should be put in jail for his inflammatory speech. We all should work to make India truly secular and hence honor our great constitution.
Agniveer has launched a tirade against this person and his organization to ensure lesser perverts emerge from perverts in future. We fully support and stand hand in hand with those peaceful forces who believe in fight against fanaticism.
Hindus are Wasting Crores of Rupees
For giving Massive Publicity to Zakir Naik!
Why are Hindus giving too much importance to Dr. Zakir Naik for any statements such as: "If your Bhagwaan cannot recognize his own son (Shri Ganesh), how will he recognize me if I fall into any difficulty?"
Why can't the Hindus ignore such statements, instead of giving widespread publicity to Dr. Zakir Naik all over the world by publishing protests on websites, holding demonstrations in different places and lodging complaints against him at different Police Stations?
Dr. Zakir Naik must be secretly having many good laughs for getting free publicity all over the world at the cost of the Hindus who must be spending many crores of rupees on protests, demonstrations and police complaints.
Ashok T. Jaisinghani.
Editor & Publisher:
www.top-nut.com Top Nutritionist
www.top-nut.com Top Nutritionist
----- Original Message -----
From: HJS Sevak
Sent: 25 Sep 2012 5:02 PM
Subject: Protest : Islamic thinker Dr. Zakir Naik insults Shri Ganesh and Hindu Dharma
Dr. Zakir Naik insults Shri Ganesh and Hinduism : Complaints lodged
at Mumbai, Pune and Panvel by devout Hindus, BJP, Shiv Sena and HJS
at Mumbai, Pune and Panvel by devout Hindus, BJP, Shiv Sena and HJS
Mumbai : The so-called Islamic thinker, Dr. Zakir Naik tried to hurt religious sentiments of Hindus by denigrating Shri Ganesh; that too, during the Ganesh Festival. He has given a challenge to Hindus, through the medium of 'Facebook' and 'You-tube', to prove that Shri Ganapati is a Deity. He also made an anti-Hindu statement that 'If your God is unable to recognise his own son, how will he know that I am in danger'. By making such comments that too during Ganesh Festival, Dr. Naik has hurt religious sentiments of billions of Hindus. It has also created rage among members of Shiv Sena, BJP and various pro-Hindu organisations, Ganeshotsava Mandals and devout Hindus.
A complaint has been lodged by office bearers of Shiv Sena, BJP, Ganesha Festival Mandals and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) with various Police Stations all over the State demanding that 'when Ganesha Festival is being celebrated in peaceful atmosphere, Dr. Zakir Naik is trying to disturb Hindu-Muslim harmony by giving such challenge; therefore, case should be immediately filed against him'.
A complaint has been lodged by office bearers of Shiv Sena, BJP, Ganesha Festival Mandals and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) with various Police Stations all over the State demanding that 'when Ganesha Festival is being celebrated in peaceful atmosphere, Dr. Zakir Naik is trying to disturb Hindu-Muslim harmony by giving such challenge; therefore, case should be immediately filed against him'.
What you can do ?
1. File complaints along with nearby devout Hindus, against Dr. Zakir Naik for insulting Shri Ganesh and Hindu Dharma during ongoing Ganesh Festival in nearby Police Stations.
2. Protest lawfully against Dr. Zakir Naik on his Facebook page, Twitter account and You Tube channel.
Zakir Naik on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/zakirnaik
Zakir Naik on Twitter : https://twitter.com/zakirnaikirf
Zakir Naik on Twitter : https://twitter.com/zakirnaikirf
Zakir Naik YouTube channel : http://www.youtube.com/drzakirchannel
Read details at : http://hindujagrutiorg.blogspot.in/2012/09/dr-zakir-naik-insults-shri-ganesh-and.html
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