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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fwd: Was Ahmed Patel Manmohan Singh's Boss?

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From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Was Ahmed Patel Manmohan Singh's Boss?

Many Indian Journalists are Cowards
Bhagwat Goel jee,
    Many writers and journalists don't have the courage to publicize the fact that India is being controlled by the Western Powers through Sonia Gandhi with the help of her puppets like Ahmed Patel and Manmohan Singh. Such writers and journalists don't wish to expose the traitors, as they have been receiving big bribes to make them avoid writing against the treacherous Indian leaders who have handed over the destiny of India to the foreigners. 
    The puppet leaders of India have made the majority of the people blind to reality with the help of the writers and journalists, who have preferred to take the big bribes for hiding the big crimes of the extremely corrupt and dishonest leaders. 
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.   
 Editor & Publisher:

----- Original Message -----
Cc: ; ; ; ; L. K. Advani ; ; ; ; doctor togadia ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; vinod sharma ; satyapravah ; Ravi Shankar( MP) ; ; ; ; ; ; dbdb ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Radha Rajan ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; MAYANK JAIN ; Ashok Joshi ; ; ;
Sent: 30 Sep 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Was Ahmed Patel Manmohan Singh's Boss?


Sent: Sunday, 30 September 2012 12:16 PM
Subject: Was Ahmed Patel Manmohan Singh's Boss?

Was Ahmed Patel Manmohan Singh's Boss who gave him Orders on the Allocation of Coal Mines?
    The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has mentioned a massive scam of Rs.186,000 crore in the allocation of coal blocks to private parties between 2006 and 2009, when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had the Coal Ministry directly under his charge. The Coalgate allegations in the CAG report have cast a dark shadow on the reputation of Manmohan Singh. 
    According to the news published in the Bangalore Mirror, shown below, Manmohan Singh had reportedly told Sonia Gandhi that Ahmed Patel should be blamed for the scam of Coalgate, as the coal blocks were allotted on the recommendations of Ahmed Patel.
Was Manmohan Singh a subordinate of Ahmed Patel?
    How can Manmohan Singh now blame Ahmed Patel and make him a scapegoat, after the Prime Minister had taken full responsibility for the allocation of coal blocks during the period when he was also in charge of the Coal Ministry? Can the Prime Minister claim that he was working like a peon who had to follow the orders of any Boss like Ahmed Patel? As Ahmed Patel was himself like a postman or clerk of Sonia Gandhi, why is Manmohan Singh not blaming Sonia Gandhi openly for the Coalgate scam, which had caused a huge loss of about Rs.186,000 crore to the Government and the people of India?
    Nobody can save the absolutely shameless Prime Minister now, when he had publicly accepted full responsibility for the crime of Coalgate. The Congress Party should not create any scapegoats to prove the bogus innocence of Manmohan Singh when he had already accepted the blame for the crime of Coalgate. As the head of the Coal Ministry, he was the main culprit in the corrupt deals in which massive bribes were taken for the coal block allocations that took place during his tenure of 2006-2009.
    No rumors or stunts of any type for diverting the attention of the people are going to help Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to save himself from the blame of the Coalgate scam. The whole nation now believes that Manmohan Singh was fully implicated in the Coalgate scam, which involves an estimated loss of Rs.186,000 crore in revenue.
    In spite of all his efforts, Manmohan Singh shall never  succeed in saving his reputation from the allegations of his involvement in the massive scam of Coalgate. Not even all the leaders of the UPA can save Manmohan Singh from the humiliation and disgrace that is awaiting him. Nothing can save Manmohan Singh now, as he is marching fast to his impending doom to join the other corrupt fellows like A. Raja, Kanimozhee, Suresh Kalmadi and others.
    In reply to BJP's repeated taunts of being the weakest Prime Minister since the Independence of India, Manmohan Singh had been claiming to be a very strong Prime Minister in the last few years, but he was still behaving as a peon of Sonia Gandhi's clerk-cum-secretary Ahmed Patel, who could order him to do anything that was right or wrong!
    Why does Manmohan Singh keep increasing the height of his pagree when his stature is like that of a peon? It seems a very great joke. Is it not very funny to see the peak of Manmohan Singh's pagree getting higher and higher like Mount Everest?
 Tarnished Image of Manmohan Singh
    The raised peak of Manmohan Singh's turban has become the symbol of the highest point of corruption in India.
    Whether the corruption charges can be proved or not against the Prime Minister by the CBI enquiry based on the CAG report, Manmohan Singh's reputation has definitely got blackened by the Coalgate allegations against him and also by his Congress party's massive acts of corruption in many deals.
    The Congress leaders had tried in vain to stop the campaign launched against them by Swami Ramdev and Anna Hazare on the issues of black money and rampant corruption. After all the humiliation and ridicule suffered by them, Ramdev and Anna Hazare did not spare even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, as they definitely sought revenge for all the past actions of UPA Government like obstructing their activities, questioning their honesty and accusing them of corruption, probing their accounts and sources of funds, and destroying their credibility by launching massive attacks against them with various allegations made through the blatant misuse of radio, TV channels and newspapers.
    Swami Ramdev and Anna Hazare had been waiting to strike back at Manmohan Singh for all the insults and humiliations they had suffered in the past during the mass fasts undertaken by them in New Delhi for their satyagraha against black money and corruption.
    Swami Ramdev and Anna Hazare have definitely used the color of coal to blacken the face of Manmohan Singh.
    By launching the massive attacks against Anna Hazare and Swami Ramdev, with various allegations made through the blatant misuse of radio, TV channels and newspapers, the Congress leaders have only succeeded in making the two crusaders become known all over India and the world. Such panic reactions of the Congress leaders have transformed the two minor political players like Anna Hazare and Swami Ramdev into real giant-killers.
    The Congress-led UPA Government was extremely foolish to continue its fight against Anna Hazare on the issue of black money and corruption. Because Anna Hazare could not be bribed like the other leaders, the UPA Government got locked in a mortal combat with Team Anna. It was dangerous for the Congress leaders to have made any attempts to defeat and humiliate Anna Hazare in his campaign against corruption.
    In a fight to the finish, the UPA might have destroyed Team Anna, but the UPA too will soon get destroyed when its Government falls. The Congress Party can die out completely, as nobody will then ever be able to revive it. The clumsy measures taken by the UPA Government against Anna Hazare have only succeeded in raising his status almost to the level of Mahatma Gandhi and Jayaprakash Narayan. Anna Hazare's fight against corruption has not gone in vain. The sacrifices made by Anna Hazare in his campaign against corruption shall be remembered by all the poor, Dalit and deprived classes of India for ever.
Manmohan Singh's days as PM are Numbered
    As the Coal Ministry was directly under his charge during 2006-2009, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had taken full responsibility for the massive Coalgate scam, and had thus admitted his crime. Now how can he still refuse to quit the post of Prime Minister? Legally and morally he has no right to continue as the Prime Minister of India. 
    Manmohan Singh has proved himself to be the most corrupt leader who can tolerate any amount of corruption. He has been able to survive as the Prime Minister for so many years precisely because he has allowed his corrupt ministers to commit the most massive frauds. That is the only way he wants to remain the Prime Minister of India till the end of his life.
    Can the common people be fooled any longer by this great hypocrite in spite of all the measures that have been taken to hide his true image? All the cronies of the Prime Minister can never succeed in brightening the tarnished image of Manmohan Singh, whose reputation has been permanently blackened by his direct involvement in the massive Coalgate scam. 
    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has acknowledged the fact that he has failed to control his ministerial colleagues who are involved in the big scams. He has allowed the continuation of massive scams for many years by heading the most corrupt Government of independent India. He has been unfit to govern effectively, but Manmohan Singh still has grand delusions, due to which he wants the whole world to believe that he is the greatest Prime Minister of free India. 
    Manmohan Singh should forget about all his false glory obtained with the help of massive publicity purchased with the massive funds being given to the media in all these 8 years he has been the Prime Minister. He shall go down in History as the leader of the most corrupt Union Government since the Independence of India. The people of India shall never forgive him for all the sins and crimes committed by his extremely corrupt regime. 
    Whatever he might think about his position and his indispensability, Manmohan Singh's days as India's Prime Minister are coming to an end. He just cannot save his post in spite of all the antics of his hired chamchaas in the Congress Party, and the media, who are still trying to refurbish his image by using the radio, TV channels and newspapers. All the efforts of his chamchaas are in vain. It is wrong for the Congress leaders to think that India cannot survive without Manmohan Singh's continuing as the Prime Minister.
Politicians are Biggest Looters
    It can be proved that the massive increases in the prices of essential commodities are mainly due to the black money generated by the big frauds committed by the extremely corrupt ministers of Manmohan Singh's UPA Government and their corrupt collaborators in the business world.
    The UPA Government is only interested in safeguarding the interests of the rich industrialists, builders, top businessmen, share speculators, middlemen and big traders at a huge cost to the common people of India. That is the reason it just does not want to bring down the prices, which normally happens during any recession. It wants the prices to go up and up instead of stabilizing them at reasonable levels. The fact is that the relatives and cronies of many in the UPA are themselves rich industrialists, builders, top businessmen, share speculators, middlemen and big traders.
    The crooked Congress-led UPA Government has temporarily succeeded in diverting the attention of the common people and Opposition parties from the massive corruption scams like Coalgate, in which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was directly involved.
The extremely desperate Un-Popular Alliance Government of the most corrupt Prime Minister has gambled in a big way to save the reputation of Manmohan Singh by creating new controversies with the increase in diesel price by Rs.5 per liter, the limiting of lower priced LPG cylinders to 6 per family per year and allowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the retail trade. 
    The people of India are now worried more about the high inflationary effects of an increase of Rs.5 per liter of diesel, the restriction of LPG gas to 6 cylinders per year to each domestic consumer at lower prices, and FDI in retail business. The lower priced LPG cylinders are not really subsidized, as all the taxes are not being considered even though they form about 50% of the price of the domestic gas. The unrestricted FDI in retail business will be a great blow to the retail traders of India, who along with their dependants and employees number more than 5 crore people.
    The UPA Government wants most of the land and other national assets to belong to foreigners, NRIs, rich industrialists, corrupt political leaders, bankers and bureaucrats. That is why there is a big campaign for the unlimited Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Direct Interference in all the fields in India. The idea about protecting the common man's interests is just a big farce. Many assets of India have already been mortgaged or secretly pledged to the foreign investors.
    Many politicians, bureaucrats and their relatives and cronies are benaamee shareholders and partners in banks, theaters, hotels, hospitals, schools, colleges, private universities, electricity companies, telecommunications industry, construction companies, road transport, shipping, airlines, import and export business, shopping centers and malls, sugar mills, monopolistic industries like iron and coal mines, cement, oil wells, and wholesale trade in many other commodities. It is not surprising that the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats now want to completely eliminate even the small competitors like retail traders by demanding FDI in multi-brand retail business, in which they will be benaamee investors or secret partners. The corrupt politicians and bureaucrats want to have an absolute monopolistic or total control over the whole of the Indian economy.
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.  

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 21 Sep 2012 9:56 PM
Subject: Ahmed Patel to blame for coal block doleout, Singh told Sonia

Will the PMO sue the reporter Lakshmi Iyer and Bangalore Mail?

Ahmed Patel to blame for coal block doleout, Singh told Sonia

What makes the step extraordinary is the fact of Ahmed Patel being one of Sonia Gandhi's closest aides—he has been her political secretary since 2000, and she is known to rely on him greatly in the running of the Congress Party. Patel is now being kept at a distance

"The time for big bang reforms has come. If we have to go down, we go down fighting."
— Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while chairing a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's new combative stance is not limited to Big Bang announcements like Foreign Direct Investment in retail and aviation. This newspaper can reveal that on August 31, the day he returned from the Non Aligned Summit in Tehran, Manmohan Singh met UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and communicated to her that his office had cleared the coal block allotment on the recommendation of her political secretary Ahmed Patel.
Sources close to the development say this has been possibly his boldest political move in this term as Prime Minister and stemmed from his frustration at the drubbing he was getting in the media and the aspersions being cast on his integrity.
What makes the step extraordinary is the fact of Ahmed Patel being one of Sonia Gandhi's closest aides—he has been her political secretary since 2000, and she is known to rely on him greatly in the running of the Congress Party.
Washing his hands of the tainted coal block allotment, Dr Singh made it clear to Sonia Gandhi that he had no role or interest in determining who the beneficiaries should be.
As he laid the blame for coal allotment squarely at the Congress' door, the PM explained that his then principal secretary T K A Nair had merely coordinated the allotment decision as desired by Ahmed Patel. Both Patel and Nair, who is now an advisor to the PM, were not available for comment.
Sources say the timing of this meeting—just four days after Sushma Swaraj's comment about the Congress earning "mota maal" (fat sum) from coal block allotment-- was crucial. While the Prime Minister had countered Sushma in Parliament with a now not-so cryptic couplet about the virtues of silence (Hazaaron jawaabon se achchhee hai merii Khamoshii/ na jaane kitne sawaalon ki aabroo rakkhe), a livid Sonia Gandhi had lashed out at the BJP for making unsubstantiated allegations. However after her meeting with the Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi personally reached out to Sushma Swaraj to restore normal functioning of the Parliament.
But the biggest fallout of the meeting was Mrs Gandhi's quick response to the Prime Minister's revelations. In a move, bound to reassure him, she conveyed to Ahmed Patel that she was not happy with his role in the coal block allotments. This was done while she was abroad for her medical check-up last fortnight. In another clear signal of his fall from grace, the Congress chief held a strategy meeting with Rahul Gandhi and old party warhorses like ML Fotedar while keeping out her political secretary. Something almost unthinkable until recently.
"There is every possibility Ahmed Patel may return to his old job as treasurer of the Party while the task of devising political strategy may be taken up by a select panel of people or may be a senior leader like Digvijay Singh might get chosen for Patel's job" said a senior party functionary on the condition that this newspaper not name him.
Used to a quiescent Prime Minister, Dr Singh's plainspeak on the powerful political secretary has shocked many and will no doubt change the power equations within the party. What has surprised Congressmen is the fact that the Prime Minister chose to bring up for discussion what has been an open and prickly party secret.

'Windfall profit'

Sources said the PM was referring to nearly half of the allotment of 142 coal blocks between July 2004 and 2011 that have been pointed out by the Comptroller and Auditor general as faulty. Out of the 142, seventy five coal blocks were allotted to private parties and sixty seven to public sector undertakings. Out of the seventy five allotted to private parties, fifty seven recepients were allotted blocks with open cast or mixed mines, and of which fifty six were not mined at all.
Sources pointed out that the CAG itself has recorded that initially the PMO in its meetings and communications with Coal Ministry --- July 25, 2005 and August 9, 2005 -- had pressed for operationalizing competitive bidding as that would enable the Government to tap "windfall profit" accruing to companies that were allocated captive coal blocks. However instead of ushering in competitive bidding through an executive order in July 2006, it dragged its feet for six years under political pressure to notify changes in law.


PMO sends a denial

In reponse to our front page story 'Ahmed Patel to blame for coal block doleout, Singh told Sonia' (September 15, 2012), following is the response of the Prime Minister's media advisor:

"The attention of the Prime Minister's Office has been drawn to a news story published in Bangalore Mirror. The allegation that the Prime Minister talked to the UPA Chairperson and communicated to her that his office had cleared the coal block allotment on the recommendation of her political secretary is completely untrue. This is a scurrilous, irresponsible and mischievous report."

Our Delhi bureau chief Lakshmi Iyer who reported that story says she stands by it and as do her sources.


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